Are you a friend of the United States?
(too old to reply)
Chun Jiuqien
2004-06-06 16:26:42 UTC
To go to the enemy's camp invited from the enemy means to be caught in trap.
It is a matter of course to make up its mind.

In under the present circumstances, if the United States propose a peace to
the resistance, the resistance had better to cautious about trap.

If take time to suppress resistance, and settlement by force comes to a
deadlock, then the invasion forces begin s to use its head.

For example, there is an artifice to propose a peace and invite the leader
of the resistance out, and kill the leader.

There is such a precedent in Japan as follow.

The war of Shakushain.

Japan had ruled two areas as colony since the 17th century.
Ezo and Ryukyu are they.
"The war of Shakushain" is the greatest counter colonial war in Ezo.

"Shakushain" is a name of leader of counter colonial war, and he commanded
Ainu race, which is a native of Ezo and fight against invasion of Japan.
June in 1669 a territorial dispute between races inside of Ainu spread out
for the counter colonial war against Japan.

At first, the resistance, which leaded by Shakushain, had an advantage.
But, after the invasion forces counterattack in earnest, the resistance
fight against heavy odds.
The cause was the existence of firearms.

In the counter colonial war In Africa, the cause of defeat of natives was
the superiority of inferiority of firearms.
The invader forces possessed Maxim gun But,
The resistance possessed only Musket.

In the counter colonial war In Ezo, the cause of defeat of natives was the
existence of firearms.
the invasion forces possessed firearms of an old type. But,
The resistance possessed only bow and arrow.

Moreover, the soldier of the invasion forces wore armor, then bow and arrow
had no use.

The invasion force was beyond the resistance.
The resistance retreated again and again, and finally they were forced into
a fastness.
There was the fastness on a precipice, then attack was difficult for the
invasion forces.
What is more, season was autumn.
The resistance had planned to wait winter and counterattack.

Then, the invasion forces used an artifice to break the deadlock.
It is an artifice to propose a peace and invite the leader of the resistance
out, and kill the leader.

The invasion forces proposed peace to Shakushain.
Shakushain accepted peace and visited the invasion force's camp invited from
the invasion forces to conclude peace.
At the night in banquet, the invasion forces killed drunken Shakushain.

The resistance, which lost leader, defeated.
The war of Shakushain was suppressed.

After this, Ainu race was forced to swear an oath which Ainu race obeys
Colonial Lord.

Don't trust anyone who turned against once.

It means ruin to trust anyone who turned against once.
A life of Cesare Borgia is its example.

He did not trust one who turned against once, then succeeded.
He did trust one who turned against once, then ruined.

The ones who turned against once, and whom he did not trusted were his

The revolt of Magione.

This is an incident, which subordinates of Cesare Borgia rose in revolt
against Cesare Borgia who aims unity of Italy.
In 1502/10/7 at Magione, an alliance was formed.
Its goal was ruin of Cesare Borgia.
And, ringleaders of this alliance were 10 participants include mercenary
commanders who were subordinate of Cesare Borgia.
This is called "The revolt of Magione".

At first, the revolt army had an advantage.
For 10 days, the revolt army took half of Cesare Borgia's territory.

But, the revolt army could not ruin Cesare Borgia using this advantage.
The cause is the revolt army was scratch team of powers, which do not agree
with interests.
Then, the revolt army was not under control.
Moreover, Cesare Borgia estranged each power of the revolt army.
So, the revolt army was divided.

As a result of it, the goal of the revolt army retreated from ruin of Cesare
Borgia to conclude peace with Cesare Borgia.

At this timing, Cesare Borgia used an artifice.
It is an execution of the minister of Cesare Borgia's territory.
There was two purpose of this artifice.
(1)Taking over the feeling of inhabitants in Cesare Borgia's territory.
(2)Lowering the revolt army's guard.

(1)Taking over the feeling of inhabitants in Cesare Borgia's territory.
When this revolt rose, in Cesare Borgia's territory inhabitants hated Cesare
Borgia, because of severe rule in his territory.
So, Cesare Borgia executed the minister of his territory.
Then, he removed the target of hatred from inhabitants, and took over the
feeling of inhabitants in his territory.

(2)Lowering the revolt army's guard.
Cesare Borgia shifts the responsibility of this revolt onto the minister.
In short, the cause of this revolt is the rule of the minister was bad, and
the revolt army had no choice to raise this revolt.
And, he behaved like he has sympathizes this revolt.
By killing the minister, Cesare Borgia won the revolt army over.

Cesare Borgia usually took a friendly attitude to the revolt army.
As the result of it, the revolt army lowered their guard against Cesare

In 1502/12/31, The revolt of Magione fished.
It is because, Cesare Borgia arrested the ringleader of the revolt army.

This day, Cesare Borgia and four ringleader of the revolt army with their
arm gathered in Senigallia for transfer of fortress.
When these five persons met, Cesare Borgia invited another four ringleaders
for drinking.
Four ringleaders of the revolt army accepted this proposal.
So, four ringleaders with Cesare Borgia and 8 close to Cesare Borgia went to
lodging which Cesare Borgia has made arrangement beforehand.
In a room of this lodging, four ringleader of the revolt army was arrested
by closes to Cesare Borgia.
While this day, revolt army defeated by Cesare Borgia's army.
After this, five of ten participants of the conspiracy of La Magione were
killed, and the rest run away except for one participant.

If you have an occasion to go to the United States accept an invitation from
President Bush, you had better to reconfirm your standpoint.

Are you a friend of the United States?
Have not you turned against the United States?
Doesn't the United States look on you as a revolt person?

Now is not peacetime but is wartime.
If there are any point which come under in above list, you had better
understand that it means that to go to the United States invited from
President Bush is equal to go to the enemy's camp invited from the enemy.
And you had better understand that it means the United States holds power of
life and death over you.

It is matter of course to get ready for serious situation.
And, It is a matter of course to make up its mind.

The one who is forced into corner and has no spare takes action by fair
means or foul.
The United States would have no intention to give up Iraq.

If you go to the United States, then take care not to be eaten by dragon.

Counter Colonial Business

v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien
( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410
m m=* daisy e-mail:***@infoseek.jp
Don Strevel
2004-08-26 03:41:39 UTC
Allow a sincere compliment. You have a very good vocabulary in English.
There is the understandable flaws here and there. That is to be expected.
Ispeak a few languages myself and feel that your work should be appreciated,
sincerly. :)

A friend of mine was sharing that someone today had a very hard
pronunciation in English, and how they should practice more before they
speak. I asked him how does one practice without speaking. And, when you
hear someone speaking with an accent that means something very interesting.
It means that they speak TWO or MORE languages. :) I then asked him how many
he spoke. His head went down and he said ..."one only" :)

Don, Las Vegas, NV.
Post by Chun Jiuqien
To go to the enemy's camp invited from the enemy means to be caught in trap.
It is a matter of course to make up its mind.
In under the present circumstances, if the United States propose a peace to
the resistance, the resistance had better to cautious about trap.
If take time to suppress resistance, and settlement by force comes to a
deadlock, then the invasion forces begin s to use its head.
For example, there is an artifice to propose a peace and invite the leader
of the resistance out, and kill the leader.
There is such a precedent in Japan as follow.
The war of Shakushain.
Japan had ruled two areas as colony since the 17th century.
Ezo and Ryukyu are they.
"The war of Shakushain" is the greatest counter colonial war in Ezo.
"Shakushain" is a name of leader of counter colonial war, and he commanded
Ainu race, which is a native of Ezo and fight against invasion of Japan.
June in 1669 a territorial dispute between races inside of Ainu spread out
for the counter colonial war against Japan.
At first, the resistance, which leaded by Shakushain, had an advantage.
But, after the invasion forces counterattack in earnest, the resistance
fight against heavy odds.
The cause was the existence of firearms.
In the counter colonial war In Africa, the cause of defeat of natives was
the superiority of inferiority of firearms.
The invader forces possessed Maxim gun But,
The resistance possessed only Musket.
In the counter colonial war In Ezo, the cause of defeat of natives was the
existence of firearms.
the invasion forces possessed firearms of an old type. But,
The resistance possessed only bow and arrow.
Moreover, the soldier of the invasion forces wore armor, then bow and arrow
had no use.
The invasion force was beyond the resistance.
The resistance retreated again and again, and finally they were forced into
a fastness.
There was the fastness on a precipice, then attack was difficult for the
invasion forces.
What is more, season was autumn.
The resistance had planned to wait winter and counterattack.
Then, the invasion forces used an artifice to break the deadlock.
It is an artifice to propose a peace and invite the leader of the resistance
out, and kill the leader.
The invasion forces proposed peace to Shakushain.
Shakushain accepted peace and visited the invasion force's camp invited from
the invasion forces to conclude peace.
At the night in banquet, the invasion forces killed drunken Shakushain.
The resistance, which lost leader, defeated.
The war of Shakushain was suppressed.
After this, Ainu race was forced to swear an oath which Ainu race obeys
Colonial Lord.
Don't trust anyone who turned against once.
It means ruin to trust anyone who turned against once.
A life of Cesare Borgia is its example.
He did not trust one who turned against once, then succeeded.
He did trust one who turned against once, then ruined.
The ones who turned against once, and whom he did not trusted were his
The revolt of Magione.
This is an incident, which subordinates of Cesare Borgia rose in revolt
against Cesare Borgia who aims unity of Italy.
In 1502/10/7 at Magione, an alliance was formed.
Its goal was ruin of Cesare Borgia.
And, ringleaders of this alliance were 10 participants include mercenary
commanders who were subordinate of Cesare Borgia.
This is called "The revolt of Magione".
At first, the revolt army had an advantage.
For 10 days, the revolt army took half of Cesare Borgia's territory.
But, the revolt army could not ruin Cesare Borgia using this advantage.
The cause is the revolt army was scratch team of powers, which do not agree
with interests.
Then, the revolt army was not under control.
Moreover, Cesare Borgia estranged each power of the revolt army.
So, the revolt army was divided.
As a result of it, the goal of the revolt army retreated from ruin of Cesare
Borgia to conclude peace with Cesare Borgia.
At this timing, Cesare Borgia used an artifice.
It is an execution of the minister of Cesare Borgia's territory.
There was two purpose of this artifice.
(1)Taking over the feeling of inhabitants in Cesare Borgia's territory.
(2)Lowering the revolt army's guard.
(1)Taking over the feeling of inhabitants in Cesare Borgia's territory.
When this revolt rose, in Cesare Borgia's territory inhabitants hated Cesare
Borgia, because of severe rule in his territory.
So, Cesare Borgia executed the minister of his territory.
Then, he removed the target of hatred from inhabitants, and took over the
feeling of inhabitants in his territory.
(2)Lowering the revolt army's guard.
Cesare Borgia shifts the responsibility of this revolt onto the minister.
In short, the cause of this revolt is the rule of the minister was bad, and
the revolt army had no choice to raise this revolt.
And, he behaved like he has sympathizes this revolt.
By killing the minister, Cesare Borgia won the revolt army over.
Cesare Borgia usually took a friendly attitude to the revolt army.
As the result of it, the revolt army lowered their guard against Cesare
In 1502/12/31, The revolt of Magione fished.
It is because, Cesare Borgia arrested the ringleader of the revolt army.
This day, Cesare Borgia and four ringleader of the revolt army with their
arm gathered in Senigallia for transfer of fortress.
When these five persons met, Cesare Borgia invited another four ringleaders
for drinking.
Four ringleaders of the revolt army accepted this proposal.
So, four ringleaders with Cesare Borgia and 8 close to Cesare Borgia went to
lodging which Cesare Borgia has made arrangement beforehand.
In a room of this lodging, four ringleader of the revolt army was arrested
by closes to Cesare Borgia.
While this day, revolt army defeated by Cesare Borgia's army.
After this, five of ten participants of the conspiracy of La Magione were
killed, and the rest run away except for one participant.
If you have an occasion to go to the United States accept an invitation from
President Bush, you had better to reconfirm your standpoint.
Are you a friend of the United States?
Have not you turned against the United States?
Doesn't the United States look on you as a revolt person?
Now is not peacetime but is wartime.
If there are any point which come under in above list, you had better
understand that it means that to go to the United States invited from
President Bush is equal to go to the enemy's camp invited from the enemy.
And you had better understand that it means the United States holds power of
life and death over you.
It is matter of course to get ready for serious situation.
And, It is a matter of course to make up its mind.
The one who is forced into corner and has no spare takes action by fair
means or foul.
The United States would have no intention to give up Iraq.
If you go to the United States, then take care not to be eaten by dragon.
Counter Colonial Business
v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien
( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410
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