Why Islam hates Women
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2004-10-23 19:10:51 UTC
Islam and Women
In the Koran (4.34) it is written:
Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel
the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of
women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah
hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and
banish them to beds apart; and scourge (beat) them. Then if they obey you,
seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great.
In addition to the Koran, Mohammed's teachings are included in the
Hadith. Next to the Koran, is is the most important part of Islamic law,
its teachings are just as binding. The following quotes from the Hadith are
from the "Sahih Al-Bukhari". In volume 3:826 of Sahih Al-Bukhari Muhammed
is quoted as explaining why a witness of a woman is equal to half that of a
man. He said
This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind.
Mohammed also quoted as saying that:
I was shown the Hell-fire and the majority of its dwellers are women
and that:
I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women 7:33
The Koran commands men to beat women who are disobedient.
Sura 4:34 of the Koran says,
"Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are
rebellious - admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them."
In Tirmzi P439 we find:
If a woman's conduct is mischievous or immodest, the husband has the right
to beat her up (Tirmzi P439)
These religious commands of Islam help us understand why Mohamed Kamal
Mustafa, A prominent Muslim preacher from Italy authored a book Women in
Islam, in which he wrote that verbal warnings followed by a period of sexual
inactivity can be used to discipline a disobedient wife. If that failed he
said that according to Islamic law, beatings could be then judiciously
administered. "The blows should be concentrated on the hands and feet using
a rod that is thin and light so that it does not leave scars or bruises on
the body,"
More Islamic commands in regard to women are listed below.
It is forbidden for a woman to be seen by any man except her husband when
she is made up or well-dressed. (Tirmzi P 430)

A woman is not a believer if she undertakes a journey which may last three
days or longer, unless she is accompanied by her husband, son, father

A woman must veil herself even in the presence of her husband's father,
brother and other male relations. (Tirmzi P 432)

She is forbidden to spend any money without the permission of her husband,
and it includes giving food to the needy or feast to friends. (Tirmzi P 265)

A wife is forbidden to perform extra prayers (NAFAL) or observe fasting
(other than RAMADAN) without the permission of her husband. (Tirmzi P 300)

If prostration were a legitimate act other than to God, woman should have
prostrated to her husband. (Tirmzi P 42

If a man is in a mood to have sexual intercourse the woman must come
immediately even if she is baking bread at a communal oven. (Tirmzi P 42

A woman who seeks KHULA i.e. divorce from her man, without a just cause,
shall not enter paradise. (Tirmzi P 440) A husband can divorce his wife at

Majority of women would go to hell. (Muslim P 1431)

If a woman refuses to come to bed when invited by her husband, she becomes
the target of the curses of angels. Exactly the same happens if she deserts
her husband's bed. (Bukhari P 93)

A woman in many ways is deprived of the possession of her own body. Even her
milk belongs to her husband. (Bukhari P 27) She is not allowed to practise
birth control either.
Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the Messenger of Allah, and
our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger of Allah, 'Should we
castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from that, and then he
allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married wives for a fixed
time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of cloth." (Al Hadis,
Vol. 2, p. 686)

Here Mohammed clearly tells the Muslims to forget about the prostitutes
they had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
these new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
only a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
For more quotes about women and other aspects of Islam see The Incredible
Teachings of Muhammed.
According to frontpagemag.com (8/12/04)
The Arab-Islamic world represses and demonizes women and female sexuality -
and myriad other pleasures that come with life... The entire culture is
based on subjugating the individual, whereas America represents the exact
J.Lo, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears doing what they do on American
television is a major threat to this culture. It is freedom, and freedom of
the female on every level. The Arab-Islamic world must wage war on the
culture that produces this temptation because it cannot allow itself to
succumb to the love of life, appreciation of pleasure and the allowance of
women doing what they want with their lives -- and with their sexuality. It
cannot allow the exercise of free will by individuals engaged in the pursuit
of personal happiness.

Joel Mobray in an OPED called "Saudi Slavery in America" (New York Post
2/10/03) wrote that:
As part of its massive PR offensive, the House of Saud is trying to convince
the world that its treatment of women is improving. But a first hand
witness would see a far different reality: Women locked inside homes, paid
little or nothing as domestic servants, worked up to 20 hours per day, and
verally and physically abused.
And that's right here in America - in the homes of Saudis living in the
United States...
Notes Keith Roiderick, president of the Coalition for the Defense of Human
Rights, who personally helped a woman escape a Saudi home: "When you meet
these women and hear their horror stories, it breaks your heart."
Joel Mobray also wrote that:
Tens of thousands of women are abused in Saudi Arabia each year. The Saudi
government admits that some 19,000 domestic servants - almost exclusively
foreign women working in the kingdom as maids - escaped from Saudi homes in
the 12 momths prior to March 2001. (The real figure is likely far higher...)
If you are a woman unfortunate enough to have had children with a Saudi
Muslim and he decides to leave with the kids to Saudi Arabia, you have no
rights when it comes to getting them back. Pat Roush wrote a book about her
experiences trying to bring her children back to America called At Any
Price. A movie was made from Betty Mahmoudy's book both called "Not
Without My Daughter" about her struggle to get her children out of Saudi
Ibn Warraq author of Why I am not a Muslim has an online article called
Islam's Shame, Lifting the Veil of Tears, about the persecution of women
under Islam. Accidental Angel, an article in the March 2001 issue of Vogue
magazine tells how in the summer of 2000, the Taliban, the Islamic
Fundamentalist Government of Afghanistan arrested Mary MacKakin a 72 year
old American Grandmother who was helping the widows of Afghanistan by giving
them work. When the Taliban came to power they forbid women to work. One
result was starving widows who had no man to support them. When the Taliban
came to power they also banned girls from school. Women were allowed
outside the house only to run errands and even then they had to be
accompanied by a close male relative. If a woman's hand was visible she
risked a beating. If a member of the Taliban decided he wanted to marry a
woman, he could arrive at her house that day and announce his intention to
marry her. Resistance would not be an option. Mary criticized the Taliban
in the newsletter of her organization PARSA and believes that is why she was
arrested. Anna Mulrine in her article "Unveiled Threat" U.S. News and World
Report, Oct 5, 01, writes how:
In the two years between the Taliban's takeover of her hometown of Kabul and
the death threat that forced her to flee her country, Laila watched women
beaten with bicycle chains for "walking too fast." She saw female friends
sell off cherished possessions item by item until they became beggars and
war widows forced into prostitution. "You can't watch your children starve"
she says, "So you leave your honor behind." A former medical student Laila,
30, was confined to her home by a Taliban edict forbidding women to seek
schooling or to walk outside without both a male escort and a burka, a head
to toe covering broken only by finely woven netting at the eyes. She began
tutoring her neighbors' daughters, also banned from seeking an education.
It wasn't long before some 45 children a day were knocking on her door-and
only a little longer before the Taliban discovered her underground school.
"They beat me in front of the children" she recalls from her new home in the
United States," and told me that if I did one more thing against the
Taliban, they would kill me." Then they turned to the girls, cowering in
the corners. "They told them they would be burned alive if they ever
returned to school again."

The above picture is of refugees trying to escape the Northern Alliance
assault on Kunduz on 11/22/01. They were fired on as they fled along the
roads and donkey paths - by their former Taliban masters. (New York Post
After the fall of the Taliban their remnants burned down or blew up more
than a dozen schools for girls between late 2001 and 2003 (Rebuilt Girls
School Burned Down Reuters 6/6/03).
Rage Against the Veil is a scathing indictment of Islam's oppression of
women. It tells the story of Dr. Homa Darabi, the first Iranian ever to be
accepted into the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, who committed
suicide in a crowded public square in Tehran in 1994 in order to bring
awareness to the world of the slave conditions for women living in Iran.
A reviewer of the book for Amazon.com wrote:
I just read this book and wanted to write my review. Since I believe in God,
I think Dr. Homa Darabi's act was ordained by God to bring the plight of the
Muslim women to the world's attention. Growing up as a Muslim girl, my
rights were constantly violated by my father, brothers and male cousins.
What Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson describe in Rage Against the Veil is
a life lived by many women in the Islamic world. I was told that my function
in life as a woman is to marry and bear children and to serve my husband and
my children all my life with no expectations for mine. This book is any
Muslim woman's life. This book is about my life, my female friends and
relatives life. I am so pleased that this book is written which tells the
world what women like Dr. Homa Darabi and so on have lived through. I am
buying this book and giving it as gifts and I ask others to do the same.
Thank you Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson to tell others what we go
Another book The Stoning of Soroya M. describes how in 1986 a woman in a
small village in Iran was buried up to her neck at the town square and the
men of the village, including her father, husband, and sons, threw stones
and rocks at her until she died. In the case of Soraya, a pious wife and
mother, her abusive, criminal husband wanted to get rid of her and marry his
mistress. Iranian-born French journalist Sahebjam, himself condemned to
death by the Khomeini regime, uncovered this horror while reporting
undercover on his native land.
Donna Hughes in an article titled "Sex Slave Jihad" (Frontpagemag.com
1/27/04) wrote that:
In Tehran, there are an estimated 84,000 women and girls in prostitution,
many of them are on the streets, others are in the 250 brothels that
reportedly operate in the city...
The exposure of sex slave networks in Iran has shown that many mullahs and
officials are involved in the sexual exploitation and trade of women and
girls... There are reports of police locating young women for sex for the
wealthy and powerful mullahs...Drug addiction is epidemic throughout Iran,
and some addicted parents sell their children to support their habits. ..
following the recent earthquake in Bam, orphaned girls have been kidnapped
and taken to a known slave market in Tehran where Iranian and foreign
traders meet.

Popular destinations for victims of the slave trade are the Arab countries
in the Persian Gulf. ..
According to an article titled Iran's Sex Slaves (frontpagemag.com 6/11/04)
Many of the girls come from impoverished rural areas. Drug addiction is
epidemic throughout Iran, and some addicted parents sell their children to
support their habits. High unemployment -- 28 percent for youth 15 to 29
years of age, and 43 percent for women 15 to 20 years of age -- is a serious
factor in driving restless youth to accept risky offers for work. Slave
traders take advantage of any opportunity in which women and children are
vulnerable. For example, following the recent earthquake in Bam, orphaned
girls have been kidnapped and taken to a known slave market in Tehran where
Iranian and foreign traders meet.
Jack Kelly listed some outrageous Islamic behavior to women in the New
York Post (9/13/02) He wrote that:
In Tehran on Sept. 8, a man beheaded his 7 year old daughter because he
suspected she had been raped by her uncle. An autopsy revealed the little
girl was still a virgin.
Also on Sept 8, the governor of a Nigerian state refused to overturn the
verdict of a religious court that sentenced a woman to death by stoning for
adultery. (Her lover, who is married - she is not - has not been
In Baghdad on Aug. 27, a mob beheaded a 70-year-old nun. In Denmark in
July, a Turkish immigrant murdered his daughter because she wanted to choose
her own husband.
In order to understand the logic of killing a daughter for being raped we
need to understand that according to Islamic law intercourse outside of
marriage is a crime, Period. Serge Trifkovic in his outstanding book, The
Sword of the Prophet wrote that according to the New York Times (May 17,
a judge in Pakistan sentenced a young woman to death for "adultery" by
stoning because she had been raped by her husband's brother. The judge
defended his action by saying that he had merely followed the Kuran based
law that mandated this punishment. The fact the woman, Zafran Bibi, was
raped was of no consequence. The woman had accused her brother in law of
raping her and this was a confession to her crime of "having intercourse
outside of marriage." The Times noted that this case fit "a familiar
Wendy McElroy wrote an article about the plight of women under the
Taliban regime for Foxnews.com 9/18/01. The Taliban are extreme even by
Iranian standards who as of October 9, 01 are helping the Northern Alliance
rebels against the Taliban. The Iranians say the Taliban's version of Islam
is an affront to the faith and hypocritical, because they profit from drug
smuggling. Still, the Iranians came out against the U.S. attack on the
Taliban. (New York Post October 9, 2001)
On May 19, 2002, the New York Times reported that a woman named Zafran
Bibi who had been raped in Pakistan faced death by stoning.
Thumping a fat red statute book, the white-bearded judge who convicted her,
Anwar Ali Khan, said he had simply followed the letter of the Koran-based
law, known as hudood, that mandates punishments.
"The illegitimate child is not disowned by her and therefore is proof of
zina," he said, referring to laws that forbid any sexual contact outside
marriage. Furthermore, he said, in accusing her brother-in-law of raping
her, Zafran had confessed to her crime.
The case raised an outcry in Pakistan but according to Rukhshanda Naz,
who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat, even if
the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15
years in prison, said. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani
jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to
Human rights groups say abuse of women is endemic in Pakistan. Often,
they are locked inside their homes where they are subjected to beatings,
acid attacks, burning and rape. Every year there are hundreds of "honor
killings," in which a woman is murdered for perceived breaches of modesty
(New York Times 5/19/02).
Women may also be killed if they refuse to marry a husband that is
arranged for them. In 2003, three young men with axes hacked to death their
two sisters for spurning their family's attempts to force them into arranged
marriages (Killing Women for Honor by Ted Lapkin 1/28/04).
Inspite of all this oppression of women, Muslim men are very offended if
anyone says that they do. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Muslim woman, had to
flee the Netherlands because she said that Muslim men oppressed Muslim
women, a vile idea that so outraged Muslim men that they issued death
threats against her. (Salman Rushdie, New York Times, 11/27/02)
The New York Post reported on 7/4/02 how a boy was punished who walked
unchaperoned with a girl from a different tribe. The Mastoi tribe demanded
punishment after the teenager's brother was seen walking unchaperoned with a
Mastoi girl in a deserted part of the village. The brother and sister are
from the Gujar tribe, which is considered to be lower-class. The boy's
father, Ghulam Farid, 54, said he pleaded for clemency, telling the council
the Mastoi girl was safe with his son because he was too young to have sex.
Farid said.
I told the tribal jury that my son is ready to marry [the girl], if they
think she had been molested, But Mastoi tribesmen rejected this proposal,
saying how could they give their daughter to me, a low-caste tribal.
A Pakistani council ordered that his sister be gang raped to shame his
family as a punishment. Four members of the council then gang raped her.
The young woman told The Associated Press on the previous day
I said I taught the holy Koran to children in the village, therefore don't
punish me for a crime which was not committed by me. But they tore my
clothes and raped me one by one.
Worldnetdaily reported that (Christian Girl Abducted by Muslims 1/22/04)
Shamim Kausor, of the district of Toba Tek Singh in Punjab province, was
abducted from her home Dec. 31, 2003 by men who pulled up in a jeep.
International Christian Concern said young Christian girls in Pakistan often
are abducted and raped and forced to marry Muslim men but generally have no
rights or recourse for the crimes committed against them.
According to worldnetdaily:
This was the second abduction of Kausor, and several neighbors recognized a
man who kidnapped her several months ago.
At that time, Kausor's father, Afzal Masih, employed the help of police to
rescue his daughter. He tried to initiate legal proceedings against the man
but was strongly dissuaded by Muslim village leaders.
The kidnapper taunted and threatened the girl after the first abduction, ICC
At one point he said, "A beautiful girl like you should not remain
Christian. I will make you Muslim and you will bear a Muslim child."
The police are not interested in helping Masih this time, however, ICC said.
It's important to note that not all Pakistanis behave this way.
There are many honor killings of women by Palestinian Arabs. In a story
for World and I magazine, James Emery quoted a Palestinian Arab merchant as
A woman shamed is like rotting flesh, If it is not cut away, it will
consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if she is
not killed.
Emery says the reasons for honor killings include allegations of
premarital or extramarital sex, for refusing an arranged marriage or
attempting to obtain a divorce, or simply for talking with a man. The
murders are carried out by fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, cousins or
Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are
blamed on the woman. (WorldnetDaily 5/6/03)
Phyllis Chesler wrote in an article in FrontpageMagazine.com (Forced
Female Suicide 1/21/04) that Palestinian Arabs have created a new form of
honor killing in which they coerce a woman who has dishonored her family
into redeeming her honor by committing a suicide bombing of Jews.
For some time now, reports have reached my desk about Palestinian girls and
women being recruited, seduced, and trapped, by older male terrorists in
very woman-specific ways.
For example, I have been told that in one instance, the chosen Palestinian
girl was unmarried and pregnant. She was offered the chance to "cleanse" her
honor by blowing herself and Jews up. Her family spirited her out of the
West Bank to safety in Europe. I have also been told that some Palestinian
masters of mass murder have themselves had affairs with vulnerable young
Palestinian girls in order to compromise their "honor" and to season them,
pimp-style, for martyrdom. Hard facts are hard to come by, anecdotes abound.
Reem al-Riyashi a mother of two who was married to a Hamas terrorist is
alleged to have had an affair with another one. Phyllis Chesler wrote that
Allegedly, al-Riyashi's husband was a Hamas activist and her lover was a
Hamas operative who had carried out the love affair with the express purpose
of recruiting her. According to the British Sunday Times, al-Riyashi's
husband himself drove her to the border crossing.
Mrs. al-Riyashi was given an option, redeem the family honor by blowing
herself up and killing lots of non-believing Jews and most likely get
subsidies from Islamic charities for her children that she left behind or be
killed in disgrace without subsidies for her children. Phyllis wrote
regarding her being seduced into suicide:
This is unbelievable--and tragic. Had these men threatened to kill her
children if she refused this mission? I would not be surprised.
It is interesting that in the video made by Ms. Riyashi she said that
"she loved her children so much". Would someone who loved their children
kill themselves and leave their children without a mother? Or would she
kill herself in order to protect them?
Some religions portray women are as sources of evil temptation. This has
led to rules forcing women to cover themselves. USA Today reported on
September 14, 01 that a Muslim rebel group in Kashmir, Lashkar-e-Jabar, has
threatened to shoot women if they do not wear veils. Lashkar-e-Jabar
sprayed acid on two unveiled women in the month prior to making the threat.
Adriana Stuijt in her article "International Terrorist Support Groups Thrive
in Belgium and Netherlands" (Monday, Sept. 24, 2001 Newsmax.com) writes how:
Moslem gangs in Holland organize attacks against non-Muslims in shopping
centers and at sporting and cultural events. During these organized attacks,
in which youths spray people with insecticide and beat them with batons, the
youths specially target ethno-European girls and women, demanding that they
wear head scarves and start obeying the strict Muslim shari'a laws which
require total subservience to males.
Kafir, a pseudonym for the founder of anti-Jihad wrote in an email on
July 28, 02 that:
Muslim immigrants are causing a lot of trouble here in Sweden, just like
they are causing trouble around the world. In order to protect the family's
"honor", many have killed their daughters/sisters because they "behave like
whores", i.e. like western women...They have gang-raped Swedish girls (who
they consider "whores"), when our Liberal Party held a demonstration against
anti-semitism they were attacked by Moslems who took their placards and used
them to beat up the people who had protested against anti-semitism.
Bishop Dolli, an Episcopal bishop from Sudan was in Washington in the
week of Oct 15-19 2001 at the invitation of the Institute on Religion and
Democracy. He attempted to warn Congress and anyone else who would listen of
the dangers to his country and the United States posed by Islam, especially
in its militant form. He said that in the Sudan, all women, whether Muslim
or not, are forced to wear the black chador and veil.
Dennis Bennett, executive director of Seattle-based Servant's Heart told
WorldNetDaily (3/4/02) about the oppression of non-Muslim women in the
Sudan. He said:
Villagers in several areas of the northeast Upper Nile region say that when
women are captured by government forces they are asked: "Are you Christian
or Muslim?"
Women who answer "Muslim" are set free, but typically soldiers gang-rape
those who answer "Christian" then cut off their breasts and leave them to
die as an example for others.
According to WorldnetDaily (Islamists Rape 100 Women in Attack, 3/20/04)
Arab militias backed by Khartoum's radical Muslim regime raped more than 100
women in an attack in western Sudan.
Mukesh Kapila, the United Nations coordinator for Sudan, told the BBC 75
people were killed in the attack on the village of Tawila two weeks ago.
"All houses as well as a market and a health center were completely looted
and the market burnt," he said. "Over 100 women were raped, six in front of
their fathers who were later killed."
The attack, in which a further 150 women and 200 children were abducted, was
one of many as village after village was razed by the militias, Kapila said.
Sudan's cleric-backed National Islamic Front regime in the Arab and Muslim
north declared a jihad on the mostly Christian and animist south in 1989.
Since 1983, an estimated 2 million people have died from war and related
famine. About 5 million have become refugees.
As WorldNetDaily reported, Khartoum government forces also are alleged to
have gang-raped women, sometimes forcing them to deny their Christian faith
or be killed.
According to an Amnesty International Report of July 19, 2004, Arab
militias in Sudan are gang-raping and abducting girls as young as eight and
women as old as 80, systematically killing, torturing, or using them as sex
"When we tried to escape they shot more children," one woman identified only
as A. told Amnesty researchers.
"They raped women, I saw many cases of Janjaweed raping women and girls.
They are happy when they rape. They sing when they rape and they tell us
that we are just slaves and that they can do with us how they wish."
Phylis Chesler wrote an article (Feminism's Deafening Silence,
Frontpagemag.com 7/26/04) about the horrific abuses of Islam in the Sudan.
Islamic law allows such behavior toward women captured in Jihad. (see Who
Was Muhammad)
England's Telegraph Group Ltd. wrote a report (March 15, 2002) that
quotes Saudi newspapers to the effect that scuffles broke out between
firemen and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice when the latter tried to keep the girls inside a burning
school in Mecca. Fifteen girls were killed as they stampeded to escape from
the blazing building in the holy Muslim city. The Telegraph reported that
a civil defense officer said that he saw three members of the religious
police "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because
they were not wearing the abaya." According to Jonathan Foreman of the New
York Post 3/25/02 the religious police refused to allow firemen into the
burning school either because that would have amounted to impermissible
mixing of the sexes. This story was also reported by the BBC online on March
15, 02.
Islam brainwashes women into believing that they deserve to be beaten.
According to a survey carried out by the Anatolia News Agency. According
to Turkishpress.com 10/22/04
39 percent of women in Turkey believe their husbands are right to beat them
for at least one of the following reasons: burning the meal, disputing the
opinion of their husbands, spending money unnecessarily, neglecting the
children or refusing to have sex.
In rural areas, 57 percent of women said their spouses had a right to batter
them in at least one of the above circumstances.
Arguing with the husband topped the list of justified reasons for domestic
violence, followed by too much spending and the negligence of children.
The following story about Ms. Kola Boof is from WorldnetDaily.com. To
view the original article click here. On Sept 26, after Kola Boof wrote a
book called Long Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories About African Women
Sudanese diplomat Gamal Ibrahim issued a fatwa. calling for Kola Boof to be
beheaded, after a Shariah court in London's Islamic community declared her
guilty of "deliberately and maliciously bearing false witness against
religious sentiment and of willing treason against her Arab Muslim father's
people and against her nation, the Sudan."
Kola Boof was born in Omdurman, which is part of north Khartoum, in the
Sudan. She was about 10 to 12 years of age - there are no records of her
birth - when her Egyptian father and Somali mother were slaughtered in their
backyard in 1978 by Arab Murahleen bandits for speaking out too openly about
the coming Arab regime.
She said she is familiar with the kind of atrocities recounted by
ex-slave Frances Bok, who stood with President Bush as he signed the Sudan
Peace Act on Oct. 21.
I witnessed the kind of raids he's talking about, where Arab men will come
in on horses in the little villages, and they'll shoot all the men in the
head, and then they'll kidnap the children and women, and you never see
those people again.
The Khartoum government is paying for these militia she maintains, "no
matter what they say. Everybody there knows."
As a child, she said she witnessed a woman with six daughters who could
not bear a son be rolled up in her dowry carpet and burned alive after
gasoline was poured on her.
After the fatwa was issued against her Kola Boof said:
As a black African woman, I cannot and will not be silent as black men in
Arab nations are chained up like dogs to the back doors of Muslim households
and fed, literally, from doggie bowls. I will not be silent as African
women are raped, mutilated and mentally demeaned by sadistic human beings
calling themselves children of Allah. I will not be silent as the number of
little black boys who are sodomized by their Arab masters continues to soar,
while even worse atrocities attend the lives of little black girls.
According to the National Review Dec 23, 02, Osama Bin Laden told Kola
Boof in a 1988 telephone conversation:
If I had the time to waste, I would slit your throat myself.
On Thursday Nov. 7 02, a handful of demonstrators gathered on Boof's behalf
in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C., and outside the United
Nations building in New York City. Publicists for the event included Sudan
activist Maria Sliwa, who said only about a dozen showed up.
Intimidation by the Sudanese Embassy and by people claiming to be members
of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam scared away others who wanted to
Another demonstration, in Los Angeles, had to be canceled, Boof said,
"because the organizer was so terrified about Farrakhan's people calling her
that she pulled out."
The belief that women are sources of evil temptation has encouraged the
widespread practice of female circumcision. Once every 15 seconds another
woman has surgery performed on her clitoris so that she won't be able to be
sexually aroused and so will be less likely to commit adultery or premarital
sex. In an article titled Islam's Hatred of the Clitoris (FrontPageMag.com
October 19, 2001) Jamie Glazov wrote:
The Muslims are the principal religious group that practice female
circumcision. In Egypt, for instance, 97 percent of women are circumcised.
Their clitorises are amputated. In countries like Sudan, meanwhile, the
women-haters are not so kind: all the women's external genital organs are
completely removed. In a savagery called infibulation, the clitoris, the two
major outer lips (labia majora) and the two minor inner lips (labia minora)
are amputated.
Nawal El Saadawi has documented these horrifying realities in The Hidden
Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World. She demonstrates how the violence of
female circumcision is performed on girls anywhere from the ages of one
month to puberty. Usually, it is done around the age of seven or eight.
Anesthetics are never used. The child is pinned down by several women, while
one of them attacks.
In Denmark, Imam Mustafa Abdullahi Aden said that female circumcision was
a religious duty. The New York Sun writes that (11/14/02):
He said:"It is good for girls to be circumcised. It is a sign that they are
true Muslims." He recommended a method which involves the removal of both
the clitoris and labia.
Ironically Islamic theology which preaches that women are trouble, makes
women into an evil temptation to kill the infidel, by preaching that men who
die in Jihad or holy war will have virgins in heaven. In the terror guide
used by the hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon on Sept. 11, the following was written:
Also, do not seem confused or show signs of nervous tension. Be happy,
optimistic calm because you are heading for a deed that God loves and will
accept [as a good deed]. It will be the day, God willing, you spend with the
women of paradise...Know that the gardens of paradise are waiting for you in
all their beauty, and the women of paradise are waiting, calling out, "Come
hither, friend of God." They have dressed in their most beautiful clothing.
In a memo in Mohammed Atta's luggage (the pilot of the first plane that
hit the World Trade Center (New York Post Oct 3, 01 p38)) the following was
Apply the rules of the prisoners of war. Take them prisoner and kill them
as God said. The nymphs are calling out to you, come over here, companion
of Allah.
I'm not sure if the terror guide and the Memo are one and the same as I
got these quotes from different papers. Since there were differences in the
text given by the two papers I have listed both of them.
This use of sex by Islam to incite violence was understood by Thomas
Aquinas who in Summa Contra Gentiles, described Islam as a false and
dangerous religion, which combines truths with "fables," twists the Old and
New Testaments into a "fabrication" of Mohammed's own, and seduces "people
by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh urges
Yet Muslims see themselves as moral and the West as corrupt when it comes
to women. One example of this outlook was the reaction of Muslims to a
newspaper article about an upcoming Miss World pageant to be held Dec. 7 02
in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. Muslim groups say beauty pageants promotes
sexual promiscuity and indecency. A journalist, Isioma Daniel tried to
defend the pageant and wrote in the article:
What would (the prophet) Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would probably
have chosen a wife from among them (the contestants).
Come to think of it he probably would have chosen all of them to be part
of his harem but Isioma didn't write that, I did. It's lucky I'm not a
reporter in Nigeria. In response to Isioma's article, violent demonstrators
in the northern city of Kaduna burned churches and rampaged through the
streets. Angry Muslims shouting "Down with Beauty" and "Allahu Akbar",
rioted and stabbed and set fire to bystanders. About 175 people were killed
and injured. This continued until hundreds of soldiers were deployed to
restore calm and enforce a dusk-to-dawn curfew. (fresnoBee.com World News
11/22/02) The pageant then moved to London after which some Muslims in
Britain also called for the event to be canceled. Sajjad Khan, of the
Islamic Liberation Party in Britain, told British Broadcasting Corp. radio
on 11/23/02.(New York Post 11/24/02)
It is wrong that it should happen in Britain, in Nigeria or in any country.
I think the whole idea of having a beauty contest anywhere would be against
many forward-thinking people of whatever faith and whatever ideology.
On 11/27/02 the deputy governor of a largely Islamic state in Nigeria,
Mahamoud Shinkafi announced that Muslims had permission to kill Isioma.
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He said:
The blood of Isioma Daniel can be shed
Part of the irony of all of this is that the Koran describes Muhammad as
having more than a dozen wives and concubines and as having sex with a slave
and 9 year old girl by the name of Aisha.
According to an article titled Hating a Woman's Face, (Washington Times
10/18/04) in Baghdad
Islamist extremists are targeting the city's universities by threatening and
even attacking female students who wear Western-style fashions, setting off
bombs on campuses and demanding that classes be segregated by sex....
Pamphlets found on campus declared: "If the boy students don't separate from
the girl students, we will explode the college. Any girl student who does
not wear a veil, we will burn her face with chemicals."
The Muslim world is so insane that although it engages in horrific
oppression of women, King of Saudi Arabia fired the minister of information
because a cartoon passed the censors in which Mickey Mouse gave Minnie a
little peck. (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword and the Prophet).
2005-05-04 14:41:10 UTC
Dana, tell me more.

I have read a later post (Subject: Obscene And Abusive Posts) that
basically says that your post will be banned. I still want to hear
more. Therefore send me a message at ***@hotmail.com so that
we can keep in touch.

Hope to hear from you!
Post by Dana
Islam and Women
Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel
the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of
women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah
hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and
banish them to beds apart; and scourge (beat) them. Then if they obey you,
seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great.
In addition to the Koran, Mohammed's teachings are included in the
Hadith. Next to the Koran, is is the most important part of Islamic law,
its teachings are just as binding. The following quotes from the Hadith are
from the "Sahih Al-Bukhari". In volume 3:826 of Sahih Al-Bukhari Muhammed
is quoted as explaining why a witness of a woman is equal to half that of a
man. He said
This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind.
I was shown the Hell-fire and the majority of its dwellers are women
I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women 7:33
The Koran commands men to beat women who are disobedient.
Sura 4:34 of the Koran says,
"Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are
rebellious - admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them."
If a woman's conduct is mischievous or immodest, the husband has the right
to beat her up (Tirmzi P439)
These religious commands of Islam help us understand why Mohamed Kamal
Mustafa, A prominent Muslim preacher from Italy authored a book Women in
Islam, in which he wrote that verbal warnings followed by a period of sexual
inactivity can be used to discipline a disobedient wife. If that failed he
said that according to Islamic law, beatings could be then judiciously
administered. "The blows should be concentrated on the hands and feet using
a rod that is thin and light so that it does not leave scars or bruises on
the body,"
More Islamic commands in regard to women are listed below.
It is forbidden for a woman to be seen by any man except her husband when
she is made up or well-dressed. (Tirmzi P 430)
A woman is not a believer if she undertakes a journey which may last three
days or longer, unless she is accompanied by her husband, son, father
A woman must veil herself even in the presence of her husband's father,
brother and other male relations. (Tirmzi P 432)
She is forbidden to spend any money without the permission of her husband,
and it includes giving food to the needy or feast to friends. (Tirmzi P 265)
A wife is forbidden to perform extra prayers (NAFAL) or observe fasting
(other than RAMADAN) without the permission of her husband. (Tirmzi P 300)
If prostration were a legitimate act other than to God, woman should have
prostrated to her husband. (Tirmzi P 42
If a man is in a mood to have sexual intercourse the woman must come
immediately even if she is baking bread at a communal oven. (Tirmzi P 42
A woman who seeks KHULA i.e. divorce from her man, without a just cause,
shall not enter paradise. (Tirmzi P 440) A husband can divorce his wife at
Majority of women would go to hell. (Muslim P 1431)
If a woman refuses to come to bed when invited by her husband, she becomes
the target of the curses of angels. Exactly the same happens if she deserts
her husband's bed. (Bukhari P 93)
A woman in many ways is deprived of the possession of her own body. Even her
milk belongs to her husband. (Bukhari P 27) She is not allowed to practise
birth control either.
Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the Messenger of Allah, and
our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger of Allah, 'Should we
castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from that, and then he
allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married wives for a fixed
time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of cloth." (Al Hadis,
Vol. 2, p. 686)
Here Mohammed clearly tells the Muslims to forget about the prostitutes
they had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
these new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
only a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
For more quotes about women and other aspects of Islam see The Incredible
Teachings of Muhammed.
According to frontpagemag.com (8/12/04)
The Arab-Islamic world represses and demonizes women and female sexuality -
and myriad other pleasures that come with life... The entire culture is
based on subjugating the individual, whereas America represents the exact
J.Lo, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears doing what they do on American
television is a major threat to this culture. It is freedom, and freedom of
the female on every level. The Arab-Islamic world must wage war on the
culture that produces this temptation because it cannot allow itself to
succumb to the love of life, appreciation of pleasure and the allowance of
women doing what they want with their lives -- and with their sexuality. It
cannot allow the exercise of free will by individuals engaged in the pursuit
of personal happiness.
Joel Mobray in an OPED called "Saudi Slavery in America" (New York Post
As part of its massive PR offensive, the House of Saud is trying to convince
the world that its treatment of women is improving. But a first hand
witness would see a far different reality: Women locked inside homes, paid
little or nothing as domestic servants, worked up to 20 hours per day, and
verally and physically abused.
And that's right here in America - in the homes of Saudis living in the
United States...
Notes Keith Roiderick, president of the Coalition for the Defense of Human
Rights, who personally helped a woman escape a Saudi home: "When you meet
these women and hear their horror stories, it breaks your heart."
Tens of thousands of women are abused in Saudi Arabia each year. The Saudi
government admits that some 19,000 domestic servants - almost exclusively
foreign women working in the kingdom as maids - escaped from Saudi homes in
the 12 momths prior to March 2001. (The real figure is likely far higher...)
If you are a woman unfortunate enough to have had children with a Saudi
Muslim and he decides to leave with the kids to Saudi Arabia, you have no
rights when it comes to getting them back. Pat Roush wrote a book about her
experiences trying to bring her children back to America called At Any
Price. A movie was made from Betty Mahmoudy's book both called "Not
Without My Daughter" about her struggle to get her children out of Saudi
Ibn Warraq author of Why I am not a Muslim has an online article called
Islam's Shame, Lifting the Veil of Tears, about the persecution of women
under Islam. Accidental Angel, an article in the March 2001 issue of Vogue
magazine tells how in the summer of 2000, the Taliban, the Islamic
Fundamentalist Government of Afghanistan arrested Mary MacKakin a 72 year
old American Grandmother who was helping the widows of Afghanistan by giving
them work. When the Taliban came to power they forbid women to work. One
result was starving widows who had no man to support them. When the Taliban
came to power they also banned girls from school. Women were allowed
outside the house only to run errands and even then they had to be
accompanied by a close male relative. If a woman's hand was visible she
risked a beating. If a member of the Taliban decided he wanted to marry a
woman, he could arrive at her house that day and announce his intention to
marry her. Resistance would not be an option. Mary criticized the Taliban
in the newsletter of her organization PARSA and believes that is why she was
arrested. Anna Mulrine in her article "Unveiled Threat" U.S. News and World
In the two years between the Taliban's takeover of her hometown of Kabul and
the death threat that forced her to flee her country, Laila watched women
beaten with bicycle chains for "walking too fast." She saw female friends
sell off cherished possessions item by item until they became beggars and
war widows forced into prostitution. "You can't watch your children starve"
she says, "So you leave your honor behind." A former medical student Laila,
30, was confined to her home by a Taliban edict forbidding women to seek
schooling or to walk outside without both a male escort and a burka, a head
to toe covering broken only by finely woven netting at the eyes. She began
tutoring her neighbors' daughters, also banned from seeking an education.
It wasn't long before some 45 children a day were knocking on her door-and
only a little longer before the Taliban discovered her underground school.
"They beat me in front of the children" she recalls from her new home in the
United States," and told me that if I did one more thing against the
Taliban, they would kill me." Then they turned to the girls, cowering in
the corners. "They told them they would be burned alive if they ever
returned to school again."
The above picture is of refugees trying to escape the Northern Alliance
assault on Kunduz on 11/22/01. They were fired on as they fled along the
roads and donkey paths - by their former Taliban masters. (New York Post
After the fall of the Taliban their remnants burned down or blew up more
than a dozen schools for girls between late 2001 and 2003 (Rebuilt Girls
School Burned Down Reuters 6/6/03).
Rage Against the Veil is a scathing indictment of Islam's oppression of
women. It tells the story of Dr. Homa Darabi, the first Iranian ever to be
accepted into the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, who committed
suicide in a crowded public square in Tehran in 1994 in order to bring
awareness to the world of the slave conditions for women living in Iran.
I just read this book and wanted to write my review. Since I believe in God,
I think Dr. Homa Darabi's act was ordained by God to bring the plight of the
Muslim women to the world's attention. Growing up as a Muslim girl, my
rights were constantly violated by my father, brothers and male cousins.
What Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson describe in Rage Against the Veil is
a life lived by many women in the Islamic world. I was told that my function
in life as a woman is to marry and bear children and to serve my husband and
my children all my life with no expectations for mine. This book is any
Muslim woman's life. This book is about my life, my female friends and
relatives life. I am so pleased that this book is written which tells the
world what women like Dr. Homa Darabi and so on have lived through. I am
buying this book and giving it as gifts and I ask others to do the same.
Thank you Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson to tell others what we go
Another book The Stoning of Soroya M. describes how in 1986 a woman in a
small village in Iran was buried up to her neck at the town square and the
men of the village, including her father, husband, and sons, threw stones
and rocks at her until she died. In the case of Soraya, a pious wife and
mother, her abusive, criminal husband wanted to get rid of her and marry his
mistress. Iranian-born French journalist Sahebjam, himself condemned to
death by the Khomeini regime, uncovered this horror while reporting
undercover on his native land.
Donna Hughes in an article titled "Sex Slave Jihad" (Frontpagemag.com
In Tehran, there are an estimated 84,000 women and girls in prostitution,
many of them are on the streets, others are in the 250 brothels that
reportedly operate in the city...
The exposure of sex slave networks in Iran has shown that many mullahs and
officials are involved in the sexual exploitation and trade of women and
girls... There are reports of police locating young women for sex for the
wealthy and powerful mullahs...Drug addiction is epidemic throughout Iran,
and some addicted parents sell their children to support their habits. ..
following the recent earthquake in Bam, orphaned girls have been kidnapped
and taken to a known slave market in Tehran where Iranian and foreign
traders meet.
Popular destinations for victims of the slave trade are the Arab countries
in the Persian Gulf. ..
According to an article titled Iran's Sex Slaves (frontpagemag.com 6/11/04)
Many of the girls come from impoverished rural areas. Drug addiction is
epidemic throughout Iran, and some addicted parents sell their children to
support their habits. High unemployment -- 28 percent for youth 15 to 29
years of age, and 43 percent for women 15 to 20 years of age -- is a serious
factor in driving restless youth to accept risky offers for work. Slave
traders take advantage of any opportunity in which women and children are
vulnerable. For example, following the recent earthquake in Bam, orphaned
girls have been kidnapped and taken to a known slave market in Tehran where
Iranian and foreign traders meet.
Jack Kelly listed some outrageous Islamic behavior to women in the New
In Tehran on Sept. 8, a man beheaded his 7 year old daughter because he
suspected she had been raped by her uncle. An autopsy revealed the little
girl was still a virgin.
Also on Sept 8, the governor of a Nigerian state refused to overturn the
verdict of a religious court that sentenced a woman to death by stoning for
adultery. (Her lover, who is married - she is not - has not been
In Baghdad on Aug. 27, a mob beheaded a 70-year-old nun. In Denmark in
July, a Turkish immigrant murdered his daughter because she wanted to choose
her own husband.
In order to understand the logic of killing a daughter for being raped we
need to understand that according to Islamic law intercourse outside of
marriage is a crime, Period. Serge Trifkovic in his outstanding book, The
Sword of the Prophet wrote that according to the New York Times (May 17,
a judge in Pakistan sentenced a young woman to death for "adultery" by
stoning because she had been raped by her husband's brother. The judge
defended his action by saying that he had merely followed the Kuran based
law that mandated this punishment. The fact the woman, Zafran Bibi, was
raped was of no consequence. The woman had accused her brother in law of
raping her and this was a confession to her crime of "having intercourse
outside of marriage." The Times noted that this case fit "a familiar
Wendy McElroy wrote an article about the plight of women under the
Taliban regime for Foxnews.com 9/18/01. The Taliban are extreme even by
Iranian standards who as of October 9, 01 are helping the Northern Alliance
rebels against the Taliban. The Iranians say the Taliban's version of Islam
is an affront to the faith and hypocritical, because they profit from drug
smuggling. Still, the Iranians came out against the U.S. attack on the
Taliban. (New York Post October 9, 2001)
On May 19, 2002, the New York Times reported that a woman named Zafran
Bibi who had been raped in Pakistan faced death by stoning.
Thumping a fat red statute book, the white-bearded judge who convicted her,
Anwar Ali Khan, said he had simply followed the letter of the Koran-based
law, known as hudood, that mandates punishments.
"The illegitimate child is not disowned by her and therefore is proof of
zina," he said, referring to laws that forbid any sexual contact outside
marriage. Furthermore, he said, in accusing her brother-in-law of raping
her, Zafran had confessed to her crime.
The case raised an outcry in Pakistan but according to Rukhshanda Naz,
who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat, even if
the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to spend 10 to 15
years in prison, said. As many as 80 percent of all women in Pakistani
jails have been convicted under laws that ban extramarital sex, according to
Human rights groups say abuse of women is endemic in Pakistan. Often,
they are locked inside their homes where they are subjected to beatings,
acid attacks, burning and rape. Every year there are hundreds of "honor
killings," in which a woman is murdered for perceived breaches of modesty
(New York Times 5/19/02).
Women may also be killed if they refuse to marry a husband that is
arranged for them. In 2003, three young men with axes hacked to death their
two sisters for spurning their family's attempts to force them into arranged
marriages (Killing Women for Honor by Ted Lapkin 1/28/04).
Inspite of all this oppression of women, Muslim men are very offended if
anyone says that they do. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Muslim woman, had to
flee the Netherlands because she said that Muslim men oppressed Muslim
women, a vile idea that so outraged Muslim men that they issued death
threats against her. (Salman Rushdie, New York Times, 11/27/02)
The New York Post reported on 7/4/02 how a boy was punished who walked
unchaperoned with a girl from a different tribe. The Mastoi tribe demanded
punishment after the teenager's brother was seen walking unchaperoned with a
Mastoi girl in a deserted part of the village. The brother and sister are
from the Gujar tribe, which is considered to be lower-class. The boy's
father, Ghulam Farid, 54, said he pleaded for clemency, telling the council
the Mastoi girl was safe with his son because he was too young to have sex.
Farid said.
I told the tribal jury that my son is ready to marry [the girl], if they
think she had been molested, But Mastoi tribesmen rejected this proposal,
saying how could they give their daughter to me, a low-caste tribal.
A Pakistani council ordered that his sister be gang raped to shame his
family as a punishment. Four members of the council then gang raped her.
The young woman told The Associated Press on the previous day
I said I taught the holy Koran to children in the village, therefore don't
punish me for a crime which was not committed by me. But they tore my
clothes and raped me one by one.
Worldnetdaily reported that (Christian Girl Abducted by Muslims 1/22/04)
Shamim Kausor, of the district of Toba Tek Singh in Punjab province, was
abducted from her home Dec. 31, 2003 by men who pulled up in a jeep.
International Christian Concern said young Christian girls in Pakistan often
are abducted and raped and forced to marry Muslim men but generally have no
rights or recourse for the crimes committed against them.
This was the second abduction of Kausor, and several neighbors recognized a
man who kidnapped her several months ago.
At that time, Kausor's father, Afzal Masih, employed the help of police to
rescue his daughter. He tried to initiate legal proceedings against the man
but was strongly dissuaded by Muslim village leaders.
The kidnapper taunted and threatened the girl after the first abduction, ICC
At one point he said, "A beautiful girl like you should not remain
Christian. I will make you Muslim and you will bear a Muslim child."
The police are not interested in helping Masih this time, however, ICC said.
It's important to note that not all Pakistanis behave this way.
There are many honor killings of women by Palestinian Arabs. In a story
for World and I magazine, James Emery quoted a Palestinian Arab merchant as
A woman shamed is like rotting flesh, If it is not cut away, it will
consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if she is
not killed.
Emery says the reasons for honor killings include allegations of
premarital or extramarital sex, for refusing an arranged marriage or
attempting to obtain a divorce, or simply for talking with a man. The
murders are carried out by fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, cousins or
Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are
blamed on the woman. (WorldnetDaily 5/6/03)
Phyllis Chesler wrote in an article in FrontpageMagazine.com (Forced
Female Suicide 1/21/04) that Palestinian Arabs have created a new form of
honor killing in which they coerce a woman who has dishonored her family
into redeeming her honor by committing a suicide bombing of Jews.
For some time now, reports have reached my desk about Palestinian girls and
women being recruited, seduced, and trapped, by older male terrorists in
very woman-specific ways.
For example, I have been told that in one instance, the chosen Palestinian
girl was unmarried and pregnant. She was offered the chance to "cleanse" her
honor by blowing herself and Jews up. Her family spirited her out of the
West Bank to safety in Europe. I have also been told that some Palestinian
masters of mass murder have themselves had affairs with vulnerable young
Palestinian girls in order to compromise their "honor" and to season them,
pimp-style, for martyrdom. Hard facts are hard to come by, anecdotes abound.
Reem al-Riyashi a mother of two who was married to a Hamas terrorist is
alleged to have had an affair with another one. Phyllis Chesler wrote that
Allegedly, al-Riyashi's husband was a Hamas activist and her lover was a
Hamas operative who had carried out the love affair with the express purpose
of recruiting her. According to the British Sunday Times, al-Riyashi's
husband himself drove her to the border crossing.
Mrs. al-Riyashi was given an option, redeem the family honor by blowing
herself up and killing lots of non-believing Jews and most likely get
subsidies from Islamic charities for her children that she left behind or be
This is unbelievable--and tragic. Had these men threatened to kill her
children if she refused this mission? I would not be surprised.
It is interesting that in the video made by Ms. Riyashi she said that
"she loved her children so much". Would someone who loved their children
kill themselves and leave their children without a mother? Or would she
kill herself in order to protect them?
Some religions portray women are as sources of evil temptation. This has
led to rules forcing women to cover themselves. USA Today reported on
September 14, 01 that a Muslim rebel group in Kashmir, Lashkar-e-Jabar, has
threatened to shoot women if they do not wear veils. Lashkar-e-Jabar
sprayed acid on two unveiled women in the month prior to making the threat.
Adriana Stuijt in her article "International Terrorist Support Groups Thrive
Moslem gangs in Holland organize attacks against non-Muslims in shopping
centers and at sporting and cultural events. During these organized attacks,
in which youths spray people with insecticide and beat them with batons, the
youths specially target ethno-European girls and women, demanding that they
wear head scarves and start obeying the strict Muslim shari'a laws which
require total subservience to males.
Kafir, a pseudonym for the founder of anti-Jihad wrote in an email on
Muslim immigrants are causing a lot of trouble here in Sweden, just like
they are causing trouble around the world. In order to protect the family's
"honor", many have killed their daughters/sisters because they "behave like
whores", i.e. like western women...They have gang-raped Swedish girls (who
they consider "whores"), when our Liberal Party held a demonstration against
anti-semitism they were attacked by Moslems who took their placards and used
them to beat up the people who had protested against anti-semitism.
Bishop Dolli, an Episcopal bishop from Sudan was in Washington in the
week of Oct 15-19 2001 at the invitation of the Institute on Religion and
Democracy. He attempted to warn Congress and anyone else who would listen of
the dangers to his country and the United States posed by Islam, especially
in its militant form. He said that in the Sudan, all women, whether Muslim
or not, are forced to wear the black chador and veil.
Dennis Bennett, executive director of Seattle-based Servant's Heart told
WorldNetDaily (3/4/02) about the oppression of non-Muslim women in the
Villagers in several areas of the northeast Upper Nile region say that when
women are captured by government forces they are asked: "Are you Christian
or Muslim?"
Women who answer "Muslim" are set free, but typically soldiers gang-rape
those who answer "Christian" then cut off their breasts and leave them to
die as an example for others.
According to WorldnetDaily (Islamists Rape 100 Women in Attack, 3/20/04)
Arab militias backed by Khartoum's radical Muslim regime raped more than 100
women in an attack in western Sudan.
Mukesh Kapila, the United Nations coordinator for Sudan, told the BBC 75
people were killed in the attack on the village of Tawila two weeks ago.
"All houses as well as a market and a health center were completely looted
and the market burnt," he said. "Over 100 women were raped, six in front of
their fathers who were later killed."
The attack, in which a further 150 women and 200 children were abducted, was
one of many as village after village was razed by the militias, Kapila said.
Sudan's cleric-backed National Islamic Front regime in the Arab and Muslim
north declared a jihad on the mostly Christian and animist south in 1989.
Since 1983, an estimated 2 million people have died from war and related
famine. About 5 million have become refugees.
As WorldNetDaily reported, Khartoum government forces also are alleged to
have gang-raped women, sometimes forcing them to deny their Christian faith
or be killed.
According to an Amnesty International Report of July 19, 2004, Arab
militias in Sudan are gang-raping and abducting girls as young as eight and
women as old as 80, systematically killing, torturing, or using them as sex
"When we tried to escape they shot more children," one woman identified only
as A. told Amnesty researchers.
"They raped women, I saw many cases of Janjaweed raping women and girls.
They are happy when they rape. They sing when they rape and they tell us
that we are just slaves and that they can do with us how they wish."
Phylis Chesler wrote an article (Feminism's Deafening Silence,
Frontpagemag.com 7/26/04) about the horrific abuses of Islam in the Sudan.
Islamic law allows such behavior toward women captured in Jihad. (see Who
Was Muhammad)
England's Telegraph Group Ltd. wrote a report (March 15, 2002) that
quotes Saudi newspapers to the effect that scuffles broke out between
firemen and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice when the latter tried to keep the girls inside a burning
school in Mecca. Fifteen girls were killed as they stampeded to escape from
the blazing building in the holy Muslim city. The Telegraph reported that
a civil defense officer said that he saw three members of the religious
police "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because
they were not wearing the abaya." According to Jonathan Foreman of the New
York Post 3/25/02 the religious police refused to allow firemen into the
burning school either because that would have amounted to impermissible
mixing of the sexes. This story was also reported by the BBC online on March
15, 02.
Islam brainwashes women into believing that they deserve to be beaten.
According to a survey carried out by the Anatolia News Agency. According
to Turkishpress.com 10/22/04
39 percent of women in Turkey believe their husbands are right to beat them
for at least one of the following reasons: burning the meal, disputing the
opinion of their husbands, spending money unnecessarily, neglecting the
children or refusing to have sex.
In rural areas, 57 percent of women said their spouses had a right to batter
them in at least one of the above circumstances.
Arguing with the husband topped the list of justified reasons for domestic
violence, followed by too much spending and the negligence of children.
The following story about Ms. Kola Boof is from WorldnetDaily.com. To
view the original article click here. On Sept 26, after Kola Boof wrote a
book called Long Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories About African Women
Sudanese diplomat Gamal Ibrahim issued a fatwa. calling for Kola Boof to be
beheaded, after a Shariah court in London's Islamic community declared her
guilty of "deliberately and maliciously bearing false witness against
religious sentiment and of willing treason against her Arab Muslim father's
people and against her nation, the Sudan."
Kola Boof was born in Omdurman, which is part of north Khartoum, in the
Sudan. She was about 10 to 12 years of age - there are no records of her
birth - when her Egyptian father and Somali mother were slaughtered in their
backyard in 1978 by Arab Murahleen bandits for speaking out too openly about
the coming Arab regime.
She said she is familiar with the kind of atrocities recounted by
ex-slave Frances Bok, who stood with President Bush as he signed the Sudan
Peace Act on Oct. 21.
I witnessed the kind of raids he's talking about, where Arab men will come
in on horses in the little villages, and they'll shoot all the men in the
head, and then they'll kidnap the children and women, and you never see
those people again.
The Khartoum government is paying for these militia she maintains, "no
matter what they say. Everybody there knows."
As a child, she said she witnessed a woman with six daughters who could
not bear a son be rolled up in her dowry carpet and burned alive after
gasoline was poured on her.
As a black African woman, I cannot and will not be silent as black men in
Arab nations are chained up like dogs to the back doors of Muslim households
and fed, literally, from doggie bowls. I will not be silent as African
women are raped, mutilated and mentally demeaned by sadistic human beings
calling themselves children of Allah. I will not be silent as the number of
little black boys who are sodomized by their Arab masters continues to soar,
while even worse atrocities attend the lives of little black girls.
According to the National Review Dec 23, 02, Osama Bin Laden told Kola
If I had the time to waste, I would slit your throat myself.
On Thursday Nov. 7 02, a handful of demonstrators gathered on Boof's behalf
in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C., and outside the United
Nations building in New York City. Publicists for the event included Sudan
activist Maria Sliwa, who said only about a dozen showed up.
Intimidation by the Sudanese Embassy and by people claiming to be members
of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam scared away others who wanted to
Another demonstration, in Los Angeles, had to be canceled, Boof said,
"because the organizer was so terrified about Farrakhan's people calling her
that she pulled out."
The belief that women are sources of evil temptation has encouraged the
widespread practice of female circumcision. Once every 15 seconds another
woman has surgery performed on her clitoris so that she won't be able to be
sexually aroused and so will be less likely to commit adultery or premarital
sex. In an article titled Islam's Hatred of the Clitoris (FrontPageMag.com
The Muslims are the principal religious group that practice female
circumcision. In Egypt, for instance, 97 percent of women are circumcised.
Their clitorises are amputated. In countries like Sudan, meanwhile, the
women-haters are not so kind: all the women's external genital organs are
completely removed. In a savagery called infibulation, the clitoris, the two
major outer lips (labia majora) and the two minor inner lips (labia minora)
are amputated.
Nawal El Saadawi has documented these horrifying realities in The Hidden
Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World. She demonstrates how the violence of
female circumcision is performed on girls anywhere from the ages of one
month to puberty. Usually, it is done around the age of seven or eight.
Anesthetics are never used. The child is pinned down by several women, while
one of them attacks.
In Denmark, Imam Mustafa Abdullahi Aden said that female circumcision was
He said:"It is good for girls to be circumcised. It is a sign that they are
true Muslims." He recommended a method which involves the removal of both
the clitoris and labia.
Ironically Islamic theology which preaches that women are trouble, makes
women into an evil temptation to kill the infidel, by preaching that men who
die in Jihad or holy war will have virgins in heaven. In the terror guide
used by the hijackers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the
Also, do not seem confused or show signs of nervous tension. Be happy,
optimistic calm because you are heading for a deed that God loves and will
accept [as a good deed]. It will be the day, God willing, you spend with the
women of paradise...Know that the gardens of paradise are waiting for you in
all their beauty, and the women of paradise are waiting, calling out, "Come
hither, friend of God." They have dressed in their most beautiful clothing.
In a memo in Mohammed Atta's luggage (the pilot of the first plane that
hit the World Trade Center (New York Post Oct 3, 01 p38)) the following was
Apply the rules of the prisoners of war. Take them prisoner and kill them
as God said. The nymphs are calling out to you, come over here, companion
of Allah.
I'm not sure if the terror guide and the Memo are one and the same as I
got these quotes from different papers. Since there were differences in the
text given by the two papers I have listed both of them.
This use of sex by Islam to incite violence was understood by Thomas
Aquinas who in Summa Contra Gentiles, described Islam as a false and
dangerous religion, which combines truths with "fables," twists the Old and
New Testaments into a "fabrication" of Mohammed's own, and seduces "people
by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh urges
Yet Muslims see themselves as moral and the West as corrupt when it comes
to women. One example of this outlook was the reaction of Muslims to a
newspaper article about an upcoming Miss World pageant to be held Dec. 7 02
in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. Muslim groups say beauty pageants promotes
sexual promiscuity and indecency. A journalist, Isioma Daniel tried to
What would (the prophet) Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would probably
have chosen a wife from among them (the contestants).
Come to think of it he probably would have chosen all of them to be part
of his harem but Isioma didn't write that, I did. It's lucky I'm not a
reporter in Nigeria. In response to Isioma's article, violent demonstrators
in the northern city of Kaduna burned churches and rampaged through the
streets. Angry Muslims shouting "Down with Beauty" and "Allahu Akbar",
rioted and stabbed and set fire to bystanders. About 175 people were killed
and injured. This continued until hundreds of soldiers were deployed to
restore calm and enforce a dusk-to-dawn curfew. (fresnoBee.com World News
11/22/02) The pageant then moved to London after which some Muslims in
Britain also called for the event to be canceled. Sajjad Khan, of the
Islamic Liberation Party in Britain, told British Broadcasting Corp. radio
on 11/23/02.(New York Post 11/24/02)
It is wrong that it should happen in Britain, in Nigeria or in any country.
I think the whole idea of having a beauty contest anywhere would be against
many forward-thinking people of whatever faith and whatever ideology.
On 11/27/02 the deputy governor of a largely Islamic state in Nigeria,
Mahamoud Shinkafi announced that Muslims had permission to kill Isioma.
Opposing Views to Islam
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The blood of Isioma Daniel can be shed
Part of the irony of all of this is that the Koran describes Muhammad as
having more than a dozen wives and concubines and as having sex with a slave
and 9 year old girl by the name of Aisha.
According to an article titled Hating a Woman's Face, (Washington Times
10/18/04) in Baghdad
Islamist extremists are targeting the city's universities by threatening and
even attacking female students who wear Western-style fashions, setting off
bombs on campuses and demanding that classes be segregated by sex....
Pamphlets found on campus declared: "If the boy students don't separate from
the girl students, we will explode the college. Any girl student who does
not wear a veil, we will burn her face with chemicals."
The Muslim world is so insane that although it engages in horrific
oppression of women, King of Saudi Arabia fired the minister of information
because a cartoon passed the censors in which Mickey Mouse gave Minnie a
little peck. (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword and the Prophet).
2007-01-10 19:43:20 UTC
Post by Dana
Islam and Women
Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to
excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the
support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret
that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear
rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart; and scourge
(beat) them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them Lo!
Allah is ever High Exalted, Great.
In addition to the Koran, Mohammed's teachings are included in the
Hadith. Next to the Koran, is is the most important part of Islamic
law, its teachings are just as binding. The following quotes from the
Hadith are from the "Sahih Al-Bukhari". In volume 3:826 of Sahih
Al-Bukhari Muhammed is quoted as explaining why a witness of a woman
is equal to half that of a man. He said
This is because of the deficiency of the woman's mind.
I was shown the Hell-fire and the majority of its dwellers are women
I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women 7:33
The Koran commands men to beat women who are disobedient.
Sura 4:34 of the Koran says,
"Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who
are rebellious - admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat
If a woman's conduct is mischievous or immodest, the husband has the
right to beat her up (Tirmzi P439)
These religious commands of Islam help us understand why Mohamed Kamal
Mustafa, A prominent Muslim preacher from Italy authored a book Women
in Islam, in which he wrote that verbal warnings followed by a period
of sexual inactivity can be used to discipline a disobedient wife.
If that failed he said that according to Islamic law, beatings could
be then judiciously administered. "The blows should be concentrated
on the hands and feet using a rod that is thin and light so that it
does not leave scars or bruises on the body,"
More Islamic commands in regard to women are listed below.
It is forbidden for a woman to be seen by any man except her husband
when she is made up or well-dressed. (Tirmzi P 430)
A woman is not a believer if she undertakes a journey which may last
three days or longer, unless she is accompanied by her husband, son,
A woman must veil herself even in the presence of her husband's
father, brother and other male relations. (Tirmzi P 432)
She is forbidden to spend any money without the permission of her
husband, and it includes giving food to the needy or feast to friends.
(Tirmzi P 265)
A wife is forbidden to perform extra prayers (NAFAL) or observe
fasting (other than RAMADAN) without the permission of her husband.
(Tirmzi P 300)
If prostration were a legitimate act other than to God, woman should
have prostrated to her husband. (Tirmzi P 42
If a man is in a mood to have sexual intercourse the woman must come
immediately even if she is baking bread at a communal oven. (Tirmzi P 42
A woman who seeks KHULA i.e. divorce from her man, without a just
cause, shall not enter paradise. (Tirmzi P 440) A husband can divorce
his wife at will.
Majority of women would go to hell. (Muslim P 1431)
If a woman refuses to come to bed when invited by her husband, she
becomes the target of the curses of angels. Exactly the same happens
if she deserts her husband's bed. (Bukhari P 93)
A woman in many ways is deprived of the possession of her own body.
Even her milk belongs to her husband. (Bukhari P 27) She is not
allowed to practise birth control either.
Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the Messenger of Allah, and
our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger of Allah, 'Should
we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from that, and
then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married wives
for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
cloth." (Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686)
Here Mohammed clearly tells the Muslims to forget about the
they had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun
with these new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and
violated for only a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be
to Allah!
For more quotes about women and other aspects of Islam see The Incredible
Teachings of Muhammed.
According to frontpagemag.com (8/12/04)
The Arab-Islamic world represses and demonizes women and female
sexuality - and myriad other pleasures that come with life... The
entire culture is based on subjugating the individual, whereas America
represents the exact opposite.
J.Lo, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears doing what they do on American
television is a major threat to this culture. It is freedom, and
freedom of the female on every level. The Arab-Islamic world must wage
war on the culture that produces this temptation because it cannot
allow itself to succumb to the love of life, appreciation of pleasure
and the allowance of women doing what they want with their lives --
and with their sexuality. It cannot allow the exercise of free will by
individuals engaged in the pursuit of personal happiness.
Joel Mobray in an OPED called "Saudi Slavery in America" (New York
As part of its massive PR offensive, the House of Saud is trying to
convince the world that its treatment of women is improving. But a
first hand witness would see a far different reality: Women locked
inside homes, paid little or nothing as domestic servants, worked up
to 20 hours per day, and verally and physically abused.
And that's right here in America - in the homes of Saudis living in
the United States...
Notes Keith Roiderick, president of the Coalition for the Defense of
Human Rights, who personally helped a woman escape a Saudi home: "When
you meet these women and hear their horror stories, it breaks your
Tens of thousands of women are abused in Saudi Arabia each year. The
Saudi government admits that some 19,000 domestic servants - almost
exclusively foreign women working in the kingdom as maids - escaped
from Saudi homes in the 12 momths prior to March 2001. (The real
figure is likely far higher...)
If you are a woman unfortunate enough to have had children with a Saudi
Muslim and he decides to leave with the kids to Saudi Arabia, you have
no rights when it comes to getting them back. Pat Roush wrote a book
about her experiences trying to bring her children back to America
called At Any Price. A movie was made from Betty Mahmoudy's book
both called "Not Without My Daughter" about her struggle to get her
children out of Saudi Arabia
Ibn Warraq author of Why I am not a Muslim has an online article called
Islam's Shame, Lifting the Veil of Tears, about the persecution of
women under Islam. Accidental Angel, an article in the March 2001
issue of Vogue magazine tells how in the summer of 2000, the Taliban,
the Islamic Fundamentalist Government of Afghanistan arrested Mary
MacKakin a 72 year old American Grandmother who was helping the widows
of Afghanistan by giving them work. When the Taliban came to power
they forbid women to work. One result was starving widows who had no
man to support them. When the Taliban came to power they also banned
girls from school. Women were allowed outside the house only to run
errands and even then they had to be accompanied by a close male
relative. If a woman's hand was visible she risked a beating. If a
member of the Taliban decided he wanted to marry a woman, he could
arrive at her house that day and announce his intention to marry her.
Resistance would not be an option. Mary criticized the Taliban in the
newsletter of her organization PARSA and believes that is why she was
arrested. Anna Mulrine in her article "Unveiled Threat" U.S. News and
In the two years between the Taliban's takeover of her hometown of
Kabul and the death threat that forced her to flee her country, Laila
watched women beaten with bicycle chains for "walking too fast." She
saw female friends sell off cherished possessions item by item until
they became beggars and war widows forced into prostitution. "You
can't watch your children starve" she says, "So you leave your honor
behind." A former medical student Laila, 30, was confined to her home
by a Taliban edict forbidding women to seek schooling or to walk
outside without both a male escort and a burka, a head to toe covering
broken only by finely woven netting at the eyes. She began tutoring
her neighbors' daughters, also banned from seeking an education. It
wasn't long before some 45 children a day were knocking on her
door-and only a little longer before the Taliban discovered her
underground school. "They beat me in front of the children" she
recalls from her new home in the United States," and told me that if I
did one more thing against the Taliban, they would kill me." Then
they turned to the girls, cowering in the corners. "They told them
they would be burned alive if they ever returned to school again."
The above picture is of refugees trying to escape the Northern Alliance
assault on Kunduz on 11/22/01. They were fired on as they fled along
the roads and donkey paths - by their former Taliban masters. (New
York Post 11/23/01)
After the fall of the Taliban their remnants burned down or blew up more
than a dozen schools for girls between late 2001 and 2003 (Rebuilt
Girls School Burned Down Reuters 6/6/03).
Rage Against the Veil is a scathing indictment of Islam's
oppression of
women. It tells the story of Dr. Homa Darabi, the first Iranian ever
to be accepted into the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology,
who committed suicide in a crowded public square in Tehran in 1994 in
order to bring awareness to the world of the slave conditions for
women living in Iran.
I just read this book and wanted to write my review. Since I believe
in God, I think Dr. Homa Darabi's act was ordained by God to bring the
plight of the Muslim women to the world's attention. Growing up as a
Muslim girl, my rights were constantly violated by my father, brothers
and male cousins. What Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson describe in
Rage Against the Veil is a life lived by many women in the Islamic
world. I was told that my function in life as a woman is to marry and
bear children and to serve my husband and my children all my life with
no expectations for mine. This book is any Muslim woman's life. This
book is about my life, my female friends and relatives life. I am so
pleased that this book is written which tells the world what women
like Dr. Homa Darabi and so on have lived through. I am buying this
book and giving it as gifts and I ask others to do the same. Thank you
Parvin Darabi and Romin P. Thomson to tell others what we go through.
Another book The Stoning of Soroya M. describes how in 1986 a woman in a
small village in Iran was buried up to her neck at the town square and
the men of the village, including her father, husband, and sons, threw
stones and rocks at her until she died. In the case of Soraya, a pious
wife and mother, her abusive, criminal husband wanted to get rid of
her and marry his mistress. Iranian-born French journalist Sahebjam,
himself condemned to death by the Khomeini regime, uncovered this
horror while reporting undercover on his native land.
Donna Hughes in an article titled "Sex Slave Jihad"
In Tehran, there are an estimated 84,000 women and girls in
prostitution, many of them are on the streets, others are in the 250
brothels that reportedly operate in the city...
The exposure of sex slave networks in Iran has shown that many mullahs
and officials are involved in the sexual exploitation and trade of
women and girls... There are reports of police locating young women
for sex for the wealthy and powerful mullahs...Drug addiction is
epidemic throughout Iran, and some addicted parents sell their
children to support their habits. .. following the recent earthquake
in Bam, orphaned girls have been kidnapped and taken to a known slave
market in Tehran where Iranian and foreign traders meet.
Popular destinations for victims of the slave trade are the Arab
countries in the Persian Gulf. ..
According to an article titled Iran's Sex Slaves (frontpagemag.com
6/11/04) Many of the girls come from impoverished rural areas. Drug
addiction is epidemic throughout Iran, and some addicted parents sell
their children to support their habits. High unemployment -- 28
percent for youth 15 to 29 years of age, and 43 percent for women 15
to 20 years of age -- is a serious factor in driving restless youth to
accept risky offers for work. Slave traders take advantage of any
opportunity in which women and children are vulnerable. For example,
following the recent earthquake in Bam, orphaned girls have been
kidnapped and taken to a known slave market in Tehran where Iranian
and foreign traders meet.
Jack Kelly listed some outrageous Islamic behavior to women in the New
In Tehran on Sept. 8, a man beheaded his 7 year old daughter because
he suspected she had been raped by her uncle. An autopsy revealed the
little girl was still a virgin.
Also on Sept 8, the governor of a Nigerian state refused to overturn
the verdict of a religious court that sentenced a woman to death by
stoning for adultery. (Her lover, who is married - she is not - has
not been punished.)
In Baghdad on Aug. 27, a mob beheaded a 70-year-old nun. In Denmark
in July, a Turkish immigrant murdered his daughter because she wanted
to choose her own husband.
In order to understand the logic of killing a daughter for being raped we
need to understand that according to Islamic law intercourse outside
of marriage is a crime, Period. Serge Trifkovic in his outstanding
book, The Sword of the Prophet wrote that according to the New York
Times (May 17, 2002)
a judge in Pakistan sentenced a young woman to death for "adultery" by
stoning because she had been raped by her husband's brother. The
judge defended his action by saying that he had merely followed the
Kuran based law that mandated this punishment. The fact the woman,
Zafran Bibi, was raped was of no consequence. The woman had accused
her brother in law of raping her and this was a confession to her
crime of "having intercourse outside of marriage." The Times noted
that this case fit "a familiar pattern."
Wendy McElroy wrote an article about the plight of women under the
Taliban regime for Foxnews.com 9/18/01. The Taliban are extreme even
by Iranian standards who as of October 9, 01 are helping the Northern
Alliance rebels against the Taliban. The Iranians say the Taliban's
version of Islam is an affront to the faith and hypocritical, because
they profit from drug smuggling. Still, the Iranians came out against
the U.S. attack on the Taliban. (New York Post October 9, 2001)
On May 19, 2002, the New York Times reported that a woman named Zafran
Bibi who had been raped in Pakistan faced death by stoning.
Thumping a fat red statute book, the white-bearded judge who convicted
her, Anwar Ali Khan, said he had simply followed the letter of the
Koran-based law, known as hudood, that mandates punishments.
"The illegitimate child is not disowned by her and therefore is proof
of zina," he said, referring to laws that forbid any sexual contact
outside marriage. Furthermore, he said, in accusing her brother-in-law
of raping her, Zafran had confessed to her crime.
The case raised an outcry in Pakistan but according to Rukhshanda Naz,
who heads the local branch of a women's rights group called Aurat,
even if the case returns to a more typical course, she is likely to
spend 10 to 15 years in prison, said. As many as 80 percent of all
women in Pakistani jails have been convicted under laws that ban
extramarital sex, according to Aurat.
Human rights groups say abuse of women is endemic in Pakistan. Often,
they are locked inside their homes where they are subjected to
beatings, acid attacks, burning and rape. Every year there are
hundreds of "honor killings," in which a woman is murdered for
perceived breaches of modesty (New York Times 5/19/02).
Women may also be killed if they refuse to marry a husband that is
arranged for them. In 2003, three young men with axes hacked to death
their two sisters for spurning their family's attempts to force them
into arranged marriages (Killing Women for Honor by Ted Lapkin
Inspite of all this oppression of women, Muslim men are very offended if
anyone says that they do. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Muslim woman, had
to flee the Netherlands because she said that Muslim men oppressed
Muslim women, a vile idea that so outraged Muslim men that they issued
death threats against her. (Salman Rushdie, New York Times, 11/27/02)
The New York Post reported on 7/4/02 how a boy was punished who walked
unchaperoned with a girl from a different tribe. The Mastoi tribe
demanded punishment after the teenager's brother was seen walking
unchaperoned with a Mastoi girl in a deserted part of the village. The
brother and sister are from the Gujar tribe, which is considered to be
lower-class. The boy's father, Ghulam Farid, 54, said he pleaded for
clemency, telling the council the Mastoi girl was safe with his son
because he was too young to have sex. Farid said.
I told the tribal jury that my son is ready to marry [the girl], if
they think she had been molested, But Mastoi tribesmen rejected this
proposal, saying how could they give their daughter to me, a low-caste
tribal. A Pakistani council ordered that his sister be gang raped to
shame his family as a punishment. Four members of the council then
gang raped her. The young woman told The Associated Press on the
previous day I said I taught the holy Koran to children in the
village, therefore don't punish me for a crime which was not committed
by me. But they tore my clothes and raped me one by one.
Worldnetdaily reported that (Christian Girl Abducted by Muslims
1/22/04) Shamim Kausor, of the district of Toba Tek Singh in Punjab
province, was abducted from her home Dec. 31, 2003 by men who pulled
up in a jeep. International Christian Concern said young Christian
girls in Pakistan often are abducted and raped and forced to marry
Muslim men but generally have no rights or recourse for the crimes
This was the second abduction of Kausor, and several neighbors
recognized a man who kidnapped her several months ago.
At that time, Kausor's father, Afzal Masih, employed the help of
police to rescue his daughter. He tried to initiate legal proceedings
against the man but was strongly dissuaded by Muslim village leaders.
The kidnapper taunted and threatened the girl after the first
abduction, ICC reported.
At one point he said, "A beautiful girl like you should not remain
Christian. I will make you Muslim and you will bear a Muslim child."
The police are not interested in helping Masih this time, however, ICC said.
It's important to note that not all Pakistanis behave this way.
There are many honor killings of women by Palestinian Arabs. In a story
for World and I magazine, James Emery quoted a Palestinian Arab
merchant as saying
A woman shamed is like rotting flesh, If it is not cut away, it will
consume the body. What I mean is the whole family will be tainted if
she is not killed.
Emery says the reasons for honor killings include allegations of
premarital or extramarital sex, for refusing an arranged marriage or
attempting to obtain a divorce, or simply for talking with a man. The
murders are carried out by fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles,
cousins or sons.
Among Palestinians, all sexual encounters, including rape and incest, are
blamed on the woman. (WorldnetDaily 5/6/03)
Phyllis Chesler wrote in an article in FrontpageMagazine.com (Forced
Female Suicide 1/21/04) that Palestinian Arabs have created a new form
of honor killing in which they coerce a woman who has dishonored her
family into redeeming her honor by committing a suicide bombing of
Jews. For some time now, reports have reached my desk about
Palestinian girls and women being recruited, seduced, and trapped, by
older male terrorists in very woman-specific ways.
For example, I have been told that in one instance, the chosen
Palestinian girl was unmarried and pregnant. She was offered the
chance to "cleanse" her honor by blowing herself and Jews up. Her
family spirited her out of the West Bank to safety in Europe. I have
also been told that some Palestinian masters of mass murder have
themselves had affairs with vulnerable young Palestinian girls in
order to compromise their "honor" and to season them, pimp-style, for
martyrdom. Hard facts are hard to come by, anecdotes abound.
Reem al-Riyashi a mother of two who was married to a Hamas
terrorist is
that Allegedly, al-Riyashi's husband was a Hamas activist and her
lover was a Hamas operative who had carried out the love affair with
the express purpose of recruiting her. According to the British Sunday
Times, al-Riyashi's husband himself drove her to the border crossing.
Mrs. al-Riyashi was given an option, redeem the family honor by blowing
herself up and killing lots of non-believing Jews and most likely get
subsidies from Islamic charities for her children that she left behind
or be killed in disgrace without subsidies for her children. Phyllis
This is unbelievable--and tragic. Had these men threatened to kill her
children if she refused this mission? I would not be surprised.
It is interesting that in the video made by Ms. Riyashi she said that
"she loved her children so much". Would someone who loved their
children kill themselves and leave their children without a mother?
Or would she kill herself in order to protect them?
Some religions portray women are as sources of evil temptation.
This has
led to rules forcing women to cover themselves. USA Today reported on
September 14, 01 that a Muslim rebel group in Kashmir,
Lashkar-e-Jabar, has threatened to shoot women if they do not wear
veils. Lashkar-e-Jabar sprayed acid on two unveiled women in the
month prior to making the threat. Adriana Stuijt in her article
"International Terrorist Support Groups Thrive in Belgium and
Netherlands" (Monday, Sept. 24, 2001 Newsmax.com) writes how: Moslem
gangs in Holland organize attacks against non-Muslims in shopping
centers and at sporting and cultural events. During these organized
attacks, in which youths spray people with insecticide and beat them
with batons, the youths specially target ethno-European girls and
women, demanding that they wear head scarves and start obeying the
strict Muslim shari'a laws which require total subservience to males.
Kafir, a pseudonym for the founder of anti-Jihad wrote in an email on
Muslim immigrants are causing a lot of trouble here in Sweden, just
like they are causing trouble around the world. In order to protect
the family's "honor", many have killed their daughters/sisters because
they "behave like whores", i.e. like western women...They have
gang-raped Swedish girls (who they consider "whores"), when our
Liberal Party held a demonstration against anti-semitism they were
attacked by Moslems who took their placards and used them to beat up
the people who had protested against anti-semitism.
Bishop Dolli, an Episcopal bishop from Sudan was in Washington in the
week of Oct 15-19 2001 at the invitation of the Institute on Religion
and Democracy. He attempted to warn Congress and anyone else who would
listen of the dangers to his country and the United States posed by
Islam, especially in its militant form. He said that in the Sudan,
all women, whether Muslim or not, are forced to wear the black chador
and veil.
Dennis Bennett, executive director of Seattle-based Servant's Heart told
WorldNetDaily (3/4/02) about the oppression of non-Muslim women in the
Villagers in several areas of the northeast Upper Nile region say that
when women are captured by government forces they are asked: "Are you
Christian or Muslim?"
Women who answer "Muslim" are set free, but typically soldiers
gang-rape those who answer "Christian" then cut off their breasts and
leave them to die as an example for others.
According to WorldnetDaily (Islamists Rape 100 Women in Attack, 3/20/04)
Arab militias backed by Khartoum's radical Muslim regime raped more
than 100 women in an attack in western Sudan.
Mukesh Kapila, the United Nations coordinator for Sudan, told the BBC
75 people were killed in the attack on the village of Tawila two weeks
ago. "All houses as well as a market and a health center were
completely looted and the market burnt," he said. "Over 100 women were
raped, six in front of their fathers who were later killed."
The attack, in which a further 150 women and 200 children were
abducted, was one of many as village after village was razed by the
militias, Kapila said. Sudan's cleric-backed National Islamic Front
regime in the Arab and Muslim north declared a jihad on the mostly
Christian and animist south in 1989. Since 1983, an estimated 2
million people have died from war and related famine. About 5 million
have become refugees. As WorldNetDaily reported, Khartoum government
forces also are alleged to have gang-raped women, sometimes forcing
them to deny their Christian faith or be killed.
According to an Amnesty International Report of July 19, 2004, Arab
militias in Sudan are gang-raping and abducting girls as young as
eight and women as old as 80, systematically killing, torturing, or
using them as sex slaves.
"When we tried to escape they shot more children," one woman
identified only as A. told Amnesty researchers.
"They raped women, I saw many cases of Janjaweed raping women and
girls. They are happy when they rape. They sing when they rape and
they tell us that we are just slaves and that they can do with us how
they wish."
Phylis Chesler wrote an article (Feminism's Deafening Silence,
Frontpagemag.com 7/26/04) about the horrific abuses of Islam in the
Sudan. Islamic law allows such behavior toward women captured in
Jihad. (see Who Was Muhammad)
England's Telegraph Group Ltd. wrote a report (March 15, 2002) that
quotes Saudi newspapers to the effect that scuffles broke out between
firemen and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and
Prevention of Vice when the latter tried to keep the girls inside a
burning school in Mecca. Fifteen girls were killed as they stampeded
to escape from the blazing building in the holy Muslim city. The
Telegraph reported that a civil defense officer said that he saw three
members of the religious police "beating young girls to prevent them
from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya."
According to Jonathan Foreman of the New York Post 3/25/02 the
religious police refused to allow firemen into the burning school
either because that would have amounted to impermissible mixing of the
sexes. This story was also reported by the BBC online on March 15, 02.
Islam brainwashes women into believing that they deserve to be beaten.
According to a survey carried out by the Anatolia News Agency.
According to Turkishpress.com 10/22/04
39 percent of women in Turkey believe their husbands are right to beat
them for at least one of the following reasons: burning the meal,
disputing the opinion of their husbands, spending money unnecessarily,
neglecting the children or refusing to have sex.
In rural areas, 57 percent of women said their spouses had a right to
batter them in at least one of the above circumstances.
Arguing with the husband topped the list of justified reasons for
domestic violence, followed by too much spending and the negligence of
The following story about Ms. Kola Boof is from WorldnetDaily.com.
view the original article click here. On Sept 26, after Kola Boof
wrote a book called Long Train to the Redeeming Sin: Stories About
African Women Sudanese diplomat Gamal Ibrahim issued a fatwa. calling
for Kola Boof to be beheaded, after a Shariah court in London's
Islamic community declared her guilty of "deliberately and maliciously
bearing false witness against religious sentiment and of willing
treason against her Arab Muslim father's people and against her
nation, the Sudan."
Kola Boof was born in Omdurman, which is part of north Khartoum, in the
Sudan. She was about 10 to 12 years of age - there are no records of
her birth - when her Egyptian father and Somali mother were
slaughtered in their backyard in 1978 by Arab Murahleen bandits for
speaking out too openly about the coming Arab regime.
She said she is familiar with the kind of atrocities recounted by
ex-slave Frances Bok, who stood with President Bush as he signed the
Sudan Peace Act on Oct. 21.
I witnessed the kind of raids he's talking about, where Arab men will
come in on horses in the little villages, and they'll shoot all the
men in the head, and then they'll kidnap the children and women, and
you never see those people again.
The Khartoum government is paying for these militia she maintains, "no
matter what they say. Everybody there knows."
As a child, she said she witnessed a woman with six daughters who could
not bear a son be rolled up in her dowry carpet and burned alive after
gasoline was poured on her.
As a black African woman, I cannot and will not be silent as black men
in Arab nations are chained up like dogs to the back doors of Muslim
households and fed, literally, from doggie bowls. I will not be
silent as African women are raped, mutilated and mentally demeaned by
sadistic human beings calling themselves children of Allah. I will not
be silent as the number of little black boys who are sodomized by
their Arab masters continues to soar, while even worse atrocities
attend the lives of little black girls.
According to the National Review Dec 23, 02, Osama Bin Laden told Kola
If I had the time to waste, I would slit your throat myself.
On Thursday Nov. 7 02, a handful of demonstrators gathered on Boof's
behalf in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C., and
outside the United Nations building in New York City. Publicists for
the event included Sudan activist Maria Sliwa, who said only about a
dozen showed up.
Intimidation by the Sudanese Embassy and by people claiming to be members
of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam scared away others who wanted to
Another demonstration, in Los Angeles, had to be canceled, Boof said,
"because the organizer was so terrified about Farrakhan's people
calling her that she pulled out."
The belief that women are sources of evil temptation has encouraged the
widespread practice of female circumcision. Once every 15 seconds
another woman has surgery performed on her clitoris so that she won't
be able to be sexually aroused and so will be less likely to commit
adultery or premarital sex. In an article titled Islam's Hatred of
The Muslims are the principal religious group that practice female
circumcision. In Egypt, for instance, 97 percent of women are
circumcised. Their clitorises are amputated. In countries like Sudan,
meanwhile, the women-haters are not so kind: all the women's external
genital organs are completely removed. In a savagery called
infibulation, the clitoris, the two major outer lips (labia majora)
and the two minor inner lips (labia minora) are amputated.
Nawal El Saadawi has documented these horrifying realities in The
Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World. She demonstrates how
the violence of female circumcision is performed on girls anywhere
from the ages of one month to puberty. Usually, it is done around the
age of seven or eight. Anesthetics are never used. The child is pinned
down by several women, while one of them attacks.
In Denmark, Imam Mustafa Abdullahi Aden said that female
circumcision was
He said:"It is good for girls to be circumcised. It is a sign that
they are true Muslims." He recommended a method which involves the
removal of both the clitoris and labia.
Ironically Islamic theology which preaches that women are trouble, makes
women into an evil temptation to kill the infidel, by preaching that
men who die in Jihad or holy war will have virgins in heaven. In the
terror guide used by the hijackers who crashed planes into the World
Also, do not seem confused or show signs of nervous tension. Be happy,
optimistic calm because you are heading for a deed that God loves and
will accept [as a good deed]. It will be the day, God willing, you
spend with the women of paradise...Know that the gardens of paradise
are waiting for you in all their beauty, and the women of paradise are
waiting, calling out, "Come hither, friend of God." They have dressed
in their most beautiful clothing.
In a memo in Mohammed Atta's luggage (the pilot of the first plane that
hit the World Trade Center (New York Post Oct 3, 01 p38)) the
Apply the rules of the prisoners of war. Take them prisoner and kill
them as God said. The nymphs are calling out to you, come over here,
companion of Allah.
I'm not sure if the terror guide and the Memo are one and the same as I
got these quotes from different papers. Since there were differences
in the text given by the two papers I have listed both of them.
This use of sex by Islam to incite violence was understood by Thomas
Aquinas who in Summa Contra Gentiles, described Islam as a false and
dangerous religion, which combines truths with "fables," twists the
Old and New Testaments into a "fabrication" of Mohammed's own, and
seduces "people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the
concupiscence of the flesh urges us."
Yet Muslims see themselves as moral and the West as corrupt when it comes
to women. One example of this outlook was the reaction of Muslims to
a newspaper article about an upcoming Miss World pageant to be held
Dec. 7 02 in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. Muslim groups say beauty
pageants promotes sexual promiscuity and indecency. A journalist,
What would (the prophet) Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would
probably have chosen a wife from among them (the contestants).
Come to think of it he probably would have chosen all of them to be part
of his harem but Isioma didn't write that, I did. It's lucky I'm not
a reporter in Nigeria. In response to Isioma's article, violent
demonstrators in the northern city of Kaduna burned churches and
rampaged through the streets. Angry Muslims shouting "Down with
Beauty" and "Allahu Akbar", rioted and stabbed and set fire to
bystanders. About 175 people were killed and injured. This
continued until hundreds of soldiers were deployed to restore calm and
enforce a dusk-to-dawn curfew. (fresnoBee.com World News 11/22/02)
The pageant then moved to London after which some Muslims in Britain
also called for the event to be canceled. Sajjad Khan, of the Islamic
Liberation Party in Britain, told British Broadcasting Corp. radio on
11/23/02.(New York Post 11/24/02) It is wrong that it should happen in
Britain, in Nigeria or in any country. I think the whole idea of
having a beauty contest anywhere would be against many
forward-thinking people of whatever faith and whatever ideology.
On 11/27/02 the deputy governor of a largely Islamic state in Nigeria,
Mahamoud Shinkafi announced that Muslims had permission to kill
Isioma. Opposing Views to Islam
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The blood of Isioma Daniel can be shed
Part of the irony of all of this is that the Koran describes
Muhammad as
having more than a dozen wives and concubines and as having sex with a
slave and 9 year old girl by the name of Aisha.
According to an article titled Hating a Woman's Face, (Washington Times
10/18/04) in Baghdad
Islamist extremists are targeting the city's universities by
threatening and even attacking female students who wear Western-style
fashions, setting off bombs on campuses and demanding that classes be
segregated by sex.... Pamphlets found on campus declared: "If the boy
students don't separate from the girl students, we will explode the
college. Any girl student who does not wear a veil, we will burn her
face with chemicals."
The Muslim world is so insane that although it engages in horrific
oppression of women, King of Saudi Arabia fired the minister of
information because a cartoon passed the censors in which Mickey Mouse
gave Minnie a little peck. (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword and the
very interesting
