Vet and Surviving Bank Examiner, Labeled Felon, Can not Attend Law School, WAR Declared
(too old to reply)
Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone
2006-10-07 02:10:01 UTC
Foreword October 6, 2006: In another atrocity by the illegal regime in
power, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have been barred from attending
law school due to a sentence I was given with no chance of trial by jury in
Los Angeles, after informing on criminals at the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation in San Francisco, where a man was found dead, labeled suicide,
and where I survived an attack on my life and labeled insane.

I stand with God as my witness and the shadow of the dead FDIC regional
director of the early 1990's. The Los Angeles Superior Court gave me a
felony under forced duress with forced injections in 2001 for owning a
firearm after being attacked on a highway for reporting criminals at the
FDIC and NTEU, and after the now terminated Sheriff of Mobile Alabama took
my gun permit when I was going to report his food funds thievery on 4-3-2001
at the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting.

The felony was dismissed and reduced to a misdemeanor in 2004, but I can not
get a law degree due to the felony according to the judge who decided to
levy the felony first, in mid May of 2001.

I am banned from federal bank examiner employment also due to lies and abuse
by the criminal regime in power.

Because I am not allowed a trial by jury to clear my name, and because I am
not allowed to attend Law School as a result, I urge my people to wage all
out war with the latest weaponry against the regime in power, starting with
the criminals of the courts and the political system, in particular the
FDIC, the NTEU, the Los Angeles Superior Court, and the courts of Mobile
Alabama, and last but not least, all California politicians who force
felonies on men for legal gun ownership when they are not threatening

That is not all though, let us take out those who allow forced injections on
innocent men, as that how men are raped and interrogated in Arizona, New
Mexico, and Nevada under their chapter 36 law. Let us not forget who
started to allow those atrocities, our mortal enemy, the proclaimed devils
of our time, the Bush regime.

Best of luck in waging war on the enemies of mankind in the USA. I am not
allowed to earn a law degree due to no trial by jury. Therefore the law of
the universe dictates an eye for an eye.

And with all creators names as my witness, and with the eyes of the dead
regional director of the FDIC as my guide, I want to escort our enemies into
deep and shallow graves here in the USA, the world, and to assassinate their
leaders in space when they flee there, if not already.


This was a newspost from the Mobile Audit Club


Also, someone should tell Sueet to get up off her knees and to quit sucking
the next Masta Man's meat at FDIC, Sueet. That is how suckers get promoted
under mafia Don's, third rate ones who we will rip to shreds in this ongoing
war. I look forward to global war against them and hope the innocent are
spared subjugation, as death is better than subjugation by those lesser
insect minds.
Douglas Berry
2006-10-07 03:44:14 UTC
On Fri, 6 Oct 2006 19:10:01 -0700 "Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone"
<***@comcast.net> said the following in alt.conspiracy and I
was immediately reminded of 1,000 Chinchillas singing Handel's
"Messiah" for some reason...
Post by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone
Foreword October 6, 2006: In another atrocity by the illegal regime in
power, I, Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, have been barred from attending
law school due to a sentence I was given with no chance of trial by jury in
Los Angeles, after informing on criminals at the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation in San Francisco, where a man was found dead, labeled suicide,
and where I survived an attack on my life and labeled insane.
The judge was right. You are fucking nuts and should spend the rest
of your life in a small, heavily padded, room.

Douglas Berry Do the OBVIOUS thing to send e-mail
Atheist #2147, Atheist Vet #5
Jason Gastrich is praying for me on 8 January 2011

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the
source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a
stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead: his eyes are closed." - Albert Einstein
