The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
(too old to reply)
2004-10-22 20:18:49 UTC
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims

We have to make the distinction between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are
people, human beings like you and I with the same goodness, hopes and
aspirations that characterizes all of us humans; but Islam is the doctrine
that teaches humans to hate other humans. Most Muslims know nothing of
Islam. The average Muslim still believes that Islam is a religion of peace
because the name drives from the word peace. Many Muslims believe that
Muhammad was honest. They don't know about the crimes committed by the holy
Prophet and that he was a vindictive man who killed innocent people without
any guilt. The majority of Muslims believer that Muhammad encouraged
manumitting the slaves and don't know how ruthless he attacked innocent
people massacred them and enslaved their children and wives. They still
believe that Muhammad married so many wives to protect them from
"starvation" but do not know the details of his scandalous and rapist
lustful sexual crimes.
The majority of Muslims are good because they do not know Islam. And yes
there are many good people and saints amongst them, but the credit should
not go to Islam. Muslims are good despite Islam, and they are good because
they do not follow the teachings of Quran.
Those who come to know Islam, belong to two categories. One group finds
Islam appealing and in accordance with their criminal nature. They kill
people, torture their fellow human beings, become terrorists and practice
the Quran and the Sunnah gleefully and shamelessly. You find them amongst
the Taliban, the Mullah of Iran and the Islamic terrorists everywhere. The
other group finds it appalling when they discover the truth about Islam and
leave it. If you are a Muslim you have to ask yourself which category you
belong? After learning the truth about Islam and seeing the evidence
presented here you and I do no more belong to the "ignorant" majority. By
Ignorance I mean ignorant of Islam. Now you know the truth about Islam and
what is in Quran. If you choose Islam, after learning the truth about it,
you choose a path different from those who value first and foremost human
decency, truth and rightness. Here is where each person's true nature is
shown. Here is where the separation between good and evil is made. You may
choose to follow the good and abandon Islam; or you may choose to follow
this dark hatemongering cult of killing and turn your back towards humanity
and righteousness.
This is where we show our true nature. We all read the same hate laden
verses of Quran and the same shocking stories of the crime reported from the
Prophet. But our reaction is different. Those crimes do not go with my
constitution and many other honest people. But some have no difficulty
accepting them. Some of us are shocked to learn what Muhammad did to
Safiyah, raping her after killing her father and in the same day that he
killed her husband and many of her relatives; others feel nothing. Some of
us are appalled to read the details of the first holocaust caused by
Muhammad, the genocide and the cold-blooded massacre of the Jews of Arabia;
others feel nothing. Some of us cringe when we read that the Prophet used to
terror his opponents like a common gangster, showed no mercy even to a
120-year-old man or a nursing mother of 5, whose crimes was nothing more
than composing a lyric spurning him. That does not bother some Muslims at
all. We are disgusted when we're told that this man, the holy prophet of
Allah, (peace be upon his immaculate soul) burned the tree plantations and
destroyed water wells, that for him ends justified the means and that he
broke every moral and ethical code to get at what he wanted. To others it
may be the sign of a great statesman. Some of us shudder when we read that
the Prophet invaded merchant caravans, plundered towns and cities, enslaved
people, ordered raping of the women captured in his wars and enriched
himself by stealing the wealth of his victims and selling them as slaves. To
other Muslims all that is part of being a messenger of God.
If that is how you feel, obviously you and I have very different values. The
God I believe in is pure love. He does not kill, does not plunder, and does
not curse. My God does not order rape, does not assassinate, He does not
discriminate and does not call a part of humanity najis (filthy). My God is
not the khairul makerin "master deceiver", as he is described in Quran and
is not a ruthless tyrant. He does not burn anyone is the blazing fire for
eternity because s/he has failed to recognize him and to worship him. If
after learning these facts, you are still a Muslim then for you all that is
okay. It all boils down to who we are and what values we hold dear to our
If I believed in Satan, I would have said, Allah is the Satan for his deeds
unveils his true identity and his satanic nature. But as it is evident,
there are Muslims who do not follow Islam because it is good but because it
reaffirms their values. Fortunately the majority of the people, who now call
themselves Muslims, have different values than those taught by Islam. They
believe in goodness, in kindness, in equality of all the people irrespective
of their beliefs or gender. They believe in love not in hate and they want
to embrace all humanity in amity, not kill them because their religion is
not right. These people when learn about the true Islam will abandon it. And
since this knowledge is spreading very fast, millions of Muslims are leaving
Islam and this exodus is gaining momentum. Soon nothing will be left of
Islam but a bad name and a sore memory. But not all Muslims will leave
Islam. The criminals and those with hate in their hearts will remain loyal
to Muhammad just as there are still neo-nazis who still hale Hitler. But
their number will be reduced and their harm would be contained.
Atheism teaches that there is no God, hence no God-given rights. That
ideology coupled with a system that believed in the superiority of the state
at the expense of the individual was murderously synergistic.
2004-10-24 01:23:38 UTC
Here we are mixing oranges with apples:
We have two different languages going here with screwed up
interpretations. The word "Islam" is an Arabic word for
what we have for "obedience to God"; or "under God's
rule"; or putting it quite frankly, "Thinking we
are doing what God wants us to do", and i think
we all do that . . . we all want to "please"
God . . . Now here is the catch:
Adam and Eve where the only people on God's Earth that where
under God's rule, and they blew it. We only "think" we are
"under God's rule" - Adam and Eve where - actually. That
made God mighty made when they messed around with Satan,
and is why He threw them the f'k out of the Garden.
Allah is another Arabic word mis-interpreted,
well it means "God". Now do you see at what
i am driving? We are having a language
barrier and causing all kinds of
confusion for ourselves. All we
have to do to get over it is
to love and forgive and do
good no matter what.
In other words:
what goes around comes around.
Look at this and tell me what you think of Government
under Talmud Law:
and tell me, please, is this what you really want for America!
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Sweet Christian Warrior, May Our God's Spilt Blood
(Via The Vessel, Jesus) Be Your Shield.
"Intifada" is Arabic word for "SHAKE-OFF"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Post by Dana
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
We have to make the distinction between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are
people, human beings like you and I with the same goodness, hopes and
aspirations that characterizes all of us humans; but Islam is the doctrine
that teaches humans to hate other humans. Most Muslims know nothing of
Islam. The average Muslim still believes that Islam is a religion of peace
because the name drives from the word peace. Many Muslims believe that
Muhammad was honest. They don't know about the crimes committed by the holy
Prophet and that he was a vindictive man who killed innocent people without
any guilt. The majority of Muslims believer that Muhammad encouraged
manumitting the slaves and don't know how ruthless he attacked innocent
people massacred them and enslaved their children and wives. They still
believe that Muhammad married so many wives to protect them from
"starvation" but do not know the details of his scandalous and rapist
lustful sexual crimes.
The majority of Muslims are good because they do not know Islam. And yes
there are many good people and saints amongst them, but the credit should
not go to Islam. Muslims are good despite Islam, and they are good because
they do not follow the teachings of Quran.
Those who come to know Islam, belong to two categories. One group finds
Islam appealing and in accordance with their criminal nature. They kill
people, torture their fellow human beings, become terrorists and practice
the Quran and the Sunnah gleefully and shamelessly. You find them amongst
the Taliban, the Mullah of Iran and the Islamic terrorists everywhere. The
other group finds it appalling when they discover the truth about Islam and
leave it. If you are a Muslim you have to ask yourself which category you
belong? After learning the truth about Islam and seeing the evidence
presented here you and I do no more belong to the "ignorant" majority. By
Ignorance I mean ignorant of Islam. Now you know the truth about Islam and
what is in Quran. If you choose Islam, after learning the truth about it,
you choose a path different from those who value first and foremost human
decency, truth and rightness. Here is where each person's true nature is
shown. Here is where the separation between good and evil is made. You may
choose to follow the good and abandon Islam; or you may choose to follow
this dark hatemongering cult of killing and turn your back towards humanity
and righteousness.
This is where we show our true nature. We all read the same hate laden
verses of Quran and the same shocking stories of the crime reported from the
Prophet. But our reaction is different. Those crimes do not go with my
constitution and many other honest people. But some have no difficulty
accepting them. Some of us are shocked to learn what Muhammad did to
Safiyah, raping her after killing her father and in the same day that he
killed her husband and many of her relatives; others feel nothing. Some of
us are appalled to read the details of the first holocaust caused by
Muhammad, the genocide and the cold-blooded massacre of the Jews of Arabia;
others feel nothing. Some of us cringe when we read that the Prophet used to
terror his opponents like a common gangster, showed no mercy even to a
120-year-old man or a nursing mother of 5, whose crimes was nothing more
than composing a lyric spurning him. That does not bother some Muslims at
all. We are disgusted when we're told that this man, the holy prophet of
Allah, (peace be upon his immaculate soul) burned the tree plantations and
destroyed water wells, that for him ends justified the means and that he
broke every moral and ethical code to get at what he wanted. To others it
may be the sign of a great statesman. Some of us shudder when we read that
the Prophet invaded merchant caravans, plundered towns and cities, enslaved
people, ordered raping of the women captured in his wars and enriched
himself by stealing the wealth of his victims and selling them as slaves. To
other Muslims all that is part of being a messenger of God.
If that is how you feel, obviously you and I have very different values. The
God I believe in is pure love. He does not kill, does not plunder, and does
not curse. My God does not order rape, does not assassinate, He does not
discriminate and does not call a part of humanity najis (filthy). My God is
not the khairul makerin "master deceiver", as he is described in Quran and
is not a ruthless tyrant. He does not burn anyone is the blazing fire for
eternity because s/he has failed to recognize him and to worship him. If
after learning these facts, you are still a Muslim then for you all that is
okay. It all boils down to who we are and what values we hold dear to our
If I believed in Satan, I would have said, Allah is the Satan for his deeds
unveils his true identity and his satanic nature. But as it is evident,
there are Muslims who do not follow Islam because it is good but because it
reaffirms their values. Fortunately the majority of the people, who now call
themselves Muslims, have different values than those taught by Islam. They
believe in goodness, in kindness, in equality of all the people irrespective
of their beliefs or gender. They believe in love not in hate and they want
to embrace all humanity in amity, not kill them because their religion is
not right. These people when learn about the true Islam will abandon it. And
since this knowledge is spreading very fast, millions of Muslims are leaving
Islam and this exodus is gaining momentum. Soon nothing will be left of
Islam but a bad name and a sore memory. But not all Muslims will leave
Islam. The criminals and those with hate in their hearts will remain loyal
to Muhammad just as there are still neo-nazis who still hale Hitler. But
their number will be reduced and their harm would be contained.
2004-10-24 02:07:00 UTC
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
When you can show where Islam treats women the same as it treats men we may
even think about debating with you. Until then so long as the Moslem world
straps bombs onto their babies and blow them up in crowded areas, there is
no room to talk with you animals. When petty thugs kidnap and behead
innocent people all in the name of Islam, your so called religion leaves no
room for debate.
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
We have to make the distinction between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are
people, human beings like you and I with the same goodness, hopes and
aspirations that characterizes all of us humans; but Islam is the doctrine
that teaches humans to hate other humans. Most Muslims know nothing of
Islam. The average Muslim still believes that Islam is a religion of peace
because the name drives from the word peace. Many Muslims believe that
Muhammad was honest. They don't know about the crimes committed by the holy
Prophet and that he was a vindictive man who killed innocent people without
any guilt. The majority of Muslims believer that Muhammad encouraged
manumitting the slaves and don't know how ruthless he attacked innocent
people massacred them and enslaved their children and wives. They still
believe that Muhammad married so many wives to protect them from
"starvation" but do not know the details of his scandalous and rapist
lustful sexual crimes.
The majority of Muslims are good because they do not know Islam. And yes
there are many good people and saints amongst them, but the credit should
not go to Islam. Muslims are good despite Islam, and they are good because
they do not follow the teachings of Quran.
Those who come to know Islam, belong to two categories. One group finds
Islam appealing and in accordance with their criminal nature. They kill
people, torture their fellow human beings, become terrorists and practice
the Quran and the Sunnah gleefully and shamelessly. You find them amongst
the Taliban, the Mullah of Iran and the Islamic terrorists everywhere. The
other group finds it appalling when they discover the truth about Islam and
leave it. If you are a Muslim you have to ask yourself which category you
belong? After learning the truth about Islam and seeing the evidence
presented here you and I do no more belong to the "ignorant" majority. By
Ignorance I mean ignorant of Islam. Now you know the truth about Islam and
what is in Quran. If you choose Islam, after learning the truth about it,
you choose a path different from those who value first and foremost human
decency, truth and rightness. Here is where each person's true nature is
shown. Here is where the separation between good and evil is made. You may
choose to follow the good and abandon Islam; or you may choose to follow
this dark hatemongering cult of killing and turn your back towards humanity
and righteousness.
This is where we show our true nature. We all read the same hate laden
verses of Quran and the same shocking stories of the crime reported from the
Prophet. But our reaction is different. Those crimes do not go with my
constitution and many other honest people. But some have no difficulty
accepting them. Some of us are shocked to learn what Muhammad did to
Safiyah, raping her after killing her father and in the same day that he
killed her husband and many of her relatives; others feel nothing. Some of
us are appalled to read the details of the first holocaust caused by
Muhammad, the genocide and the cold-blooded massacre of the Jews of Arabia;
others feel nothing. Some of us cringe when we read that the Prophet used to
terror his opponents like a common gangster, showed no mercy even to a
120-year-old man or a nursing mother of 5, whose crimes was nothing more
than composing a lyric spurning him. That does not bother some Muslims at
all. We are disgusted when we're told that this man, the holy prophet of
Allah, (peace be upon his immaculate soul) burned the tree plantations and
destroyed water wells, that for him ends justified the means and that he
broke every moral and ethical code to get at what he wanted. To others it
may be the sign of a great statesman. Some of us shudder when we read that
the Prophet invaded merchant caravans, plundered towns and cities, enslaved
people, ordered raping of the women captured in his wars and enriched
himself by stealing the wealth of his victims and selling them as slaves. To
other Muslims all that is part of being a messenger of God.
If that is how you feel, obviously you and I have very different values. The
God I believe in is pure love. He does not kill, does not plunder, and does
not curse. My God does not order rape, does not assassinate, He does not
discriminate and does not call a part of humanity najis (filthy). My God is
not the khairul makerin "master deceiver", as he is described in Quran and
is not a ruthless tyrant. He does not burn anyone is the blazing fire for
eternity because s/he has failed to recognize him and to worship him. If
after learning these facts, you are still a Muslim then for you all that is
okay. It all boils down to who we are and what values we hold dear to our
If I believed in Satan, I would have said, Allah is the Satan for his deeds
unveils his true identity and his satanic nature. But as it is evident,
there are Muslims who do not follow Islam because it is good but because it
reaffirms their values. Fortunately the majority of the people, who now call
themselves Muslims, have different values than those taught by Islam. They
believe in goodness, in kindness, in equality of all the people irrespective
of their beliefs or gender. They believe in love not in hate and they want
to embrace all humanity in amity, not kill them because their religion is
not right. These people when learn about the true Islam will abandon it. And
since this knowledge is spreading very fast, millions of Muslims are leaving
Islam and this exodus is gaining momentum. Soon nothing will be left of
Islam but a bad name and a sore memory. But not all Muslims will leave
Islam. The criminals and those with hate in their hearts will remain loyal
to Muhammad just as there are still neo-nazis who still hale Hitler. But
their number will be reduced and their harm would be contained.
2004-10-24 12:02:02 UTC
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
When you can show where Islam treats women the same as it treats men we may
even think about debating with you. Until then so long as the Moslem world
straps bombs onto their babies and blow them up in crowded areas, there is
no room to talk with you animals. When petty thugs kidnap and behead
innocent people all in the name of Islam, your so called religion leaves no
room for debate....
• The recent kidnapping and threatened beheading of the English woman who
has been working to aid poor Iraquis for the past 30-years tells one all
one needs to know about Islam.
€ R.L.Measures, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
remove _ from e-mail adr
2004-10-27 01:36:32 UTC
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
i am afraid you missed your mark. Here is the real "corrupt":
http://www.jewwatch.com and its name is Talmud Law: an eye
for an eye; a pound of flesh and lie . . .
Post by Dana
When you can show where Islam treats women the same as it treats men
You are still using the word "Islam" to refer to Muslim. When you
come to USENET will you please be good enough to bring your brains
along with you . . . Again - yawn - "Islam" is what we all think we
are: it means under God's laws; obedient to God etc.
we may
Post by Dana
even think about debating with you.
O-Boy, never con a con . . .
Post by Dana
Until then so long as the Moslem world
straps bombs onto their babies and blow them up in crowded areas,
and how many of our children have been killed in all of America's
WWI 38 million dead, missing and wounded;
1922 Flu kills 22 million world wide (just threw that one in).
WWII 35 million; plus 10 million in Nazi Concentration Camps -
Getting the picture???!!!
Post by Dana
there is
no room to talk with you animals.
"Animal"? I am an "Animal"?
If i am an "Animal" that means you can eat me . . . ???
Isnot that what all parasites do?
Post by Dana
When petty thugs kidnap and behead
OOOOHHHH, you get off on the big-shot bombers - i know.
Bomb the little children and their mothers in the streets.
See here proof of your sicker than sick mind-set . . .
Post by Dana
innocent people all in the name of Islam, your so called religion leaves no
room for debate.
No debate - no - no way - not with a truth hater
who loves a lie - John 8:44 . . .
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Sweet Christian Warrior, May Our God's Spilt Blood
(Via The Vessel, Jesus) Be Your Shield.
"Intifada" is Arabic word for "SHAKE-OFF"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
2004-10-27 01:29:14 UTC
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
2004-10-27 02:14:31 UTC
"> OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Post by Dana
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt."

If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
2004-10-27 02:38:41 UTC
Post by Peter
"> OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Post by Dana
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt."
Pipe down now I am trying to score some Booty.
Gets lonely up here in Alaska.
Post by Peter
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
2004-10-28 00:56:48 UTC
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
How can wanting to be obedient to God be "Militant"?
You arenot understanding the "Word". You want to use
the words, Muslim or Christian, because they are
"religions"; where Islam is a CONDITION (of wanna be)
in our case.
Islam isnot a religeon:
The word, "Islam" is an Arab word meaning: under God's
rule or subjecting oneself to obedience under God,
which most of us assume we are doing, and that can
never be, "radical" Islam, because weare all Islam
hopers. We all want to be obedient to God. You are
probably thinking of Muslim or Christian.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Sweet Christian Warrior, May Our God's Spilt Blood
(Via The Vessel, Jesus) Be Your Shield.
"Intifada" is Arabic word for "SHAKE-OFF"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
2004-10-28 00:36:44 UTC
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
How can wanting to be obedient to God be "Militant"?
That is not what is Militant. What is Militant is the Muslims who think that
Islam is the only true faith, and that they have to force people to convert,
or kill them if people will not convert.
Don Strevel
2004-11-19 00:27:52 UTC
We Christians have our Jimmy Swaggart and the PTL Club.
Don Strevel, Las Vegas, NV.
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the extreme
becomes corrupt.
How can wanting to be obedient to God be "Militant"?
You arenot understanding the "Word". You want to use
the words, Muslim or Christian, because they are
"religions"; where Islam is a CONDITION (of wanna be)
in our case.
The word, "Islam" is an Arab word meaning: under God's
rule or subjecting oneself to obedience under God,
which most of us assume we are doing, and that can
never be, "radical" Islam, because weare all Islam
hopers. We all want to be obedient to God. You are
probably thinking of Muslim or Christian.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Sweet Christian Warrior, May Our God's Spilt Blood
(Via The Vessel, Jesus) Be Your Shield.
"Intifada" is Arabic word for "SHAKE-OFF"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.797 / Virus Database: 541 - Release Date: 11/15/2004
Pete Hwr
2004-11-19 07:04:43 UTC
Christians may have their Jimmy Swaggarts, but even these turkeys do not
KILL people who disagree with them.

The trouble is, Islam takes naturally decent people and then teaches them to
do some VERY evil things.

I've read the Koan 7 times (three translations) It calls for killing
non-believers 109 times.
Peter H
Post by Don Strevel
We Christians have our Jimmy Swaggart and the PTL Club.
Don Strevel, Las Vegas, NV.
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt
Bush is the AntiChrist!!
2004-11-19 08:28:36 UTC
Post by Don Strevel
We Christians have our Jimmy Swaggart and the PTL Club.
Don Strevel, Las Vegas, NV.
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
Post by Paminifarm
No, we are showing the world how corrupt Islam is.
Hey! Wait right there, sweety, if you want to show "corrupt",
OK you are correct. It is not Islam that is corrupt. But it is Militant
Islam that is corrupt, just like any religion taken so far to the
Post by Paminifarm
Post by Dana
becomes corrupt.
How can wanting to be obedient to God be "Militant"?
You arenot understanding the "Word". You want to use
the words, Muslim or Christian, because they are
"religions"; where Islam is a CONDITION (of wanna be)
in our case.
The word, "Islam" is an Arab word meaning: under God's
rule or subjecting oneself to obedience under God,
which most of us assume we are doing, and that can
never be, "radical" Islam, because weare all Islam
hopers. We all want to be obedient to God. You are
probably thinking of Muslim or Christian.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.
Sweet Christian Warrior, May Our God's Spilt Blood
(Via The Vessel, Jesus) Be Your Shield.
"Intifada" is Arabic word for "SHAKE-OFF"
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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And Pat Robertson, Jim Jones, KKK, Sword and Shield of the Lord,
Pentacostals, Pro-life nazis etc.
The Best in Message Board Discussions
Bush is re-elected, fly the flag upside down!

2004-10-24 12:44:25 UTC
Post by Paminifarm
We have two different languages going here with screwed up
interpretations. The word "Islam" is an Arabic word for
2004-10-24 12:43:24 UTC
Post by Dana
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
Islam without Muslims wouldn't exist.

The problem is Muslims and islam. Open up a can of whoop ass on both of em.
2004-10-24 15:54:09 UTC
Post by Dana
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
We have to make the distinction between Muslims and Islam.
Ahhhhhh, that clears up the issue. <rolleyes>
Post by Dana
Muslims are
people, human beings like you and I with the same goodness (which is none),
hopes and aspirations that characterizes all of us humans;
Somehow, I don't think mozlum murderers are interested in earning an honest
living, telling the truth, living in peace, fixing up their cars, etc., etc.
2004-10-28 10:29:10 UTC
Nice Twisting of facts. You should work with CNN and Fox news.
The only fact that that quran says about war and peace explains
everything. Which you did not mentioned ofcourse, is that quran
disallows muslims to fight with those how are not fithting with
muslims and only alows muslimis to fight those who fight with Muslims.
and that killing a non military person even accidently during ware is
punishable in Islam.
2.190. Fight against those who fight against you in the way of Allah,
but do not transgress, for Allah does not love transgressors.
2.192. Then if they desist, know well that Allah is Ever-Forgiving,
Most Compassionate.
2.193. Keep on fighting against them until mischief ends and the way
prescribed by Allah prevails. But if they desist, then know that
hostility is only against the wrong-doers.
004:135 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses
to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and
whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both.
Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye
distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-
acquainted with all that ye do.
Lets suppose I quote an announcement of a American General who is
being attacked in Vietnam that &#8220;Shoot to kill Vietnamese ".
Without telling the background of the situation it seems that US
wanted to kill Vietnamese. Not to mention that USA actually burnt
villages alive with families there.
What happened first Brutalities and occupations by Israel or 9/11.
If you think you are true read the websites of the other side too. You
have followed the rules of successful propaganda to balance lies with
some truth in order to retain public trust, But I am afraid the more
you try to press Islam more it will be known to public. (Praise be to
2004-11-20 18:35:03 UTC
Dana International !

2004-11-20 21:05:54 UTC
time to nuke Mecca, you fucking piece of Pisslamic shit.
Post by ArabSpirit
Dana International !
Faridoun Ahvirazi
2004-12-25 01:21:42 UTC
The human mind is not a logical computer. The best and worst in human nature
can coexist seamlessly despite the contradictions. The power of Islam is
derived from its suitability to the human-animal nature and temperament. It
gives man an outlet to his desires within the confinement of a
complementarily structure called Jihad. Islam functions best under
conditions of constant strife and struggle as is with any revolutionary
movement. It is by far more camouflaged, adaptive, appealing, and self
complementary, successful, and enduring than the other two great
totalitarian movements, Communism and Fascism. Islam is the best collective
punishment that mankind can visit on itself. Humanity is an evil, self
deprecating species that deserve their just chastisement to wallow like
swine in the swamp of Islam. In most of the world savagery, cruelty,
violence, injustice, intolerance, and vulgarity is the norm. In the small
regions where this is not the case: civility, mercy, meekness, blind
justice, blind tolerance, and decency castrate societies in the face of the
Islamic horde. Islam is a manifestation of the beast within, which humanity
can not live with or without because it is woven in the fabric of our
primeval pack mentality with all its characteristics: fallow your leader,
blind obedience, self sacrifice, violence, hostility, voraciousness,
territorialism, and expansionism. Logic does not and can not apply to the
equation which favors eventual Islamic preeminence. Islam is a human
phenomenon in the same way that a locust swarm is a Grasshopper phenomenon.
It can not be defeated or even contained without resorting to a scheme more
ruthless and violent than itself whereby, humanity reaches the same level no
matter who wins the struggle. This century is as important to the future of
Islam as the century of its inception. The similarities in the world power
structure of the time of Mohammed and now are staggering: Empty superpowers
which are wealthy and seemingly powerful, but in reality are fractured,
faithless, materialistic, depopulated, dispassionate, selfish, and
unpatriotic. Islam as the famous fundamentalist slogan says, “Islam is the
solution”. For many free souls it will be the final solution to their
existence. A danger that the powers to be are refusing to confront or even
acknowledge truthfully has therefore no counter-measures. Islam’s cries of
war are echoing in the chamber of history the decline of man.
Post by Dana
The Problem is Islam, not Muslims
We have to make the distinction between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are
people, human beings like you and I with the same goodness, hopes and
aspirations that characterizes all of us humans; but Islam is the doctrine
that teaches humans to hate other humans. Most Muslims know nothing of
Islam. The average Muslim still believes that Islam is a religion of peace
because the name drives from the word peace. Many Muslims believe that
Muhammad was honest. They don't know about the crimes committed by the holy
Prophet and that he was a vindictive man who killed innocent people without
any guilt. The majority of Muslims believer that Muhammad encouraged
manumitting the slaves and don't know how ruthless he attacked innocent
people massacred them and enslaved their children and wives. They still
believe that Muhammad married so many wives to protect them from
"starvation" but do not know the details of his scandalous and rapist
lustful sexual crimes.
The majority of Muslims are good because they do not know Islam. And yes
there are many good people and saints amongst them, but the credit should
not go to Islam. Muslims are good despite Islam, and they are good because
they do not follow the teachings of Quran.
Those who come to know Islam, belong to two categories. One group finds
Islam appealing and in accordance with their criminal nature. They kill
people, torture their fellow human beings, become terrorists and practice
the Quran and the Sunnah gleefully and shamelessly. You find them amongst
the Taliban, the Mullah of Iran and the Islamic terrorists everywhere. The
other group finds it appalling when they discover the truth about Islam and
leave it. If you are a Muslim you have to ask yourself which category you
belong? After learning the truth about Islam and seeing the evidence
presented here you and I do no more belong to the "ignorant" majority. By
Ignorance I mean ignorant of Islam. Now you know the truth about Islam and
what is in Quran. If you choose Islam, after learning the truth about it,
you choose a path different from those who value first and foremost human
decency, truth and rightness. Here is where each person's true nature is
shown. Here is where the separation between good and evil is made. You may
choose to follow the good and abandon Islam; or you may choose to follow
this dark hatemongering cult of killing and turn your back towards humanity
and righteousness.
This is where we show our true nature. We all read the same hate laden
verses of Quran and the same shocking stories of the crime reported from the
Prophet. But our reaction is different. Those crimes do not go with my
constitution and many other honest people. But some have no difficulty
accepting them. Some of us are shocked to learn what Muhammad did to
Safiyah, raping her after killing her father and in the same day that he
killed her husband and many of her relatives; others feel nothing. Some of
us are appalled to read the details of the first holocaust caused by
Muhammad, the genocide and the cold-blooded massacre of the Jews of Arabia;
others feel nothing. Some of us cringe when we read that the Prophet used to
terror his opponents like a common gangster, showed no mercy even to a
120-year-old man or a nursing mother of 5, whose crimes was nothing more
than composing a lyric spurning him. That does not bother some Muslims at
all. We are disgusted when we're told that this man, the holy prophet of
Allah, (peace be upon his immaculate soul) burned the tree plantations and
destroyed water wells, that for him ends justified the means and that he
broke every moral and ethical code to get at what he wanted. To others it
may be the sign of a great statesman. Some of us shudder when we read that
the Prophet invaded merchant caravans, plundered towns and cities, enslaved
people, ordered raping of the women captured in his wars and enriched
himself by stealing the wealth of his victims and selling them as slaves. To
other Muslims all that is part of being a messenger of God.
If that is how you feel, obviously you and I have very different values. The
God I believe in is pure love. He does not kill, does not plunder, and does
not curse. My God does not order rape, does not assassinate, He does not
discriminate and does not call a part of humanity najis (filthy). My God is
not the khairul makerin "master deceiver", as he is described in Quran and
is not a ruthless tyrant. He does not burn anyone is the blazing fire for
eternity because s/he has failed to recognize him and to worship him. If
after learning these facts, you are still a Muslim then for you all that is
okay. It all boils down to who we are and what values we hold dear to our
If I believed in Satan, I would have said, Allah is the Satan for his deeds
unveils his true identity and his satanic nature. But as it is evident,
there are Muslims who do not follow Islam because it is good but because it
reaffirms their values. Fortunately the majority of the people, who now call
themselves Muslims, have different values than those taught by Islam. They
believe in goodness, in kindness, in equality of all the people irrespective
of their beliefs or gender. They believe in love not in hate and they want
to embrace all humanity in amity, not kill them because their religion is
not right. These people when learn about the true Islam will abandon it. And
since this knowledge is spreading very fast, millions of Muslims are leaving
Islam and this exodus is gaining momentum. Soon nothing will be left of
Islam but a bad name and a sore memory. But not all Muslims will leave
Islam. The criminals and those with hate in their hearts will remain loyal
to Muhammad just as there are still neo-nazis who still hale Hitler. But
their number will be reduced and their harm would be contained.
Atheism teaches that there is no God, hence no God-given rights. That
ideology coupled with a system that believed in the superiority of the state
at the expense of the individual was murderously synergistic.