American Media to Blame for Nick Berg
(too old to reply)
Republican American
2004-05-11 21:47:19 UTC
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media is
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the minor
alleged abuses that occured.
2004-05-11 22:57:55 UTC
Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media is
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the minor
alleged abuses that occured.
The Media? The media didn't abuse anyone, they just reported it. And, they
only reported on the things the Pentagon approved for release. They are
saying that there are alot worse things that happened that they are not
releasing yet.

Secrets are BAD. Allowing any government or individual to abuse another
human being is WRONG. Most important, saying that the other guy did worse
things is not an acceptable justification.

IF there had been a military reason for taking extreme actions to recover
intelligence, I might understand, even if I don't condone it. But NO ONE
has said these prisoners had any valuable information. This was torture for
the sake of torture, not any effort to gain intel.

Allowing the government or military to cover this up is not acceptable. All
information, pictures, videos, etc has to be released now.
2004-05-12 01:32:29 UTC
Post by svenbo
The Media? The media didn't abuse anyone, they just reported it. And, they
only reported on the things the Pentagon approved for release. They are
saying that there are alot worse things that happened that they are not
releasing yet.
You contradict yourself you say that the Media is reporting on what the
Pentagon allowed them to release, they you say "They are saying that there
are alot worse things that happened that they are not releasing yet." That
isn't reporting that is speculative and not fact. Reporting facts is one
thing, reporting hearsay that is not substantiated is another. One can
dream up anything they want from the prisoners being placed nude in a tub of
ice to being beaten to death. Your comments are not factual.
Post by svenbo
Secrets are BAD. Allowing any government or individual to abuse another
human being is WRONG. Most important, saying that the other guy did worse
things is not an acceptable justification.
Once again you contradict yourself. "Secrets are BAD." What secrets? Are
you referring to secrets of abuse of Iraqi prisoners? In your previous
statement you don't seem to think it is a secret you seem to believe that it
has all been put out for publication to the media. I will agree that abuse
of any kind is wrong. But let's face it, a set of pictures showing some
guys in a pyramid nude with a people pointing at them versus a person being
beheaded? Know one doesn't justify the other but one is certainly more of
an extreme. I'm sure the guys in the pyramid were humiliated but they are
most certainly still alive.
Post by svenbo
IF there had been a military reason for taking extreme actions to recover
intelligence, I might understand, even if I don't condone it. But NO ONE
has said these prisoners had any valuable information. This was torture for
the sake of torture, not any effort to gain intel.
You use the term 'torture' pretty leisurely here, let's look at the
definition for a minute:

1. a. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or
coercion. b. An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain.

2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony: the torture of
waiting in suspense.

3. Something causing severe pain or anguish.

I didn't see anyone in the pictures I saw enduring any severe physical pain,
did you? I didn't see any one enduring excruciating physical or mental
pain, did you? I didn't see anyone suffering form sever pain or anguish,
did you?

Now look at Nick Berg, what information did he have? What 'intel' did he
have? Nick Berg was tortured. You need to use terms that are more
appropriate such as embarrassed.
Post by svenbo
Allowing the government or military to cover this up is not acceptable.
Post by svenbo
information, pictures, videos, etc has to be released now.
What is not acceptable is killing an innocent 26 year old guy who was only
trying to find work. You make is sound like he had it coming and anyone
else that is killed has it coming because they are American.

I'm not sure what your agenda is but it certainly isn't for justify, it
sounds like it is for vengeance.
2004-05-12 14:01:00 UTC
Post by WhatThe?
Post by svenbo
The Media? The media didn't abuse anyone, they just reported it. And,
Post by svenbo
only reported on the things the Pentagon approved for release. They are
saying that there are alot worse things that happened that they are not
releasing yet.
You contradict yourself you say that the Media is reporting on what the
Pentagon allowed them to release, they you say "They are saying that there
are alot worse things that happened that they are not releasing yet."
Post by WhatThe?
isn't reporting that is speculative and not fact. Reporting facts is one
thing, reporting hearsay that is not substantiated is another. One can
dream up anything they want from the prisoners being placed nude in a tub of
ice to being beaten to death. Your comments are not factual.
Actually, it was Donald Rumsfield who said there are worse things to come
while testifying before congress, not facts then maybe but not speculative
Post by WhatThe?
Post by svenbo
Secrets are BAD. Allowing any government or individual to abuse another
human being is WRONG. Most important, saying that the other guy did worse
things is not an acceptable justification.
Once again you contradict yourself. "Secrets are BAD." What secrets?
Post by WhatThe?
you referring to secrets of abuse of Iraqi prisoners? In your previous
statement you don't seem to think it is a secret you seem to believe that it
has all been put out for publication to the media. I will agree that abuse
of any kind is wrong. But let's face it, a set of pictures showing some
guys in a pyramid nude with a people pointing at them versus a person being
beheaded? Know one doesn't justify the other but one is certainly more of
an extreme. I'm sure the guys in the pyramid were humiliated but they are
most certainly still alive.
Secrets, as in, the Red Cross secret report that stated this abuse started A
YEAR AGO, which the Bush Administration has basically ignored until now. I
don't mean abused by being naked, I mean abuse by letting dogs attack naked
prisoners, rape of female captives, sodomizing male prisoners with a Lumen
stick and a broom handle. Again, not factual maybe, but uncovered during
senate investigation testimony yesterday.
Post by WhatThe?
Post by svenbo
IF there had been a military reason for taking extreme actions to recover
intelligence, I might understand, even if I don't condone it. But NO ONE
has said these prisoners had any valuable information. This was torture
Post by svenbo
the sake of torture, not any effort to gain intel.
You use the term 'torture' pretty leisurely here, let's look at the
1. a. Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or
coercion. b. An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain.
2. Excruciating physical or mental pain; agony: the torture of
waiting in suspense.
3. Something causing severe pain or anguish.
I didn't see anyone in the pictures I saw enduring any severe physical pain,
did you? I didn't see any one enduring excruciating physical or mental
pain, did you? I didn't see anyone suffering form sever pain or anguish,
did you?
See above answer. While being nude and posed in homosexual positions might
not be considered by some to be torture, direct infliction of pain, rape and
sodomy are.
Post by WhatThe?
Now look at Nick Berg, what information did he have? What 'intel' did he
have? Nick Berg was tortured. You need to use terms that are more
appropriate such as embarrassed.
Embarrassed because they were being tortured?
Post by WhatThe?
Post by svenbo
Allowing the government or military to cover this up is not acceptable.
Post by svenbo
information, pictures, videos, etc has to be released now.
What is not acceptable is killing an innocent 26 year old guy who was only
trying to find work. You make is sound like he had it coming and anyone
else that is killed has it coming because they are American.
I never mentioned the beheading. BTW just saw the full video, and I would
have to say he was TORTURED to death. My point wasn't that anyone person
has anything coming. My point was that alot of the Arab world (and the
world in general) already HATE US. What military commander thought this
kind of abuse would endear us to anyone? What IDIOT thought it was a good
idea to photodocument the whole thing? Most importantly, they were already
looking for ways to kill Americans, is this torture of prisoners going to
make it safer for us anywhere in the world?
Post by WhatThe?
I'm not sure what your agenda is but it certainly isn't for justify, it
sounds like it is for vengeance.
2004-05-14 05:50:12 UTC
Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media is
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the minor
alleged abuses that occured.
John Schiess
2004-05-17 02:19:13 UTC
What's the problem here?

They rid the world of another filthy Jew!

Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media is
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the minor
alleged abuses that occured.
2004-05-19 18:30:38 UTC
Allot of Jews have been where you never been.
In Combat.
Post by John Schiess
What's the problem here?
They rid the world of another filthy Jew!
Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media
Post by Republican American
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the
Post by Republican American
alleged abuses that occured.
John Schiess
2004-06-24 02:52:02 UTC

In CT, USA where I work, we don't give a shit!

If your up to it, show me "Combat" I'll bet you don't have the balls!!
Post by Yussarian
Allot of Jews have been where you never been.
In Combat.
Post by John Schiess
What's the problem here?
They rid the world of another filthy Jew!
Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news media
Post by Republican American
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the
Post by Republican American
alleged abuses that occured.
andrew ross
2004-07-06 01:39:50 UTC
Lol John I got your back on this one
Post by John Schiess
In CT, USA where I work, we don't give a shit!
If your up to it, show me "Combat" I'll bet you don't have the balls!!
Post by Yussarian
Allot of Jews have been where you never been.
In Combat.
Post by John Schiess
What's the problem here?
They rid the world of another filthy Jew!
Post by Republican American
I bet Nick Berg would not have minded being leashed, hooded, or even
stripped naked compared to being beheaded. I hope the greedy news
Post by Yussarian
Post by John Schiess
Post by Republican American
happy that they incensed the Muslim extremists to take revenge on the
Post by Republican American
alleged abuses that occured.