Yes, It is Islamic Don't Apologize for It!
(too old to reply)
2004-10-24 23:40:42 UTC

Yes, It is Islamic Don't Apologize for It!
By Azam Kamguian

In the last few weeks, the Swedish society has been touched by the brutal
and calculated murder of Fadima Sahindal; a young courageous woman who chose
to live according to her will and paid the price by her life. In the last
two months, two other young women in Denmark and Britain were killed by
their fathers because of the honor of the family. Honor of men and the
family took their lives. Honor killing is a tribal and Islamic practice
prevalent in Islam- ridden countries and Muslim inhabited communities in the
West. Being killed deliberately and brutally is, in fact, a price that
victims pay to practice their minimal human rights such as how to dress,
talk to men other than their male family members, live, work and study
independently, and marry at will, or have voluntary sexual relations.
Hundreds of women get shot, burned, strangled, stoned, poisoned, beheaded or
stabbed every year in Islam ridden countries because their male relatives
believe their actions have soiled the family name. They die, so family honor
may survive. According to this tribal and religious practice, woman is a
man's possession and a reflection of his honor. It is the man's honor that
gets tarnished if a woman is 'loose'. The murderers and their defenders
refer to this verse of the Koran that allows husbands to beat their wives:
"As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill - conduct,
admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them", the Koran, chapter 4,
verse 34. Honor killing is a tribal practice that has been incorporated in
the religion of Islam, because of its anti - women nature and misogynist
philosophy. And the law is usually on the man's side, not only in the Middle
Eastern and the Central Asian countries, but shamefully, in the Western
countries too. They often letting murderers go unpunished or with a light
According to this Islamic concept and tradition, from the early childhood,
girls are taught about "eib", which means shame, and "sharaf", which means
honor. And everywhere girls go are reminders that their most important
mission in life is to remain virgin until they marry. Boys are also taught
to have "ghayrat", meaning to be ardent. All these concepts are Islamic
concepts, and that is why the killers always defend their acts of murder by
these Islamic concepts. According to the UN statistics, the majority of
these murders occur in the Islam - ridden countries and Muslin inhabited
communities in the West.
Though, honor killing may seem not much surprising in societies such as
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, its occurrence is indeed shocking and
shameful in the heart of Europe in the 21st Century. And that is where the
reactionary idea of Cultural Relativism is put into practice to justify
women's victimization by excusing Islam and backward traditions.
Unfortunately, until recently which some measures were implemented by the
Swedish government, this government not only neglected to protect the lives
and the rights of these women, but also justified their murders under the
name of respecting 'other' people's religion and culture. While the
murderers have repeatedly and openly defend their act by referring to Islam
and the Koran, the majority of feminists, the mainstream media and
intellectuals try to explain these murders as the prevalent patterns of
domestic violence against women in the Western societies. While the
murderers, whether in the Middle Eastern countries or in the Muslim
inhabited communities in the West, openly state that their act of murder are
"crimes of honor", and that they are merely following the directions set
down in their religious beliefs, both in the Koran and in the Bible, the
apologetic Western intellectuals repeatedly assure us that it is not Islam
and the backward traditions, it is the common pattern of violence that is
happening to the Western women too.
Swedish intellectuals should show the honesty that is required and expected
from intellectuals, by telling the truth, by siding with those innocent
young women who were victimized and continue to be brutally victimized
because of the Islamic and backward tradition. It is not acceptable to
apologize for Islam and backwardness.
And as far as the Swedish government is concerned, there shouldn't be a
different basis for people's right in the one and same society; in the
Swedish society. All should be considered as Swedish citizens and equal
before the law. The Swedish society is duty bound to safe guard and protect
the rights of women and girls from Muslim origins. This could be done only
by abolishing all the respective discriminatory laws against these girls and
women. This could be done only when there is no respect, excuse and legal
interpretation for the misogynist Islamic and traditional beliefs and
2004-10-25 15:10:19 UTC
let's see how long it will take for that sick, perverted childsex
fiend PACIFIST to start ranting his usual racist, anti-Jew and
anti-Bahai drivel, or how long it will take him to call you a whore.
Pacifist is a typical Muslim barbarian beast and everytime you receive
such threats and denigrating responses from his sick, degenerate
ranting self, you must realize that you are doing something right!
Post by Dana
Yes, It is Islamic Don't Apologize for It!
By Azam Kamguian
In the last few weeks, the Swedish society has been touched by the brutal
and calculated murder of Fadima Sahindal; a young courageous woman who chose
to live according to her will and paid the price by her life. In the last
two months, two other young women in Denmark and Britain were killed by
their fathers because of the honor of the family. Honor of men and the
family took their lives. Honor killing is a tribal and Islamic practice
prevalent in Islam- ridden countries and Muslim inhabited communities in the
West. Being killed deliberately and brutally is, in fact, a price that
victims pay to practice their minimal human rights such as how to dress,
talk to men other than their male family members, live, work and study
independently, and marry at will, or have voluntary sexual relations.
Hundreds of women get shot, burned, strangled, stoned, poisoned, beheaded or
stabbed every year in Islam ridden countries because their male relatives
believe their actions have soiled the family name. They die, so family honor
may survive. According to this tribal and religious practice, woman is a
man's possession and a reflection of his honor. It is the man's honor that
gets tarnished if a woman is 'loose'. The murderers and their defenders
"As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill - conduct,
admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them", the Koran, chapter 4,
verse 34. Honor killing is a tribal practice that has been incorporated in
the religion of Islam, because of its anti - women nature and misogynist
philosophy. And the law is usually on the man's side, not only in the Middle
Eastern and the Central Asian countries, but shamefully, in the Western
countries too. They often letting murderers go unpunished or with a light
According to this Islamic concept and tradition, from the early childhood,
girls are taught about "eib", which means shame, and "sharaf", which means
honor. And everywhere girls go are reminders that their most important
mission in life is to remain virgin until they marry. Boys are also taught
to have "ghayrat", meaning to be ardent. All these concepts are Islamic
concepts, and that is why the killers always defend their acts of murder by
these Islamic concepts. According to the UN statistics, the majority of
these murders occur in the Islam - ridden countries and Muslin inhabited
communities in the West.
Though, honor killing may seem not much surprising in societies such as
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, its occurrence is indeed shocking and
shameful in the heart of Europe in the 21st Century. And that is where the
reactionary idea of Cultural Relativism is put into practice to justify
women's victimization by excusing Islam and backward traditions.
Unfortunately, until recently which some measures were implemented by the
Swedish government, this government not only neglected to protect the lives
and the rights of these women, but also justified their murders under the
name of respecting 'other' people's religion and culture. While the
murderers have repeatedly and openly defend their act by referring to Islam
and the Koran, the majority of feminists, the mainstream media and
intellectuals try to explain these murders as the prevalent patterns of
domestic violence against women in the Western societies. While the
murderers, whether in the Middle Eastern countries or in the Muslim
inhabited communities in the West, openly state that their act of murder are
"crimes of honor", and that they are merely following the directions set
down in their religious beliefs, both in the Koran and in the Bible, the
apologetic Western intellectuals repeatedly assure us that it is not Islam
and the backward traditions, it is the common pattern of violence that is
happening to the Western women too.
Swedish intellectuals should show the honesty that is required and expected
from intellectuals, by telling the truth, by siding with those innocent
young women who were victimized and continue to be brutally victimized
because of the Islamic and backward tradition. It is not acceptable to
apologize for Islam and backwardness.
And as far as the Swedish government is concerned, there shouldn't be a
different basis for people's right in the one and same society; in the
Swedish society. All should be considered as Swedish citizens and equal
before the law. The Swedish society is duty bound to safe guard and protect
the rights of women and girls from Muslim origins. This could be done only
by abolishing all the respective discriminatory laws against these girls and
women. This could be done only when there is no respect, excuse and legal
interpretation for the misogynist Islamic and traditional beliefs and
2004-10-25 19:24:27 UTC
Post by sirknight67
let's see how long it will take for that sick, perverted childsex
fiend PACIFIST to start ranting his usual racist, anti-Jew and
anti-Bahai drivel, or how long it will take him to call you a whore.
Pacifist is a typical Muslim barbarian beast and everytime you receive
such threats and denigrating responses from his sick, degenerate
ranting self, you must realize that you are doing something right!
How true. As I logged on today I really made yakub t pop a gasket. I can
see him sitting over there in Canada and not being able to stop posts from
appearing that does not shed good light on Islam or the Prophet Muhammad.
Post by sirknight67
Post by Dana
Yes, It is Islamic Don't Apologize for It!
By Azam Kamguian
In the last few weeks, the Swedish society has been touched by the brutal
and calculated murder of Fadima Sahindal; a young courageous woman who chose
to live according to her will and paid the price by her life. In the last
two months, two other young women in Denmark and Britain were killed by
their fathers because of the honor of the family. Honor of men and the
family took their lives. Honor killing is a tribal and Islamic practice
prevalent in Islam- ridden countries and Muslim inhabited communities in the
West. Being killed deliberately and brutally is, in fact, a price that
victims pay to practice their minimal human rights such as how to dress,
talk to men other than their male family members, live, work and study
independently, and marry at will, or have voluntary sexual relations.
Hundreds of women get shot, burned, strangled, stoned, poisoned, beheaded or
stabbed every year in Islam ridden countries because their male relatives
believe their actions have soiled the family name. They die, so family honor
may survive. According to this tribal and religious practice, woman is a
man's possession and a reflection of his honor. It is the man's honor that
gets tarnished if a woman is 'loose'. The murderers and their defenders
"As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill - conduct,
admonish them, refuse to share their beds, beat them", the Koran, chapter 4,
verse 34. Honor killing is a tribal practice that has been incorporated in
the religion of Islam, because of its anti - women nature and misogynist
philosophy. And the law is usually on the man's side, not only in the Middle
Eastern and the Central Asian countries, but shamefully, in the Western
countries too. They often letting murderers go unpunished or with a light
According to this Islamic concept and tradition, from the early childhood,
girls are taught about "eib", which means shame, and "sharaf", which means
honor. And everywhere girls go are reminders that their most important
mission in life is to remain virgin until they marry. Boys are also taught
to have "ghayrat", meaning to be ardent. All these concepts are Islamic
concepts, and that is why the killers always defend their acts of murder by
these Islamic concepts. According to the UN statistics, the majority of
these murders occur in the Islam - ridden countries and Muslin inhabited
communities in the West.
Though, honor killing may seem not much surprising in societies such as
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, its occurrence is indeed shocking and
shameful in the heart of Europe in the 21st Century. And that is where the
reactionary idea of Cultural Relativism is put into practice to justify
women's victimization by excusing Islam and backward traditions.
Unfortunately, until recently which some measures were implemented by the
Swedish government, this government not only neglected to protect the lives
and the rights of these women, but also justified their murders under the
name of respecting 'other' people's religion and culture. While the
murderers have repeatedly and openly defend their act by referring to Islam
and the Koran, the majority of feminists, the mainstream media and
intellectuals try to explain these murders as the prevalent patterns of
domestic violence against women in the Western societies. While the
murderers, whether in the Middle Eastern countries or in the Muslim
inhabited communities in the West, openly state that their act of murder are
"crimes of honor", and that they are merely following the directions set
down in their religious beliefs, both in the Koran and in the Bible, the
apologetic Western intellectuals repeatedly assure us that it is not Islam
and the backward traditions, it is the common pattern of violence that is
happening to the Western women too.
Swedish intellectuals should show the honesty that is required and expected
from intellectuals, by telling the truth, by siding with those innocent
young women who were victimized and continue to be brutally victimized
because of the Islamic and backward tradition. It is not acceptable to
apologize for Islam and backwardness.
And as far as the Swedish government is concerned, there shouldn't be a
different basis for people's right in the one and same society; in the
Swedish society. All should be considered as Swedish citizens and equal
before the law. The Swedish society is duty bound to safe guard and protect
the rights of women and girls from Muslim origins. This could be done only
by abolishing all the respective discriminatory laws against these girls and
women. This could be done only when there is no respect, excuse and legal
interpretation for the misogynist Islamic and traditional beliefs and