(too old to reply)
2004-10-25 01:46:45 UTC
by Arlene Peck

The Arabs are bombing, murdering, mutilating, raping and wreaking havoc all
over the Judeo/Christian world. Israel has nothing to do with it -- nothing!
The front pages of the LA Times been completely filled with the latest
catastrophic actions from these savage, barbaric Arabs who tortured and
slaughtered hundreds of school children and their mothers during the past
few days in the horrific school bombings.
Children, Babies, who were forced to drink their own urine, because they
were tortured and denied water and food for over two days in 95 degree heat.
One six-year-old child was reported to have been killed by having a bayonet
thrust through his little body when he had the audacity to ask for water
from these "brave men" who were holding them hostage. Then if that wasn't
bad enough, over twenty of these small children were shot in the back from
snipers on the roof-tops as they were trying to escape to run to the safety
of their mothers arms.
The Muslims are experts in killing babies. I remember the massacre of the
Kindergarten in Maalot in 1974. More so, while covering the war in June of
'82 in Lebanon and saw what cowards these vermin were. They excel in
bombings and terror attacks on subways, planes and schools. But when they
are in a real combat situation and have to fight, then they disappear or run
with their hands in the air, waving white flags before the first shot is
They have also taken two French journalists as hostages, in order to
influence French domestic laws. This is especially interesting since Mr.
Jacques Chirac and France, since 1967, have gone out of they're way to
alienate their western allies and openly side with the Arabs in the name of
special relationship and understanding of the Arab world.
They want to pressure the French to change their laws on headscarf.
Otherwise, they were going to use the journalists to make a political
statement. Folks, this is only the beginning. Within five years the required
fashion in Paris will be burqas.
Page two in the Times continued with a story of how a female suicide bomber
wearing an explosive device stuffed with metal bolts killed at least nine
people in a Moscow subway station in a blast and injured about a hundred
more. This, in addition to the two airplanes that the Muslim fundamentalists
blew up a few days ago, in Russia. Then about a hundred innocent people were
killed in those 2 attacks. I can't even look at the television and see the
nightly death toll of our soldiers in Iraq. We are paying a great price with
our soldier's blood to bring freedom and democracy to this modern day
The reality is, if we don't root out terrorism in all its manifestations,
wherever it is, this nightmare which right now we are just watching on the
evening news will eventually reach our shores, as well as the other free
nations around the world.
Somewhere buried in the LA Times was a story about how these same subhuman
savage 'militants' who had killed twelve Nepalese workers want more! More
concessions and more blood! Later in the day I received a graphic video of
them, beheading these poor civilians. We are dealing with a mentality that
only understands force.
I've seen it! The Russians aren't known for being very politically correct.
If I were living through the horror they've gone through these past few
days, I'd pressure my government into sending a "laser-guided missile" into
every one of those mosques where they plan, train and finance these attacks
with a note attached reading, "Never again!"
In fact, now would be a perfect time to drop leaflets on the mosques that
plan and train the terrorists that from now on the next thing dropped on
them are missiles dipped in pig's blood. No more 'restrained action' as they
are regularly recommended by our government, the EU and UN. When the next
terrorists action happens, just do it!
Somebody has to do something! President Bush is out there trying to defend
his policies locating the WMD's, when everyone and their Arab brothers know
that they have been moved into Syria. Who do we think we're kidding?
The effort against fundamentalist Islam must be worldwide. Whether it's
Afghanistan, Russia, the Philippines, United States or Israel! It is the
freedom of every individual that is at stake here! When are we going to wake
up! Our lives are being disrupted on a daily basis.
Today, the Los Angeles airport was shut down because of a 'terrorist'
threat. As I vented my anger to my kid she said, "Mom, how do you know it's
Arabs who are behind this?" Yeah right, it's probably a gang from Norway or
Finland! Of course it's the Muslims! Name me one other group that is bent on
destroying our lives as we know them?
I haven't even begun to get around to the holocaust caused by these same
Muslim Fundamentalists who are rampaging, raping and killing hundreds of
thousands of Sudanese Christians and black Africans because they refuse to
bow to their god, Allah!
It doesn't matter where they are. It all boils down to the fact that the
Judeo/Christian free world is at war with an evil, vicious, seventh century
barbaric Islamic culture. These people kill indiscriminately. The Islamic
Muslims don't care who they target. Children, old people, people ridding on
buses, teen-agers going to discotheques, eating in pizza parlors, are all
fair game. Even other Muslims. I think that the world is finally realizing
that it's not just Israel who is the target. It's anyone who isn't THEM. By
that, I mean anyone who isn't a Fundamentalist Muslim.
Interestingly enough, while watching the Holocaust in the Russian school
unfold on the news stations, I was speaking on the phone with a technician
about a computer glitch that I had. We had been speaking for a couple of
days and he sounded like a very nice man. He was a Muslim man from Iran who
had left that country thirty years ago. He told me how badly he felt about
the ongoing horrors being played out on the television as we spoke. Yet,
when I asked him what he did personally to speak out about the actions that
he apparently found so disturbing by those in his culture, he was silent. I
asked what was being said about the behavior from those in his mosques. He
was quiet, then said, "What can I do, as one person?: You have a newspaper
column. You have a voice." That, folks, seems to be the attitude of all of
Ironically, most people here that I've spoken with don't even comprehend
that this is a long term problem that has been foisted upon us by 1.3
billion people. My daughter said, Mom, my friend, Selena is an Arab and
isn't like that. Well, that's quite possible. Maybe there are millions of
them that are like her friend Selena. Yet, where is the outcry from the
Muslim community? The newspapers and television are filled with the outrages
caused by her culture. Show me one mosque or protest by those peaceful
Muslims? ONE!
Yet, these barbarians are quick to dance in the streets and pass out candy
to all their children at the joy of seeing the carnage in Israel's or any
other part of the civilized western world. I fully expect to turn on the
television and see them dancing on the roof-tops in Iraq, Iran and Gaza,
celebrating the dead babies in Russia.
The only way we are going to defeat this issue is with TRUTH! The first step
is to cut the political correctness over this issue! Enough is enough!
Secondly, we need to help Israel complete the security barrier as soon as
possible, despite the United Nations' objection. Finally, we need to
implement the same policy regarding "rooting out terrorism in all its forms,
wherever it is." Whether it's Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, the Sudan, Iran,
Syria, or Israel. We should not be applying a "double standard" when it
comes to eliminating this evil around the world.
Atheism teaches that there is no God, hence no God-given rights. That
ideology coupled with a system that believed in the superiority of the state
at the expense of the individual was murderously synergistic.
Bill Levinson
2004-10-25 03:51:21 UTC
Post by Dana
by Arlene Peck
The Arabs are bombing, murdering, mutilating, raping and wreaking havoc all
over the Judeo/Christian world. Israel has nothing to do with it -- nothing!
The front pages of the LA Times been completely filled with the latest
catastrophic actions from these savage, barbaric Arabs who tortured and
slaughtered hundreds of school children and their mothers during the past
few days in the horrific school bombings.
Children, Babies, who were forced to drink their own urine, because they
were tortured and denied water and food for over two days in 95 degree heat.
One six-year-old child was reported to have been killed by having a bayonet
thrust through his little body when he had the audacity to ask for water
from these "brave men" who were holding them hostage. Then if that wasn't
bad enough, over twenty of these small children were shot in the back from
snipers on the roof-tops as they were trying to escape to run to the safety
of their mothers arms.
The Muslims are experts in killing babies. I remember the massacre of the
Kindergarten in Maalot in 1974.
As far as I am concerned (and I think international law agrees),
terrorists are not soldiers who are entitled to be treated as prisoners
of war if they are captured. I see no reason to take terrorists alive.
Due process should consist only of factual determination that they were
indeed waging war (or war crimes) while disguised as civilians.

2004-10-26 07:52:35 UTC
Post by Bill Levinson
Post by Dana
by Arlene Peck
The Arabs are bombing, murdering, mutilating, raping and wreaking havoc all
over the Judeo/Christian world. Israel has nothing to do with it -- nothing!
The front pages of the LA Times been completely filled with the latest
catastrophic actions from these savage, barbaric Arabs who tortured and
slaughtered hundreds of school children and their mothers during the past
few days in the horrific school bombings.
Children, Babies, who were forced to drink their own urine, because they
were tortured and denied water and food for over two days in 95 degree heat.
One six-year-old child was reported to have been killed by having a bayonet
thrust through his little body when he had the audacity to ask for water
from these "brave men" who were holding them hostage. Then if that wasn't
bad enough, over twenty of these small children were shot in the back from
snipers on the roof-tops as they were trying to escape to run to the safety
of their mothers arms.
The Muslims are experts in killing babies. I remember the massacre of the
Kindergarten in Maalot in 1974.
As far as I am concerned (and I think international law agrees),
terrorists are not soldiers who are entitled to be treated as prisoners
of war if they are captured. I see no reason to take terrorists alive.
Due process should consist only of factual determination that they were
indeed waging war (or war crimes) while disguised as civilians.
If they were waging war while dressed as civilians, hen they are enemy spies
and so under the Geneva rules for war they have no defence nor right to
trial and should be summarily executed at the earliest convenience. The
following is a direct quote from www.genevaconventions.org
"Combatant who are captured while spying do not have the right to prisoner
of war status unless they were wearing their military uniforms. (Protocol I,
Art. 46)"

These people cant call themselves guerrillas either

Guerrillas who follow the rules spelled out in the Geneva Conventions are
considered to have combatant status and have some of the same rights as
regular members of the armed forces.

In international conflicts, guerrillas must distinguish themselves from the
civilian population if they are preparing or engaged in an attack. At a
minimum, guerrillas must carry their arms openly. (Protocol I, Art. 44, Sec.

Under the earlier Geneva Conventions, which are more widely recognized, a
guerrilla army must have a well-defined chain of command, be clearly
distinguishable from the civilian population, carry arms openly and observe
the laws of war. (Convention III, Art. 4, Sec. 2)

In the case of an internal conflict, combatants must show humane treatment
to civilians and enemies who have been wounded or who have surrendered.
Murder, hostage-taking and extrajudicial executions are all forbidden.
(Convention I, Art. 3)
