Islam's terrorist nature revealed
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2004-10-23 19:51:34 UTC

What kind of people would conceive and perpetrate a scheme that would lead
to the burning, mutilation and death of 350 young children as was done in
the school this week in Russia? What dogma was responsible for motivating
Islamic women earlier this week to strap bombs to their bodies and board two
Russian aircraft filled with passengers for the purpose of blowing them up
and killing everyone?
What doctrine was professed by the suicide bombers who shouted "Allahu
Akbar" before they murdered 20 Jews this week in Beersheba, Israel? Was it
the same religion professed by the Muslims who decapitated a Nepalese worker
in Iraq, and blew out the brains of a dozen more, while shouting verses from
the Qur'an? Could Islam be the reason the Islamic cleric in Iraq motivated
his Jihadist militia to torture, rape and desecrate Iraqis who wouldn't join
in the terrorist raids, piling hundreds of mutilated and naked bodies behind
a mosque?
When Osama bin Laden praised Allah and Islam for the success of the 9/11
terrorist attack and said "I am following in Muhammad's footsteps," do you
think that he might have been telling us something important? Could it have
been a confession? Since the first bombing of the World Trade Center in '97
was perpetrated by Shiek Ar-Rahman, the world's foremost authority on the
Qur'an, might we assume that Islam's scriptures condone terror? Are these
vicious attacks perpetrated in the name of Islam and Allah unrelated? Are
they just the misguided acts of random people, or do those we call
terrorists, rebels, and insurgents have something in common-Islam perhaps?
Since the answer is so obvious, why is it that our media and politicians are
more worried about not offending the murders, and calling them what they
are, "Muslims," than they are with protecting the lives of Islam's next
victims? How is it that we are at war with a tactic, rather than with the
religion that inspires its followers to use the tactic? Declaring war on
terror is like declaring war on drugs rather than understanding and
condemning the reason people sell and use drugs.
The most important question is: how many innocent people are going to die at
the hand of Islam before we hold Islam accountable? Good Muslims murdered
3,000 American's on 9-11, but that wasn't sufficient. Muslims murdered 3
million people in the Sudan, so even that's not enough. When Muslims deploy
nuclear bombs and radiological dispersion devices in America's largest
cities, do you think our politicians and media will identify the
perpetrators by name or by tactic?
I have some bad news. I know the answer. Our politicians and our media are
not going to change-they are not going to tell or report the truth-because
we are not willing to hold them accountable. As a result, good Muslims will
continue to follow Muhammad's example and Allah's orders. They will continue
to murder and mutilated, fight and terrorize. They will destroy America just
as they have destroyed themselves.
For those who have been deceived into believing that "the terrorists have
hijacked their religion" rather than their religion corrupting them, you
need to read Prophet of Doom-the best documented and most comprehensive,
contextual, and chronological presentation of Muhammad's creation of Islam
ever written. With so much at stake, the lives of millions of innocent
people, it's odd that I would have to encourage you to face reality and to
come to grips with why Muslims are killing us. And recognizing that most who
read this photo essay will be too preoccupied with other things to learn the
truth, I'll tempt you into reading with excerpts from the book which could
save your nation and your life.
The two stories that you are about to read are derived from Muhammad's Sira,
or Biography, Islam's Ta'rikh, or History, and the Muslim Hadith, or Reports
that were recited during Islam's formation. They paint a horrible picture,
almost too revolting for words. But they are Islam-fundamental and
uncorrupted Islam. These stories epitomize the lessons Allah taught in the
Qur'an's 8th surah called "The Spoils of War."
First the surah, then the stories: Muhammad claims his god said some things
you'd expect to read in Hitler's Mein Kampf. Each of the following quotes is
from the "Spoils of War" surah. It explains why Muslims are willing to kill
to achieve their monopoly. Qur'an 008.001 "They ask you about the benefits
of capturing the spoils of war. Tell them: 'The benefits belong to Allah and
to His Messenger.' So fulfill your duty to Allah and the Prophet." 008.005
"Your Lord sent you from your homes to fight for the true cause." 008.007
"Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: 'Wipe the infidels out to
the last.'" 008.012 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies
and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle. 008.015
"Believers, when you meet the unbelievers in battle, do not turn your back
on them for any Muslim who retreats will bring the wrath of Allah on himself
and will abide in Hell." 008.072 "Those who accepted Islam and left their
homes to fight in Allah's Cause with their possessions and persons, and
those who gave them shelter and aided them are your allies. You are only
called to protect Muslims who fight." 008.073 "The infidels aid one another.
Unless you do the same there will be anarchy in the land. Those who accepted
Islam and left their homes to fight in Allah's Cause are good Muslims."
008.057 "If you meet them in battle, inflict on them such a defeat as would
be a lesson for those who come after them, that they may be warned." 008.059
"The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare
against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may
terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy." 008.071 "He will
give you mastery over them." 008.039 "So, fight them till all opposition
ends and the only religion is Islam."
Now, for the first of two stories, both documented from and revealed in the
Islamic scriptures.
Darkness was about to descend upon Islam. Ishaq:461 "Just before the noon
prayers, Gabriel came to the Apostle wearing a gold turban. He was riding a
mule. He said, 'Have you laid down your weapons and stopped fighting,
Muhammad?' 'Yes,' he replied. Gabriel said, 'The angels have not laid down
their arms! I've just returned from pursuing the enemy. Allah commands you
to march to the Qurayza. I, too, will attack the Jews and shake them out of
their homes.'" Angels in turbans, lumbering on donkeys, wielding swords,
commanding Arabs to slaughter Jews-it's quite a picture.
Aisha, the prophet's child wife, put down her dolls long enough to give
us this report: Tabari VIII:29 "Muhammad pitched a round tent over Sa'd [the
wounded anti-Semite] in the mosque. He laid down his sword, having just
returned from the Trench. Then Gabriel came to him and said: 'Have you
abandoned the fight? By Allah, the angels have not yet put down their
weapons! Go out and fight the Jews!' So he called for his breastplate and
put it back on. Then he went out and the Muslims followed him."
I would be remiss if I did not share Bukhari's theory on the arrival of
the angelic tormentors: Bukhari:V5B59N443-8 "When the Prophet returned from
the Trench, laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came to him covered
in dust. "Why have you laid down your sword? We angels have not set them
down yet. It's time to go out against them.' The Prophet said, 'Where to go?
' Gabriel said, 'This way,' pointing towards the Qurayza. So the Prophet
went out to besiege them." And: Bukhari:V5B59N444 "The dust rose in the
streets of Medina as Gabriel's regiment marched through. The angels joined
Allah's Apostle in attacking the Qurayza Jews."
Putting terror and piracy ahead of teaching and prophecy:
Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:28 "The Messenger commanded a crier to announce that
all should heed and obey. He ordered that none should perform the afternoon
prayer until after they reached the Qurayza settlement. The Prophet sent Ali
ahead with his war banner against the Jews, and the Muslims hastened to it.
Ali advanced toward their homes and heard insulting language from the Jews
about Allah's Messenger. Ali ran back and told the Prophet that the Jews
were rascals and that there was no need for him to go near those wicked men.
'Why?' Muhammad asked. 'Have you heard them insult me?' 'Yes,' Ali answered.
'Had they seen me,' Allah's Apostle replied, 'they would not have said
anything of the sort.'"
This next passage is illuminating. The Bible suggests that Lucifer was
beautiful. Islam agrees. Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:28 "Before reaching the
Qurayza, Muhammad greeted his Companions. 'Has anyone passed you?' he asked.
'Yes, Prophet,' they replied. 'Dihyah ibn Khalifah passed us on a white mule
with a brocade covered saddle.'" The translators of Tabari's History
confirm: "Dihyah was a rich merchant of such beauty, the angel Gabriel is
said to have assumed his features. When he arrived in Medina, every woman
came out to look at him." "Allah's Apostle said, 'That was Gabriel. He was
sent to the Qurayza to shake their homes and terrorize them.'" Billions have
been conned into believing that a dust-covered, sword-wielding terrorist was
God's messenger to mankind.
War was more important than prayer to Islam's dark spirit: Tabari
VIII:29 "The Holy Prophet (peace be unto him) said, 'No one should pray the
afternoon prayer until they are in the territory of the Qurayza because
warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims.'" Ishaq:461 "The Muslims
had been totally occupied with warlike preparations. They refused to pray
until they had come upon the Jews in accordance with Muhammad's order. Allah
did not find fault with them in His Book, nor did the Messenger reprimand
them for it." Postponing a prayer so that they could besiege innocent
families was so religious of them. They were setting a fine example for
terrorists everywhere. And it's pretty hard to misinterpret this prophetic
decree: "Warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims."
Demonstrating his deep-seated racial hatred, Muhammad unleashed what we
would call hate speech: Tabari VIII:28 "When the Messenger approached the
Jews, he said, 'You brothers of apes! Allah shamed you and cursed you.'"
Muhammad's mouth was as foul as his manners. Bukhari:V5B59N449 "On the day
of the Qurayza siege, Allah's Apostle said to Hassan, 'Abuse them with your
poems, for Gabriel is with you.'" When it came to racial hatred, Islam's
prophet was a full service provider.
Demonstrating the lack of objectivity Islam inspires, those who recorded
this Hadith said that the Jews responded sarcastically to Muhammad's slur.
"They said, 'Abu al-Qasim, you have never been one to act impetuously or
Ishaq:461/Tabari VIII:29 "Muhammad besieged them for twenty-five nights.
When the siege became too severe, Allah terrorized them. Then they were told
to submit to the judgment of Allah's Messenger." Muhammad and Allah had
become indistinguishable. And that's because, together with Lucifer, they
were now Islam's Unholy Trinity-a false god, a false prophet, and a demonic
spirit. Their personas were one.
Tabari's Hadith says: "Abu Lubaba gave a sign that it would mean
slaughter. So they said, 'We will submit to the judgment of Sa'd.'" Since Sa
'd's dying wish was to see the Jews massacred, and since he was the most
fervent Jew hater in the land, I find this request less than credible.
"The Holy Prophet said, 'Submit to his judgment.' So they submitted. The
Messenger of Allah sent a donkey with a saddle padded with palm fiber, and
he was mounted on it."
That's obviously not how it happened, so let's check the Sira: Ishaq:461
"After the siege exhausted and terrorized them, the Jews felt certain that
the Apostle would not leave them until he had exterminated them. So they
decided to talk to Ka'b Asad. He said, 'People of the Jews, you see what has
befallen you. I shall propose three alternatives. Take whichever one you
please.' He said, 'Swear allegiance to this man and accept him; for, by
Allah, it has become clear to you that he is a prophet sent from Allah. It
is he that you used to find mentioned in your scripture book. Then you will
be secure in your lives, your property, your children, and your wives.'"
Getting one out of three right wasn't bad for a Muslim: Muhammad was Allah's
However, there is no mention of an Arab prophet in the Hebrew
Scriptures, much less of a coming terrorist thug. But consider the gall it
took to suggest this delusional alternative to the besieged Jews-especially
after what they had endured at the hands of the wannabe "messiah." And even
the Qur'an admits that the Jews had repeatedly rejected Muhammad's
assertions as being preposterous. They had disclaimed his bastardization of
their Torah, and they had been repulsed by his warmongering nature and
grotesque immorality. Just imagine swearing an oath to a "religious prophet"
so that he would not kill you, steal your property, enslave your children,
and rape your women. Sure, a Muslim would do it; they're trained to lie, but
not a Jew.
Ishaq:462/Tabari VIII:30 "The Jews said, 'We will never abandon the
Torah or exchange it for the Qur'an.' Asad said, 'Since you reject this
proposal of mine, then kill your children and your wives and go out to
Muhammad and his Companions as men who brandish swords, leaving behind no
impediments to worry you. If you die, you shall have left nothing behind; if
you win you shall find other women and children.' The Jews replied, 'Why
would we kill these poor ones? What would be the good of living after them?
'" While I don't believe a word of this, , if it were true, it provides a
window into the depraved character of the first Muslims as well as to the
godly nature of these Jews.
In the third alternative, Asad asked the Jews to violate their Sabbath
and attack Muhammad by surprise. It was another ploy. Muslims like to call
infidels ungodly when they fight on holy days or in sacred months, yet they
do so with glee. And if memory serves me right, in their last major
offensive against the Jews in 1974, Muslims launched a surprise attack on Yo
m Kippur. Tabari VIII:30 "The Jews said, 'We will not profane our Sabbath.'"
Ishaq:462 "Then the Jews asked Muhammad, 'Send us Abu Lubaba, one of the
Aws,' for they were confederates, 'so that we can ask his advice.' The
Prophet complied and the Jews grabbed hold of him. The women and children
were crying, so he felt pity for them. They said, 'Abu, do you think we
should submit to Muhammad's judgment?' 'Yes,' Lubaba said. But he pointed
with his hand to his throat, indicating that it would be slaughter. Lubaba
later said, 'As soon as my feet moved, I knew that I had betrayed Allah's
Apostle. Lubaba rushed away and tied himself to a pillar in the mosque. He
cried, 'I will not leave this spot until Allah forgives me for what I've
done. I betrayed His Apostle.'" This confirms Muhammad had intended to
slaughter the Jews from the very beginning. There would be no Islamic peace
this time-no surrendering, no being looted and then exiled.
Ishaq:462/Tabari VIII:32 "I heard Allah's Apostle laughing at daybreak;
so I said, 'Why are you laughing, Prophet? May Allah make you laugh
heartily!' He replied, 'Lubaba has been forgiven.'" Consider the character
of a man who would laugh at such a time. This reminds me of Hitler, who in
Mein Kampf said, "I have become incapable of pity." And the similarities don
't end there. Hitler turned his command posts into mini brothels from which
he orchestrated the extermination of 6 million Jews. This last conversation
took place in one of the many apartments that comprised Muhammad's
mosque-his command center. When Umm Salama, the wife with whom der prophet
was being intimate, heard that Abu had been forgiven, she asked, "'Can I
give him the good news?' He said yes, so she went and stood at the door of
her room and said, 'O Lubaba, rejoice, for Allah has forgiven you.'"
Another treasure from this dark dawn also smacks of Hitler and his Nazi
goons. Muhammad had personal guards like der fuhrer's Storm Troopers and
S.S. Ishaq:463 "Amr went passed the Apostle's guards who were commanded that
night by Maslama. He challenged him." Last time I checked, the founders of
Christianity and Judaism, Yahshua and Moses, didn't have guards. Muhammad
not only had them, Maslama, his senior guard, was none other than the
assassin who had murdered the first Jewish journalist. Remember: "I will
kill him for you."
The Islamic world appears to have used Gestapo tactics. After Maslama
interrogated Amr at the door of Muhammad's mosque: Ishaq:463 "Amr vanished
into the night. It is not known to this day what happened to him. Some
allege that he was bound with a rotten rope and cast away."
Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:33 "In the morning, the Jews submitted to the
judgment of Allah's Messenger. The Aws leapt up and said, 'Muhammad, they
are our allies. You know what you did the other day with the allies of the
Khazraj! (Before besieging the Qurayza, the Messenger had besieged the
Qaynuqa, who were the confederates of the Khazraj. They had submitted to his
judgment and were banished.) Therefore, when the Aws spoke to him, the
Messenger said, 'People of the Aws, will you not be satisfied if one of your
own men passes judgment on them?' Yes,' they proclaimed. So the Prophet
said, 'It shall be entrusted to Sa'd [the Jew-Hater] Mu'adh.'"
Sa'd had been so fat his armor failed to protect his extremities. He had
been shot with an Arab arrow during the battle of the Trench. To say he was
a militant would be too kind. Bukhari:V5B59N448 "Sa'd said, 'O Allah! You
know that there is nothing more beloved to me than to fight in Your Cause
against those who disbelieve Your Apostle. O Allah! I think you have put to
an end the fight between us and the infidels. But if there still remains any
fight with the infidels, then keep me alive till I fight against them for
Your sake.'" Sa'd was hardly a saint.
Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:33 "The Prophet had placed Sa'd in the tent of a
Muslim woman in his mosque. She nursed his wound and earned merit for
herself by serving Muslims. When Sa'd was struck by the arrow, Muhammad said
, 'Put him in Rufaydah's tent, so that I can visit him from nearby.' Then
the Prophet appointed him judge over the Qurayza Jews. His tribesmen lifted
him onto a donkey on which they had put a leather cushion, for he was a
stout, corpulent man. En route to Muhammad, the Aws said, 'Treat our client
well for the Prophet has put you in charge of this matter. After many
requests, Sa'd said, 'The time has come for Sa'd, in the Cause of Allah, not
to be influenced by anyone's reproach.' Some of the people who heard him,
announced the impending death of the Qurayza before Sa'd Mu'adh reached them
because of the words he had said." Islam's dark spirit had it in for the
Jews. For Sa'd to gain entry into his brothel, Sa'd would have to support
his agenda.
Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:34 "When Sa'd reached the Messenger of Allah and
the Muslims, the Prophet said, 'Arise and go to your master and help him
dismount.' Then Muhammad said, 'Pass judgment on them.' Sa'd replied, 'I
pass judgment that their men shall be killed, their women and children made
captives, and their property divided.' Allah's Apostle proclaimed, 'You have
passed judgment on the Jews with the judgment of Allah and the judgment of
His Messenger.'" The Unholy Trinity was pleased.
It's important for you to know that I have reported every Hadith
collected by Tabari, Ishaq, and Bukhari regarding the assault on the Jews.
There wasn't a single word written about Jewish combatants. Three
settlements, three sieges, and yet the Jews never struck a blow-not one.
There was no excuse. There was no claim of self defense. This was a
grotesque act of racially inspired genocide. And the motivation was greed.
The Jews embodied everything the Muslims had failed to achieve. They were
productive, prosperous, moral, literate, peaceful, honest, discerning, and
Bukhari collected a series of Hadith on this diabolical verdict:
Bukhari:V5B58N148-B59N447 "Sa'd came riding a donkey, and when he approached
the mosque, the Prophet said, 'Get up for the best amongst you.' Then the
Apostle said, 'O Sa'd! These people have agreed to accept your verdict.' Sa'
d said, 'I judge that their men should be killed and their offspring and
women should be taken as captives.' The Prophet said, 'You have given a
judgment similar to Allah the King's Judgment.'" A second reveals:
Bukhari:V5B59N448 "They then surrendered to the Prophet's judgment but he
directed them to Sa'd to give the verdict. Sad said, 'I give my judgment
that their men should be killed, their women and children should be taken as
captives, and their properties distributed.'" A third proclaims:
Bukhari:V5B59N362 "The Nadir and Qurayza violated their peace treaty, so the
Prophet exiled the Nadir and then he killed the Qurayza men. He distributed
their women, children and property among the Muslims." And what do you
suppose the Muslim militants did to their women? The Qur'an says that they
forced them into prostitution. The Hadith says that they raped them.
Bukhari:V5B59N459 "I entered the Mosque, saw Abu, sat beside him and asked
about sex. Abu Said said, 'We went out with Allah's Apostle and we received
female slaves from among the captives. We desired women and we loved to do
coitus interruptus.'" (Yes, that's what it says.)
Another Bukhari Hadith goes on to report that Muhammad never grew weary
of tormenting Jews: "He exiled all the Jews from Medina. They were the Jews
of the Qaynuqa and the Jews of the Haritha and all the other Jews from their
With something this morally crippled, it's important to know that there
are many confirmations-each destroying the myth Muhammad was a prophet. His
Islam was a terrorist manifesto. It was conceived for rape and plunder. And
on this day it was doing what it did best. Tabari VIII:34 "Sa'd turned away
from the Messenger out of respect. He said, 'I pass judgment that the men
shall be killed, the property divided, and the children and women made
slaves.' Muhammad replied, 'You have passed judgment on them with the
judgment of Allah from above seven heavens.'"
The chorus continues with this refrain: Tabari VIII:39 "After the affair
of the Qurayza ended, the wound of Sa'd broke open. Aisha reports: He passed
judgment on the Jews and prayed saying, 'O Allah, You know that there are no
men whom I would rather fight and strive to kill than men who called Your
Messenger a liar.'"
Before we review what happened next, I want to share the verses I
omitted earlier from the 33rd surah: the model for the Holocaust: 033.026
"Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book. He cast terror into their
hearts. Some you slew, and some you made prisoners. And He made you heirs of
their lands, their houses, and their goods, giving you a land which you had
not traversed before. And Allah has power over all things." Version two:
"And He drove the People of the Scripture down from their homes and cast
panic into their hearts. Some you killed, and you made some captive. And He
caused you to inherit their farms, houses, wealth, and land you have not
trodden. Allah is ever Able to do all things." This Qur'anic verse is among
Islam's most stinging indictments. It confirms its most barbaric act.
But it's worse than it appears on the surface. Since it was Muhammad who
actually perpetrated these crimes, it confirms that Muhammad was Allah.
Allah was never anything more than a rock idol, the Black Stone stuck in the
wall of the Ka'aba. Muhammad created his persona and his revelations. And
that is why Muhammad's personality, character, behavior, and words are
identical to Allah's. But Muhammad had help. Lucifer, just as Paul had
warned, transformed himself into an angel of light. Pretending to be
Gabriel, he struck a bargain with the insecure and covetous Arab. In the
exchange, Muhammad was possessed by Lucifer's most able demon. Working
together, the Unholy Trinity established the religion of deceit, death, and
Muhammad's behavior was covetous, ruthless, and murderous to be sure.
Yet attributing this debauchery to deity was his most vile act. Men have
plundered before. Men have robbed before. Men have murdered before. But no
god has ever said: "'God' drove the unbelievers back in fury, and they
gained no advantage. Allah was sufficient to help the believers in battle.
He made the People of the Book descend from their homes, and He terrorized
them, so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit
their property, homes, wealth, and a country you had not trodden under foot
In the first chapter I included a speech from the Islamic world's
leading imam. Al-Buraik, the Saudi ruling family's favorite sheik, spoke at
a telethon the Fahd family dictators hosted to enrich the families of
Palestinian suicide bombers. This esteemed Islamic cleric said, "O, Muslims,
don't take Jews and Christians as allies. Muslim brothers in Palestine do
not have any mercy or compassion on the Jews, their blood, their money, or
their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. Allah made them
yours. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don'
t you pillage them?" Now you know where he got his material.
And this was the result: Tabari VIII:35/Ishaq:464 "The Jews were made to
come down, and Allah's Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out
into the marketplace of Medina (it is still its marketplace today), and he
had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in
those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800
to 900 boys and men." The lone prophet of the Islamic religion had the
imprisoned Jews brought to him so that he might enjoy the ghoulish
spectacle. Even Hitler was too ashamed to visit Auschwitz.
Then in words hauntingly similar to what Jews must have asked as Nazi
trains hauled their families off to concentration camps: "As they were being
taken in small groups to the Prophet, they said to one another, 'What do you
think will be done to us?' Someone said, 'Do you not understand. On each
occasion do you not see that the summoner never stops? He does not discharge
anyone. And that those who are taken away do not come back. By God, it is
death!' The affair continued until the Messenger of Allah had finished with
them all." If 900 men and boys were dragged out of their imprisonment in
"batches" and led into the central market square of Medina to be beheaded in
front of Muhammad, the "affair" would have lasted eight to ten hours.
Imagine a "prophet" perverted enough to watch until he had "finished with
them all." It's enough to make you vomit.
Surely, he could not have been this twisted. Tabari VIII:40 "The
Messenger of God commanded that furrows should be dug in the ground for the
Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr began cutting off their heads in
his presence." Muhammad was a prophet of a different color.
Tabari VIII:35/Ishaq:464 "Huyayy, the enemy of Allah, was brought out.
He was wearing a rose-colored suit of clothes that he had torn all over with
fingertip-sized holes so that it would not be taken as booty. His hands were
bound to his neck with a rope. When he looked at Muhammad he said, 'I do not
regret opposing you. Whoever forsakes God will be damned.' He sat down and
was beheaded." The rabbi synthesized the Bible into a single sentence,
"Whoever forsakes (separates) himself from Yahweh will be damned (separated)
from him." In the Scriptures, forsaken, damned, and separated are
synonymous. This fine man chose not to separate himself from Yahweh and
worship his adversary Satan, so he lost his life but saved his soul. Huyayy
is now living eternally with his Creator. Muhammad, the recipient of this
message forsook Yahweh and damned himself-choosing instead to form an
alliance with Lucifer. Today, Muhammad's soul is eternally damned in the
place of separation, called hell-Satan's paradise.
Ishaq:464/Tabari VIII:36 "According to Aisha, one Jewish woman was
killed. By Allah, she was by my side, talking with me and laughing while
Allah's Messenger was killing her men in the marketplace." Psychologists
call this a "gallows laugh." It's a common manifestation of extreme stress.
So while the reaction of the Jewish woman was excused, the behavior of the
Muslim men is not. They were forcing Qurayza women to watch as they severed
the heads of their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons. The level of human
depravity depicted here wouldn't replayed again for 1300 years. Muhammad's
apprentice, Adolf Hitler, forced Jews to remove their kin from cyanide
showers, only to place them in the roaring fires of his crematorium.
Doctrines demented enough to compel such behavior cannot be tolerated. While
the Pope may wish to kiss the Qur'an, I'd prefer to spit on it. But then
again, the Pope was wrong about Hitler, too.
Ishaq:464/Tabari VIII:36 "Suddenly an unseen voice called out her name.
It said, 'Where is so and so?' She said, 'Here I am.' 'Good heavens,' I
cried, 'what is wrong?' She said, 'I am going to be killed because of
something I did.' She was taken away and beheaded. Aisha used to say, 'I
shall never forget my wonder at her good spirits, even when she knew she
would be killed.'" The witness of Jews continues to be remarkable.
Tabari VIII:37 "Thabit said, 'O Allah's Messenger, Zabir, who was Abu
Ar-Rahman, did me a favor, sparing my life, and I owe him a debt of
gratitude. I wish to repay him for it. Grant me his life.' The Prophet said,
'It is yours.'" The source of this Hadith wants to make sure Muslims didn't
equate this act of "mercy" with the "prophet" being soft on Jews. That is
why he said that this man's real name was "Slave-to-Muhammad'
s-First-God-Ar-Rahman." Ishaq:465 "So Thabit went to him and Zabir said,
'Why do this? I'll be an old man without family and children.' Thabit asked
Muhammad for his family and he said, 'His wife and children are yours.' But
Zabir said, 'Without my property, how will we survive?" So Thabit asked the
Prophet for Zabir's wealth and it was given to him. Thabit went to Zabir and
announced that he had been given all of his property. Zabir said, 'Thabit,
you are two-faced. What has happened to Asad?' 'He has been beheaded.' 'How
about Huyayy?' 'He has been killed.' And how fares Azzal?' 'He has been
slain.' 'How about the rest of the Qurayza men?' Thabit said, 'They have all
gone to their death.' Zabir said, 'Then for the sake of the favor I once did
for you, there is no good in living anymore. So Thabit brought him forward,
and they struck off his head. When what he said was reported to Abu Bakr, he
replied, 'He will soon meet his dear ones in the fires of Hell, and there
they will dwell forever.'"
In the most tortured words ever uttered in the name of religion: Tabari
VIII:38 "The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jewish men and
boys who had reached puberty should be beheaded. Then the Prophet divided
the wealth, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayza Jews among the Muslims."
Ishaq:465 "When their wrists were bound with cords, the Apostle was a sea of
generosity to us." It's hard to imagine evil this dark.
Further confirming that he was a terrorist and pirate, not a messenger
or prophet, Muhammad's first biographer said: Ishaq:465 "Then the Apostle
divided the property, wives, and children of the Qurayza among the Muslims.
Allah's Messenger took his fifth of the booty. He made known on that day the
extra shares for horses and their riders -giving the horse two shares and
the rider one. A Muslim without a horse got one share of the spoil. It was
the first booty in which lots were cast." Why lots, you may be wondering?
Casting lots is a gambling game, one expressly forbidden by Islam. The
reason is two fold. First, the religion of Islam was a joke to these
fellows. They simply used it as a tool to justify their disgusting behavior.
The first Muslims were less religious than Hitler's S.S. Second, the
mercenaries needed a picking order in which to draft Jewish homes, property,
businesses, women, and children. Muhammad didn't want them squabbling. Some
sex slaves were prettier than others.
In the name of full disclosure, here is the report of Islam's first
historian: Tabari VIII:38 "On that day Muhammad made known the shares of the
horsemen and shares of the foot soldiers, and he deducted from these shares
his fifth. A horseman received three shares: two shares for the horse and
one for its rider. A foot soldier received one share. The cavalry at the
battle with the Qurayza numbered thirty-six horses. It was the first booty
in which shares were allotted to them. According to this example (Sunnah),
the procedure of the Messenger of Allah in the divisions of booty became a
precedent which was followed in subsequent raids." Every Islamic apologist
could cry out for a thousand years and not undo the damage done by Muhammad
and his militants. We put ourselves, our men, women, and children, into harm
's way when we allow Islam to masquerade as a legitimate religion.
Fundamental Islam is no different than fundamental Nazism. These crimes must
not go unpunished.
As further evidence that militant Islam is fundamental Islam, and that
the Islam of Muhammad was built upon the slave trade, we find: Tabari
VIII:39 "Then the Messenger of Allah sent Sa'd bin Zayd with some of the
Qurayza captives to Najd, and in exchange for them he purchased horses and
arms." Nothing could be more clear. Hitler financed his war machine on booty
he stole from the Jews. In slave labor camps he forced Jews to work without
pay building planes, tanks, and bombs. Muhammad set the precedent, funding
his war effort on the flesh and property of Jews. These men and their
methods were identical. And one day, in the not too distant future, this
misguided doctrine will be unleashed on a world comprised of six billion
souls. Replete with nuclear and biological weapons, a billion people will
The reason Allah approved rape, involuntary sex with prisoners, in the
33rd surah was because Muhammad was about to indulge. Tabari VIII:38 "The
Prophet selected for himself from among the Jewish women of the Qurayza,
Rayhanah bt. Amr. She became his concubine. When he predeceased her, she was
still in his possession. When the Messenger of Allah took her as a captive,
she showed herself averse to Islam and insisted on Judaism." Imagine the
horror of being the sex slave of the man who had murdered your father and
your brothers. Imagine being forced to have sex with a man who had given
your mother up to be raped and had sold your sisters into slavery to buy
swords so that he could torment others. It's chilling-perversity on an
unimaginable scale. Muhammad may well have been the most vile human to have
ever lived.
The first to chronicle the prophet's revolting life explains: Ishaq:466
"The Apostle [taking first dibs] chose one of the Jewish women for himself.
Her name was Rayhana. She remained with him until she died, in his power.
The Apostle proposed to marry her and put the veil on her but she said,
'Leave me under your power, for that will be easier. She showed a repugnance
towards Islam when she was captured." Muhammad raped Rayhana after killing,
enslaving, and plundering her family. If you want to understand the doctrine
of submission, put yourself in her sandals and gaze deeply into the eyes of
the man who is abusing you.
Ishaq:466 "Allah sent down [a Qur'an surah] concerning the Trench and
Qurayza raid. The account is found in the Confederates or Allied Troops. In
it He mentions their trial and His kindness to the Muslims. 'Remember We
sent a wind against the armies and they could not see. Allah sent this wind
with his angels. Allah said, When they came at you from above and below, and
when eyes grew wild and hearts reached your throats, you harbored doubts
about Allah. Those in whose hearts is a disease said, 'What Allah and His
Messenger has promised us is nothing but delusion.''"
Before I comment, let's read on: Ishaq:467 "Allah addressed the
believers and said, 'In Allah's Apostle you have a fine example for anyone
who hopes to be in the place where Allah is.'" Ishaq:468 "Then Allah said,
'Some of you have fulfilled your vow to Me by dying; you have finished your
work and returned to Me like those who sought martyrdom in prior battles.
And some of you are still waiting to capitalize on Allah's promise of
martyrdom. You do not hesitate in your religion and never doubt.'" Ishaq:468
"Allah brought down the People of the Scripture Book. I forced the Qurayza
from their homes and cast terror into their hearts. Some you slew, and some
you took captive. You killed their men and enslaved their women and
children. And I caused you to inherit their land, their dwellings, and their
property. Allah can do all things.'"
While I recognize that we have reviewed Allah's endorsement of genocide
in the 33rd surah, Ishaq's review of the Qur'an ties the Islamic god
irrevocably to the event. And there is no question that Ishaq's
interpretation of the surah -as the earliest and best researched-is the most
credible in Islam. Moreover, when Allah told Muslims to follow Muhammad's
example he was specifically encouraging terrorism, mass murder, piracy, the
slave trade, and rape.
The Qur'an said that its dark spirit deployed killer angels. The first
Muslims harbored doubts about Allah. They believed that Muhammad's message
was delusional. Good Muslims vowed to die as martyrs killing infidels. They
were mercenaries, as they expected a reward. Allah was presented as an
anti-Semite and a terrorist. Islam's "god" approved genocide and the
enslavement of women and children. He even confessed to being a pirate,
claiming to have caused Muslims to inherit stolen land, possessions, and
There is no other way to interpret these confessions or to explain them
away. The dark spirit, demented prophet, and delusional doctrine that
seduced men into perpetrating these heinous acts must be exposed,
repudiated, and then banished from the earth. Or tomorrow, men following
Muhammad's example will terrorize you, forcing you into submission. They
will rape, rob, enslave, and kill your family. And while the Islamic
terrorists will earn their just reward for following Muhammad's example-
"going to the place where Allah is"-the pain they will inflict cannot be
The first Muslims were proud of themselves. Ishaq:468 "Gabriel came to
the Apostle when Sa'd was taken. He visited him in the middle of the night
wearing an embroidered turban and said, 'O Muhammad, who is this dead man
for whom the doors of heaven have been opened and at whom the throne shook?
'" Since Gabriel is "credited" with revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad, it's
odd that he would need to ask the "messenger" about something that happened
in heaven. And Sa'd was a thug, a man who loved to kill. He was a racist and
a thief. If these behaviors rock Allah's throne, the Islamic god is a rather
nasty fellow.
Ishaq:468 "Sa'd was a fat man but those who carried his funeral bier
said that they had never carried a lighter one. Muhammad said, 'He had
angelic pallbearers because the angels rejoiced when Sa'd's spirit shook
Allah's throne.'" Ishaq:469 "An Ansar recited this poem: 'The throne of
Allah shook for only one man: Sa'd the brave and bold, a glorious leader, a
knight ever ready. Stepping into the battle, he cut heads to pieces." Saint
Sa'd, a genuine Muslim hero. Ishaq:469 "The Apostle said, 'Every wailing
woman lies except those who wept for Sa'd.'" Tabari VIII:40 "Aisha, the
Mother of the Faithful, was asked, 'How did the Messenger of God behave?'
She replied, 'His eye did not weep for anyone.'" Der prophet and der fuhrer
were cut from the same cloth.
Ishaq:469 "On the day the Qurayza were slain, one Muslim was martyred. A
stone was thrown on him and it inflicted a shattering wound. The Apostle
said, 'He will have the reward of two martyrs.'" In Islam you get bonus
points for killing, robbing, and enslaving Jews.
These poetic lines were recited during the Islamic Holocaust: Ishaq:470
"We attacked them fully armed, sharp swords in hand, cutting through heads
and skulls." This could serve as Islam's byline: Ishaq:471 "We were
steadfast trusting in Him. We have a Prophet by whom we will conquer all
men." All means all, that's all "all" means. So this could serve as Islam's
byline: "We have a Prophet by whom we will conquer all men."
Ishaq:472 "Muhammad's Companions are the best in war." Ishaq:473
"Muhammad and his Companions humiliated every doubter." Ishaq:475 "Allah
commanded that horses should be kept for His enemy in the fight so they
might vex them. We obeyed our Prophet's orders when he called us to war.
When he called for violent efforts we made them. The Prophet's command is
obeyed for he is truly believed. He will give us victory, glory, and a life
of ease. Those who call Muhammad a liar disbelieve and go astray. They
attacked our religion and would not submit." The last was a full service
sonnet. It contained an incentive to amass weapons and incentive to use
them, a command to annoy the enemy and a command to fight them. It
encouraged and acknowledged violence. It even admitted that violence was
perpetrated for money-to gain a life of ease.
Ishaq:479 "Slain in Allah's religion, Sa'd inherits Paradise with the
martyrs. His was a noble testimony. When he pronounced his verdict on the
Qurayza, he did not judge on his own volition. His judgment and Allah's were
one. Sa'd is among those who sold his life for the Garden of Bliss."
Considering the verdict called for genocide, larceny, and enslavement, Allah
's complicity in these crimes is bothersome.
This, too, is hideous: Ishaq:481 "The Apostle slew them in their own
town. With our troops he surrounded their homes. We shouted out cries in the
heat of battle. The Jews were given the Scripture and wasted it. Being
blind, [the illiterate man said] they strayed from the Torah. You Jews
disbelieved the Qur'an and yet you have tasted the confirmation of what it
said. May Allah make our raid on them immortal. May fire burn in their
quarter. They will no longer ruin our lands. You [Jews] have no place here,
so be off!"
I saved the worst for last.Ishaq:480 "The Qurayza met their misfortune
[now there's an understated word]. In humiliation they found no helper. A
calamity worse than that which fell upon the Nadir befell them. On that day
Allah's Apostle came to them like a brilliant moon. We left them with blood
upon them like a pool. They lay prostrate with the vultures circling round."

Here is one more story. It is very similar to the previous one. And it is
similar to the photo essay on Islam which prompted me to share them both
with you.
Year seven of the Islamic Era got off to a horrendous start. The
prophet, without provocation, led a terrorist raid to torment another Jewish
community. Tabari VIII:116/Ishaq:510 "After his return from Hudaybiyah,
Allah's Messenger marched against Khaybar. He halted with his army in a
valley between the people of Khaybar and the Ghatafan tribe to prevent the
latter from assisting the Jews." The motivation for the attack was obvious.
Muhammad's militant and mercenary horde was up in arms over his capitulation
at Hudaybiyah. Out of control, they would have turned against their warlord
if he hadn't found a way to satiate their growing lust for blood, babes, and
For those who think this conclusion is unfair and overly cynical,
consider the facts. When the Muslims failed to capture the Meccan caravan at
Badr, the prophet stole property and possessions of the Qaynuqa Jews.
Following the Uhud defeat, he immediately plundered the Nadir Jews. The
siege of the Trench was not only the third in a series of four battles
without booty; it was also bloodless. So Islam's demented dictator provided
slaughter, sex, and spoil by murdering, enslaving, and robbing the Qurayza.
The Jews had become easy prey. So following the bootyless and bloodless
"peace" of Hudaybiyah, Muhammad set out to terrorize the only Jewish
community within reach that he hadn't previously sacked and
plundered-Khaybar. It was their turn to feel the wrath of Islam.
Incidentally, neither Allah, Muhammad, Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, nor
Muslim made an attempt to justify Islam's ruthless assault on the Khaybar
Jews. They knew the truth and didn't try to disguise it. Islam was no longer
a religion; it was a terrorist dogma. The first Muslims weren't disciples;
they were mercenaries. Muhammad wasn't a prophet; he was a pirate. Allah
wasn't a god; he was the Devil incarnate. And together, they were about to
prove that they were a blight on humankind.
As transparent as ever, these words, directly from Muhammad's lips,
demonstrate that he was working for the Prince and the Power of the Air, the
Lord of Devils, the Prince of Darkness, the Great Deceiver, the
Adversary-Satan. Ishaq:510 "When the Apostle looked down on Khaybar he told
his Companions, 'O Allah, Lord of the heavens and what they overshadow, and
Lord of the Devils and what into error they throw, and Lord of the winds and
what they winnow, we ask Thee for the booty of this town and its people. We
take refuge in Thee from its evil and the evil of its people. Forward in the
name of Allah.' He used to say this of every town he raided."
Serving Lucifer was no easy task. Good and evil had to be redefined so
that the good people of Khaybar, who were just going about their lives
trying to make an honest living, had to be called "evil." And the bad
terrorist thugs lurking in the hills above them, armed to the teeth and
ready to pounce on the on the unsuspecting village, murdering, enslaving,
robbing, and raping, had to be called "good."
Ishaq:511 "When the Apostle raided a people he waited until morning, and
then he attacked. We came to Khaybar by night. When morning came and he did
not hear the call to prayer, he rode and we rode with him. We met the
workers of Khaybar coming out in the morning with their spades and baskets.
When they saw the Prophet and our army they cried, 'Muhammad with his force.
' They turned tail and fled. The Apostle yelled, 'Allahu Akbar! Khaybar is
destroyed.' When we arrive at a people's square, it is a bad morning for
All of the deceptions, justifications, and apologies ever spoken would
be insufficient to make this horrible day appear religious. And it does not
stand alone. Khaybar was but one of seventy-five merciless raids instigated
by the first Muslims. Armed raiders attacked civilians for no other reason
than to seize their possessions. "Allahu Akbar!" was the terrorists' "Prayer
of Fear."
Ibn Ishaq's compilation of Islamic scripture-the inspired Sira, or
biography of the prophet-is the earliest and most accurate accounting of
Muhammad's life and of the formation of Islam. It was compiled a century
before Tabari, Muslim, and Bukhari. But for those who might want to dismiss
the Hadith report on the basis that it sounds too condemning of the prophet,
consider these confirming words from imam Bukhari. Of his collection,
Islamic sages wrote: "Second only to the Qur'an, Bukhari's Hadith is the
most important book in Islam." He claims: Bukhari:V5B59N510 "Allah's Apostle
reached Khaybar at night. It was his habit that, whenever he reached an
enemy at night, he would not attack them till it was morning. When morning
came, the Jews came out with their spades and baskets. When they saw the
Prophet, they said, 'Muhammad! O dear God! It's Muhammad and his army!' The
Prophet shouted, 'Allahu-Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed, for whenever we
approach a nation, evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.
The more you know, the worse it gets. This is why Islamic leaders must
keep good people from reading these words. It is why they lie to themselves,
to our citizens, the media, and politicians alike. Islam is self
destructive, mutilating its own credibility.
The Hadith said Muhammad made a "habit" of this perverse behavior. The
Jews were his enemy, although none had lifted a finger in violence towards
him. The Jews were farmers, going to work with gardening tools, and yet
Muhammad led a surprise "attack" against them with his "army." He professed
"destruction," not salvation. But it's his last line that's especially
haunting. With Islam, the nations of the world are approached by "evil."
Muhammad's ruthless terror campaign against the townships of Qurayza and
Khaybar was worse than Osama bin Laden's assault on New York and Washington.
The first Islamic terrorist was more destructive, savage, and sadistic than
his later-day incarnations in the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Black September, Jemaah Islamiyah, al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade,
al-Qaeda, and Islamic Jihad. And Muslims know it. In their media, in their
mosques, and in their madrassa, they compel young boys and girls to follow
Muhammad's example. When they bomb our buildings, blow holes in our ships,
hijack or planes, and kidnap our people, they are doing what their prophet
did. Islam cannot coexist with civilized people. It is a terrible disease.
Through indoctrination Islam destroys Muslim minds, corroding them. By way
of its grotesque immorality and criminal nature it attacks Muslim hearts,
corrupting them. Worst of all, by way of deceit and deception Islam beguiles
Muslim souls, damning them.
To add insult to injury, Bukhari noted: Bukhari:V5B59N512 "The Prophet
offered the Fajr Prayer [the Prayer of Fear] near Khaybar when it was still
dark. He said, 'Allahu-Akbar!' [Allah is Greatest] Khaybar is destroyed, for
whenever we approach a hostile nation to fight, then evil will be the
morning for those who have been warned.' Then the inhabitants of Khaybar
came out running on their roads. The Prophet had their men killed; their
children and woman were taken as captives." Calling the Jews a hostile
nation is a farce. Muhammad and his Muslim militants, according to their own
accounting, had either murdered, terrorized, enslaved, or raped
tens-of-thousands of Jews yet the Jews had killed but one Muslim. Even that
was self defense, allegedly occurring during the Islamic siege of the
The warning these Jews were given before evil befell them was no
different than Muslims provide today. The 9/11 terrorists shouted "Allahu
Akbar" before they slaughtered thousands. By proclaiming the Prayer of Fear,
Islamic terrorists tell us who they are, what they believe, who they serve,
and why they kill.
There is nothing Islam could do to make their terrorist nature more
obvious. Bukhari:V5B59N516 "When Allah's Apostle fought the battle of
Khaybar, or when he raided any other people, we raised their voices crying,
'Allahu-Akbar! Allahu-Akbar! None has the right to be worshipped except
Allah.' [Muslims will continue to terrorize until every soul submits to
Islam.] On that Allah's Apostle said, 'Lower your voices, for you are not
calling a deaf or an absent one, but a Hearer Who is with you.' On that he
said to me, 'O Abdallah, shall I tell you a sentence which is one of the
treasures of Paradise?' I said, 'Yes, O Allah's Apostle! Let my father and
mother be sacrificed for your sake. [What an utterly perverse and odd thing
to say.]' He said, 'It is: There is neither might nor power but with Allah.
'" Then why, pray tell, did he require militants to kill and pillage for
Tabari VIII:116/Ishaq:511 "So Muhammad began seizing their herds and
their property bit by bit. He conquered Khaybar home by home. The first
stronghold defeated was Naim. Next was Qamus, the community of Abi Huqayq.
The Messenger took some of its people captive, including Safiyah bt. Huyayy,
the wife of Kinanah and her two cousins. The Prophet chose Safiyah for
himself." Perverted is too kind a word for this man. He became the first
serial rapist to call himself a prophet. And make no mistake; having sex
with a captive is rape.
Tabari VIII:117 "Dihyah had asked the Messenger for Safiyah when the
Prophet chose her for himself. Muhammad gave Dihyah her two cousins
instead." It was a two for one deal. The prophet could be so considerate.
Ishaq:511 "When Dihyah protested, wanting to keep Safiyah for himself, the
Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. The women of
Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims." Muhammad had men killed so that
he could have sex with their wives and daughters. He traded human beings.
And the "prophet" rewarded his Muslim militants by distributing the
remaining women among them. Good Grief!
Faced with a problem, Muhammad used some magic to turn rape into an
approved Islamic act. The slight of hand was called "the Mut'a." It was a
three-day "marriage" giving he and his militants a license to do with their
prisoners whatever they pleased. But on this day, only the prophet's
indiscretion was "approved." Bukhari:V5B59N527 "On the day of Khaybar,
Allah's Apostle forbade the Mut'a or temporary marriage."
Bukhari:V5B59N512 "The Prophet had their men killed, their children and
woman taken as captives. Safiyah was amongst the captives, She first came in
the share of Dihyah but later on she came to belong to the Prophet. Muhammad
made her manumission [Webster: "a Medieval word signifying the authority of
a master to release one from slavery"] as her 'Mahr [wedding gift].'"
Translated into common English, Muhammad performed some Islamic hocus pocus
to make nonconsensual sex seem moral. And that's all Islam was really. It
was just an act-an Oscar winning performance by one of the great con artists
of all time. The Bukhari Tradition winds down with these words: "The
captives of Khaybar were divided among the Muslims. Then the Messenger began
taking the homes and property that were closest to him."
The prophet was busy establishing Islamic Sunnah, or custom, on this
day. Ishaq:512 "The Apostle prohibited four things the morning of the
Khaybar raid: carnal intercourse with pregnant women who were captured,
mingling his seed with another man's [which means the Muslims were free to
rape those who weren't pregnant]; nor it is lawful for him to take [rape]
her until she is in a state of cleanness [not menstruating]; nor can a
Muslim eat the flesh of donkeys; nor eat any carnivorous animal; nor sell
any booty before it has been duly allotted." That's because the prophet took
his cut off the top and didn't want it diminished. The Tradition continues
to lay down the law: "Nor is it lawful for a Muslim to ride an animal
belonging to the booty with the intention of returning it to the pool when
he has worn it out; nor is it lawful for him to wear a garment belonging to
the booty of the Muslims with the intention of returning it to the pool [of
stolen goods] when he has reduced it to rags." If you desire to be a pirate,
I suppose that these might be words to live by.
Ishaq:512 "On the day of Khaybar, the Apostle forbade us to by or sell
gold ore for gold coin or silver ore for silver coin." He who controls the
bank, the means of commerce and trade, controls men by way of their wallets.
Before we leave this rather dismal attempt to establish Islamic law, I
want to solve the perplexing donkey conundrum. It's no small matter to
Muslims. There are no fewer than a dozen Bukhari Hadiths from this day alone
were focused on the lowly ass. Let's see if we can figure out why.
Bukhari:V5B59N526 "On the day of Khaybar Allah's Apostle forbade the
eating of garlic and the meat of donkeys." That wasn't much help; all it did
was demonstrate that Muhammad was a fool. Garlic is nature's best antibiotic
and thus should be consumed. But Muhammad wasn't much of a medicine man.
This trio of prescriptions should tell the tale: Bukhari:V7B71N590 "The
climate of Medina did not suit some people so the Prophet ordered them to
drink camel urine as a medicine." And when that made them even sicker,
Bukhari:V7B71N592 "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'There is healing in
black cumin for all diseases except death.'" And lest we forget:
Bukhari:V7B71N673 "Allah's Apostle said, 'If a fly falls in your drink, dip
all of it into the cup and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there
is a disease and in the other there is healing, an antidote or treatment for
that disease.'"
But foolish did not make him frivolous. The next Tradition provides a
clue as to why he was upset. Bukhari:V5B59N511 "Someone came to Allah's
Apostle and said, 'Donkeys have been eaten by Muslims.' The Prophet kept
quiet. The man again and said, 'Their donkeys have been eaten.' The Prophet
kept quiet. After the third time the Prophet ordered his caller to announce,
'Allah and His Apostle forbid you to eat the meat of donkeys.' Then the
cooking pots were overturned while the meat was still boiling in them."
I discovered the clue when I read this: Bukhari:V5B59N531 "We were
afflicted with severe hunger the day we raided Khaybar. While the cooking
pots were boiling and the food was ready to eat, the announcer of the
Prophet said, 'Do not eat anything, especially the donkey-meat. Turn your
cooking pots upside down and throw it away.' We realized that the Prophet
had prohibited such food because the Khumus had not been taken out of it."
The "Khumus" or "Kumis" is the prophet's share of all booty seized by Muslim
militants. The donkeys belonged to the Jews. They were beasts of burden used
to till fields and carry crops to market. Thus they were a spoil to be
divided, with Muhammad getting the largest share. And he would rather see
his people starve than renounce his claim to stolen property.
The first Islamic historian and biographer each report a Hadith along
the same lines: Tabari VIII:117/Ishaq:512 "The Banu Sahm of Aslam [newly
recruited Muslim militants] came to the Messenger and complained, 'Muhammad,
we have been hurt by drought and possess nothing.' Although they had fought
for the Prophet they found he had nothing [he was willing] to give them. The
Apostle said, 'O Allah, You know their condition-I have no strength and
nothing [I want] to give them [from the booty I have stolen]. So conquer for
them the wealthiest of the Khaybar homes, the ones with the most food and
fat meat.'" In other words, "Steal your own booty. You'll starve before I
share any of my confiscated wealth with you."
Then, proving that Allah was a wannabe terrorist too: Tabari VIII:117
"The next morning Allah opened the township of Sa'b bin Mu'adh for them to
conquer. There was no stronghold in Khaybar more abounding in food. After
the Prophet had defeated some of their settlements and taken their property,
they reached the communities of Watib and Sulalim, which were the last of
the Khaybar neighborhoods to be conquered. Muhammad besieged the inhabitants
between thirteen and nineteen nights." Calling Islam "peaceful" ranks as one
of the most egregious lies of all time. This wasn't even war. The Muslims
weren't out defending themselves or their religion. This was a terrorist
raid with a racist bent.
While Islam has always been violent, Muslims have seldom been good at
it. Ishaq:514/Tabari VIII:119 "Encamped at their fortress, Muhammad
presented his war banner to Abu Bakr and sent him against the Jews. He
fought but he retreated, suffering losses. The following morning the same
thing happened to Umar. When they returned to Muhammad, Umar's companions
accused him of cowardice, and he accused them of the same. The Messenger
said, 'Tomorrow I shall give the banner to a man who loves Allah and His
Messenger. Allah will conquer it by his means.' The next day Bakr and Umar
vied for the war banner, but the Prophet called Ali, who was suffering from
inflamed eyes, and, having spat on his eyes, gave him the banner. Ali
advanced upon the people of Khaybar. In the fight he lost his shield so he
laid hold of the fort door and used it as a shield. He kept it in his hand
as he fought until Allah gave Muslims the victory. When the siege was over
eight of us tried to lift he door but we couldn't even turn it over." Either
the skinny-legged fat boy of Mecca got a personal trainer or he found a hell
of a propagandist.
A Bukhari Hadith starts off the same way but ends oddly.
Bukhari:V5B59N521 "On the day of Khaybar, Allah's Apostle said, 'Tomorrow I
will give this flag to a man through whose hands Allah will give us
victory.. Ali said, 'O Allah's Apostle! I will fight them till they become
like us.' [Cruel? Demonic? Mercenaries? Terrorists?] Allah's Apostle said,
'Proceed, and when you enter their town, call them to embrace Islam and
inform them of Allah's Rights which they should observe, for if a single man
is led on the right path (of Islam) by Allah through you, then that will be
better for you than nice red camels.'" I don't know what is more perverse:
suggesting that the victims of a terrorist raid should be called to Islam
before they are slaughtered, robbed, enslaved, and raped, or suggesting that
a man's soul is better than "nice red camels?"
Moving on, the Sunnis wanted us to know that Abu Bakr and Umar were no
less brutal. Tabari VIII:119 "The Messenger often had migraines and would
remain a day or two without coming out. When Muhammad encamped at Khaybar,
he came down with a migraine and did not come out. Bakr took the Prophet's
war banner and fought vigorously. Next Umar took it, fought with even more
ferociously than the first fighting."
Then, in some of the most despicable words ever scribed in the name of
religion: Tabari VIII:121/Ishaq:515 "Ali struck the Jew with a swift blow
that split his helmet, neck protector, and head, landing in his rear teeth.
And the Muslims entered the city. Muhammad conquered Qamus, the [Jewish]
neighborhood of Abi Huqayq. Safiyah bt. Huyayy was brought to him, and
another woman with her. Bilal led them past some of the Jews we had slain
including the woman's dead husband. When she saw them, the woman with
Safiyah cried out, slapped her face, and poured dust on her head. When Allah
's Prophet saw her, he said, 'Take this she-devil away from me!'" Grieving
for those who had been butchered as a result of Islam was beyond Muhammad.
This woman cried as she was dragged past the mutilated corpses of her family
and friends. Yet the man who had led the terrorist raid so that he could
steal their possessions called the victim a "devil."
I dare say that when you began this journey you did not expect Islam to
be this bad. This is a special kind of evil. Muhammad terrorized, plundered,
and murdered while professing to be God's Messenger. That, in my opinion,
made him the most wretched man to have ever lived.
Yes, I know that the Crusades and Inquisition were brutal, and that
Protestantism was born out of a lust for power, sex, and money, but it's not
the same-not even remotely. The clerics and kings that conspired together to
control their subjects, hid the Bible and perverted its message. They were
misguided hypocrites who used religion to satiate their own cravings.
Muhammad, by contrast, claimed to speak for God. He didn't corrupt Islam-he
made Islam as perverted as the spirit that possessed him.
Therefore, Muhammad's legacy haunts us today. It pains me beyond words
to look into the eyes of a Muslim woman or child trapped in Islam. There is
almost no way to reach them. And if this tortures my soul, what must it do
to our Creator? Islam, the curse of Muhammad, has damned over two billion
men and women. It has left nothing but death and destruction, poverty and
despair, persecution and indoctrination, terror and deceit in its wake.
Muhammad was the Prophet of Doom.
This beast of a man was now totally out of control. Tabari
VIII:122/Ishaq:515 "Muhammad commanded that Safiyah should be kept behind
him and he threw his cloak over her. Thus the Muslims knew that he had
chosen her for himself."
Moving on with the saga of the only "religion" to be born in a milieu of
grotesque immorality, piracy, and terror we are about to add torture to its
list of hate crimes. Tabari VIII:122/Ishaq:515 "Abi Huqayq [Safiyah's
father] held the treasure of the Nadir [the second Jewish tribe Muhammad
exiled from Yathrib]. He was brought to Allah's Messenger, and he questioned
him. But Huqayq denied knowing where it was. So the Prophet questioned other
Jews. One said, 'I have seen Kinanah [Safiyah's husband] walk around a ruin.
' Muhammad had Kinanah brought to him and said, 'Do you know that if we
find it, I shall kill you.' 'Yes,' Kinanah answered." This was Muhammad's
second assault on the Nadir. He had stolen their homes, businesses, and land
the year after he banished the Qaynuqa, a year before he slaughtered the
Qurayza. All the Nadir had left was what they had been able to carry on
their backs.
And remember, this accounting of events is from the Islamic Hadith.
There is no other source of information from which a different impression
may be drawn. Not a word concerning this man's life or deeds was chronicled
within 250 years of his death apart from these books. Therefore, the
Muhammad of Islam, the first Muslims, and the formation of the religion are
just as you are seeing them here. Alternate theories have nothing to stand
With each act of violence, Islam's lone prophet became more gluttonous,
callous, heinous, and ultimately, insane. Tabari VIII:122/Ishaq:515 "The
Prophet commanded that the ruin should be dug up. Some treasure was
extracted from it. Then Muhammad asked Kinanah for the rest. He refused to
surrender it; so Allah's Messenger gave orders concerning him to Zubayr,
saying, 'Torture him until you root out and extract what he has. So Zubayr
kindled a fire on Kinanah's chest, twirling it with his firestick until
Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who
beheaded him."
Torturing a man whose home and property he had stolen twice, and whose
wife he was about to rape, demoted Muhammad from a bloodthirsty terrorist
and pirate to a demonic sadist. Anyone who promotes Muhammad's verbal
diarrhea as scripture, Muhammad's life as exemplary, or Muhammad's war
manifesto as a peaceful religion, is no better than the degenerate who began
it all simply to satiate his cravings.
It's time we shed our ignorance, and admit the truth about Islam. Three
score and three years ago, Pearl Harbor was a wakeup call. America correctly
identified the enemy and declared war on Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.
Had the nation, in the aftermath of the September 11th bombings of New York
and Washington, protected its citizens by declaring war on fundamental Islam
for having perpetrated that attack, the world would have been safer today.
By defending ourselves intelligently against those who attacked us, the
legal context for rebuking the hateful and violent religotic of Islam would
have been established, as well as the ability to legally silence the deadly
doctrine's most vocal advocates.
Under those circumstances, anyone guilty of seducing lost souls, be it
in the media, madras or mosque, into the clutches of this poligious dogma
could have been identified and punished. Ignoring Islam and going after
al-Qaeda is akin to targeting Hitler's S.S. instead of Nazism, or targeting
Kamikazes instead of the belief system that turned them into suicidal
killing machines. If we continue to fight the symptoms of this disease, like
the fascist Baath party in Iraq and organizations like al-Qaeda, the real
villain-Islam-will manufacture more terrorists than the world can endure.
And while I do not advocate murder, the most compassionate thing we could do
is to silence, sideline, and defang Islamic clerics and warlords in the
context of a justifiable defensive campaign to prevent them from sending
thousands, if not millions, to their doom.
Tabari VIII:123/Ishaq:515 "Allah's Apostle besieged the final [Jewish]
community of Khaybar until they could hold out no longer. Finally, when they
were certain that they would perish, they asked Muhammad to banish them and
spare their lives, which he did. The Prophet took possession of all their
property." Before you look at this as an act of mercy, allowing people to
live that he had nearly starved to death, you should know it was really
economics. By getting the Jews to surrender, Muhammad claimed the entire
spoil for himself.
Ishaq:515 "When the people of Fadak heard of what had happened, they
sent word to the Messenger, asking him to banish them and spare their lives,
saying they too would leave him their property. When the people of Khaybar
surrendered on these conditions, the survivors asked Muhammad to employ them
on their farms for a half share of whatever they produced. They said, 'We
know more about farming [seeing that you are terrorists and all].' So
Muhammad made peace with them for a half share, provided that: 'If we want
to expel you, we may.' He made a similar arrangement with Fadak. So Khaybar
became the prey of the Muslims, while Fadak belonged exclusively to the
Messenger of Allah, becoming his personal property, because the Muslims had
not attacked its people with cavalry." "Prey" is an apt description of what
the Jews were to the first Muslims.
And it was to be a never-ending assault. Bukhari:V4B53N380 "Umar
expelled all the Jews and Christians from Arabia. Allah's Apostle after
conquering Khaybar thought of expelling the Jews from the land which, after
he conquered it, belonged to Allah, Allah's Apostle and the Muslims. But the
Jews requested Allah's Apostle to leave them there on the condition that
they would do the labor and get half of the fruits (the land would yield).
Allah's Apostle said, 'We shall keep you on these terms as long as we wish.'
Thus they stayed till the time of Umar's Caliphate when he expelled them."
I recognize that this is hard to believe. It's so inconsistent with our
popular view of prophets and religions. Yet the bloodied and broken bodies
of the Khaybar Jews, like the Qurayza before them, reveal what Islam does to
men. Pure, fundamental, original, and uncorrupted Islam turned men into
terrorists. They became as immoral as the beast who seduced them.
As additional proof, I offer one of the most startling Hadiths in Islam:
Bukhari:V4B52N143 "The Prophet told an Ansar, 'Choose one of your slave boys
to serve me in my expedition to Khaybar.' So, he chose me, even though I was
just nearing puberty. I served Muhammad when he stopped to rest. I heard him
saying repeatedly, 'Allah! I seek refuge with you from distress and sorrow,
from helplessness and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice, from being
heavily in debt and from being overcome by men.'" This was how Muhammad saw
himself, and in fact, it was what he had become.
Muhammad was stressed-out, helpless, and lazy. He was a miser. Never
having actually earned a dime in his life, Muhammad had no way to value
capital or labor. He was always in debt, no matter how much he stole. The
economic plight of the Islamic world is a direct result of Muhammad's
unwillingness to engage in honest work. It is why the Islamic nations remain
the world's least productive. In fact, Muslims as a whole are destructive
economically, stifling far more commerce than they inspire.
And that's because their leader was a pirate. Islam was financed by
stolen booty and the slave trade. As parasites, they survived by sucking
every productive host within a camel's ride dry. The Bedouins of Arabia were
poor, and while the Jews were a tasty treat, Islam would soon sink its fangs
into a more plentiful prey. Within a year, Muhammad would attack the
Byzantines. Within three, his Companions would subdue Arabia in the War of
Compulsion, taxing everyone. Within a decade the first Muslims would conquer
Yemen, Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Judea. Within a century, the sword of Islam
would be wielded above the necks of millions. And it was all for money. They
plundered and raped to be sure, but their principle tools were the zakat and
jizyah taxes, which they imposed on all people rich and poor.
But most of all, Muhammad was coward, as are all Islamic imams today.
They are ever ready to send others to their death, but never willing to
fight themselves. They corrupt boys with promises of virginal rewards while
they remain in the comfort and safety of mosque and madrasa. Like most
loud-mouthed bullies, Muhammad, and those who followed him, found pleasure
in tormenting the defenseless.
And with each passing day it became evident that Muhammad had lost
control of himself and that he was "overcome by men." The Medina surahs have
been fixated on attacking deserters. Orders to submit and obey dominate his
final revelations. As men sought freedom and peace, Muhammad reacted by
becoming more dictatorial and warlike. As a result, Islamic nations are the
least-free places on earth. In the land of submission there are no true
democracies, no freedom of religion, of the press, of speech, or travel. One
billion Muslims struggle to survive in countries brutalized by tyrants and
dictators. And it's not hard to see why. The first Muslims emulated their
warlord, becoming increasingly belligerent, callous, and brutal.
So, that leads us to a very unattractive place. As a direct result of
Muhammad's personal failings the Islamic world is devoid of everything
civilized people hold dear. Muslims wallow in poverty. Life isn't worth
living. They have no freedom of speech or religion. With the educational
process focused on Qur'anic studies, Muslims are among the most poorly
educated and most indoctrinated people on earth. Following the example of a
perverted sexist, Muslim men abuse women. And they are violent. Twenty
percent of the world's population is responsible for ninety percent of the
planet's upheaval-terror and war. If only twenty percent of Muslims are
"good" ones, then Islam makes them 2000% more violent than the rest of us.
Frankly, I don't see any benefit to any of this. Islam is a liability the
world could easily do without.
In the "Prologue" I shared a pair of quotes from Islamic scholars. This
might be a good time to review them in context of what we have learned. What
may have once seemed extreme will now appear understated. Here is what Dr.
D.S. Margoliouth had to say: "The character attributed to Muhammad in the
biography of Ibn Ishaq is exceedingly unfavorable. In order to gain his ends
Muhammad recoils from no expedient, and he approves of similar
unscrupulousness on the part of his adherents, when exercised in his
interest. He organizes assassinations and wholesale massacres. His career as
the tyrant of Medina is that of a robber chief whose political economy
consists of securing and dividing plunder.. He is himself an unbridled
libertine [morally and sexually unrestrained] and encourages the same
passion in his followers. For whatever he does he is prepared to plead the
express authorization of his deity. It is, however, impossible to find any
Islamic religious doctrine which he is not prepared to abandon in order to
secure a political end. At different points in his career he abandons the
unity of God and his claim to the title of Prophet. This is a disagreeable
picture for the founder of a religion, and it cannot be pleaded that it is a
picture drawn by an enemy."
Renan wrote: "Muslims were the first victims of Islam. Many times I have
observed that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who
maintain others in the practice of this religion by terror. To liberate the
Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him."
Considering the nature of their prophet, it should be no surprise that
the Islamic world is such a mess. Bukhari:V4B52N143 /V5B59N523 "When we
reached Khaybar, Muhammad said that Allah had enabled him to conquer them.
It was then that the beauty of Safiyah was described to him. Her husband had
been killed [actually brutalized], so Allah's Apostle selected her for
himself. He took her along with him till we reached a place called Sad where
her menses were over and he took her for his wife, consummating his marriage
to her, and forcing her to wear the veil.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N524 "The Muslims said among themselves, 'Will Safiyah be
one of the Prophet's wives or just a lady captive and one of his
possessions?'" Muhammad was guilty of every sex crime known to man:
pedophilia, incest, rape, polygamy, adultery, womanizing, fornication,
sexism, and abetting prostitution. Worst of all, he rewarded his mercenaries
by dividing captured young girls among them. It's little wonder his Qur'anic
paradise was so perverted.
The Sira reports: Ishaq:517 "When the Apostle married [using a word
designed to convey the nature of a moral and loving relationship to this
situation is repulsive] Safiyah on his way out of town, she was beautified
and combed, putting her in a fitting state for the Messenger. The Apostle
passed the night with her in his tent. Abu Ayyub, girt with his sword,
guarded the Apostle, going round the tent until he saw him emerge in the
morning. Abu said, 'I was afraid for you with this woman for you have killed
her father, her husband, and her people." As an interesting aside, Safiyah,
like Jewish Juwayriyah (the sex slave before her), bore the identity of her
God in her name.
Imagine for a moment, being Safiyah. You awaken one morning to find a
gang of godless pirates prowling the outskirts of your town. After rattling
their sabers, you witness thousands of them performing a prostration
"prayer." You recognize them, for they are the same men who threw you out of
your home in Yathrib. Their bone-chilling shouts of "Allahu Akbar" pierce
your soul. Before you can run, the mercenaries swarm at you from every
direction. They continue to howl as one thrusts a sword into your father's
flesh; they torture your husband, building a fire on his chest, ultimately
decapitating him. They murder your father. Then they shackle your cousins,
hauling them away to become sex slaves. They ransack your home and strip the
clothes off your family as they lay dying, all in a frenzied quest for
Hiding behind a door, you're terrified. Then it happens. One of the
Muslims spots you; a crazed demonic lust explodes on his face. He knocks you
down, pressing his knee against your back while he ties your hands to your
neck. You can hardly breathe. It's the worst moment of your life. The
filthy, lice-ridden militant fondles you, dragging you past the bloodied
bodies of your neighbors; you want to cry, to scream, but nothing comes out.
Then you see Muhammad, the man you've grown to hate, the repulsive
sixty-year-old animal responsible for this horror. He claims you as his
"prize," tossing his cloak over your head. His words, his very presence,
make your skin crawl. But as his slave you are helpless. He strips you of
whatever little dignity you have left. Then he conquers your body just as he
ravaged your people.
Now, consider the insanity of a man who claimed to be "the Messenger of
God" raping a woman whose town he had terrorized, savaged, plundered, and
enslaved. How could a man claim to be a "prophet" and yet be so demonic and
sadistic, he would force a woman to have sex with him whose husband he had
tortured and then beheaded, whose father he had assassinated, and whose
cousins he had "given in trade" to one of his militants so that he might
possess her?
The problem with Muhammad isn't that he was the most vile bastard who
ever lived; it's his legacy. He perpetrated these heinous crimes while
claiming to be "the best example," "the ideal role model," an Apostle
speaking on behalf of God. This demented criminal established a new religion
that has damned the souls of over two billion people; he inspired terrorism,
and has led the world to the brink of global war.
I do not know if any part of the following is accurate. However, if
there is an element of truth, it was too little, too late. Every Jewish
settlement within Muhammad's reach had already been terrorized and
plundered. Bukhari:V5B59N551 "When Khaybar was conquered, a sheep
containing poison, was given as a present to Allah's Apostle" Tabari
VIII:123/Ishaq:516 "When the Messenger rested from his labor [which says
that terrorism and piracy were his chosen occupation], Zaynab, the wife of
Sallam, served him a roast sheep. She had asked what part Muhammad liked
best and was told that it was the shoulder and foreleg. So she loaded it
with poison, also poisoning the rest. Then she placed it before him. He took
the foreleg and chewed it, but he did not swallow. With him was Bishr, who,
like the Prophet, took some, but he swallowed it. The Prophet spat out the
lamb saying, 'This bone informs me that it has been poisoned.'"
Talking bones and a gluttonous man spitting out his favorite celebratory
meal are a little farfetched. But there was a reason for including the
story. The cook was a Jew. The tale was concocted to infer that Khaybar
deserved to be sacked. No one had bothered to provide any justification for
the initial attack.
"Muhammad summoned the woman, and she confessed. He asked, 'What led you
to do this?'" This goon claimed he was a prophet, and yet he couldn't figure
this one out. Good grief. It's like Hitler asking a Polish Jew why he wanted
him dead. "She said, 'You know full well what you have done to my people.'"
It was as if Muhammad was surprised when folks were upset with his terrorist
tactics. Caught up in his make-believe world, he had lost all sense of
This next Hadith is mindless propaganda. Tabari VIII:124/Ishaq:516 "The
Messenger, during the illness from which he died, said to the mother of
Bishr who had come in to visit him, 'Umm, at this very moment I feel my
aorta being severed because of the food I ate with your son at Khaybar.'"
Sure, that makes perfect sense. The poison he spit out years before killed
him. "The Muslims believed that in addition to the honor of prophethood, the
Messenger died a martyr.'" Well, at least we know the reason for this sorry
tale. Muslims who don't die martyrs have no chance of paradise. The cowardly
terrorist needed to miscast his personal history to die a worthy death.
Tabari VIII:124/Ishaq:516/Bukhari:V5B59N541 "Having finished with
Khaybar, the Apostle went to Wadi Qura and besieged its people for a while.
Then we headed back to Medina, halting at Qura toward sunset. With Muhammad
was a slave lad of his whom Rifa'ah had given him. Suddenly, as we were
setting down the saddle of the Prophet, a stray arrow came and hit the slave
boy, killing him. We congratulated him, saying, 'May he enjoy Paradise!' But
Allah's Apostle said, 'Certainly not! The sheet of cloth on his back is now
being burnt on him in the Hell Fire!' He pilfered it from the booty of the
Muslims following the Khaybar raid before it was duly distributed." You
apparently aren't allowed to steal anything that's already been stolen.
And there's a significant conflict between Muhammad's personal example
and the rallying cry of the Nation of Islam as they lure African Americans
into their ranks. Muhammad not only enslaved people and built Islam on money
"earned" selling people into bondage, he himself owned slaves. Boys were
personal servants and girls were for personal services.
A poem recited this day proclaims: Ishaq:517 "Khaybar was stormed by the
Apostle's squadron, fully armed, powerful, and strong. It brought certain
humiliation with Muslim men in its midst. We attacked and they met their
doom. Muhammad conquered the Jews in fighting that day as they opened their
eyes to our dust." It's hardly sermon material.
But sadly, imams have been preaching the following message for far too
long: Ishaq:518 "Masud was one of those who found martyrdom at Khaybar.
Muhammad said, 'He has with him now his two dark-eyed virgins. When a martyr
is slain, his two virgins pet him, wiping the dust from his face. They say,
"May Allah throw dust on the face of the man who did this to you, and slay
him who slew you!"'" It's the antithesis of Christ's: "Love your enemies."
In the next installment of Islamic scripture, a Muslim deceives the
Quraysh to collect his belongings. What's interesting is that Muhammad gave
him permission to lie and disavow Islam for money. Ishaq:519 "Hajjaj said to
the Apostle, 'I have money scattered among the Meccan merchants, so give me
permission to go and get it.' Having got Muhammad's permission, he said, 'I
must tell lies.' The Apostle said, 'Tell them.'" Muhammad didn't heed Yahweh
's command not to bear false witness. This prophet spit on the Ten
Commandments. As a result, the Islamic world cannot build a productive
economy or develop a stable democracy. The currency for both is trust. The
spirit of deceit still haunts Muslims.
The division of the "Spoils of Khaybar" was so important to the
formation of Islam that both Ishaq and Tabari dedicate entire sections to
it. One line in particular reveals Muhammad's motivation for attacking the
Jews. Tabari VIII:128 "Khaybar was divided among the people who had been at
Hudaybiyah." Each time Muhammad's mercenaries got down on him, he plundered
Jews. This was no exception. The prophet redeemed himself for having been
disgraced at Hudaybiyah; he quieted his critics by sharing the booty from an
easy kill. Ishaq:521 "Khaybar was apportioned among the men of Hudaybiyah
without regard to whether they were present at Khaybar or not. The spoil was
divided into 1,800 shares."
This Ishaq Hadith reveals where the booty went. Ishaq:521 "When the
spoil of Khaybar was apportioned, the settlements of Shaqq and Nata were
given to the Muslims while Katiba was divided into five sections: Allah's
fifth [which Muhammad was custodian]; the Prophet's fifth; the share to the
kindred [Muhammad's kin]; maintenance of the Prophet's wives [now there's an
honest report]; and payment to the men who acted as intermediaries in the
peace negotiation with Fadak [which enabled the Profit to confiscate the
entire spoil]." Instead of a religious awakening, it was a repulsive
Ishaq:522 "Then the Apostle distributed the booty between his relatives,
his wives, and to other men and women. He gave his daughter Fatima 200
shares, Ali 100, Usama 250, Aisha 200, Bakr 100, Aqil ibn Abu Talib 140.. In
the name of Allah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim-this is a memorandum of what Muhammad
the Apostle of Allah gave his wives from the dates and wheat of Khaybar: 180
loads." The Hadith lists additional special favors and bequeaths but I'll
spare you the gory details.
The first Islamic historian said, Tabari VIII:130 "The Prophet conquered
Khaybar by force after fighting. Khaybar was something that Allah gave as
booty to His Messenger. He took one-fifth of it and divided the remainder
among the Muslims. The inhabitants who surrendered did so on condition that
they should be expelled." Tabari VIII:129 "After the Messenger had finished
with the Khaybar Jews, Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Jews in
Fadak when they received news of what Allah had brought upon Khaybar. So
they sent to Muhammad to make peace with him for a half share of Fadak's
produce. Fadak became the exclusive property of Allah's Messenger." Peace
Islamic style means surrender. And surrender means giving Muhammad
Continuing to impugn its claim of tolerance, the Islamic scripture
reveals: Tabari VIII:130 "The Messenger said during his final illness, 'Two
religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.' Umar investigated the
matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: 'Allah has given permission for you
to be expelled; for I have received word that the Prophet said that two
religions cannot coexist in Arabia." Ishaq:524 "We cannot accept the oaths
of Jews. Their infidelity is so great they swear falsely."
Bukhari also chronicled the dispensation of stolen property. Here is a
sampling: Bukhari:V5B59N525 "While we were besieging Khaybar a person threw
a leather container containing some fat and I ran to take it. Suddenly I
looked behind, and behold! The Prophet was there. So I felt shy (to take it
then)." Bukhari:V5B59N537 "On the day of Khaybar, Allah's Apostle divided
the war booty with the ratio of two shares for the horse and one-share for
the foot soldier." Bukhari:V5B59N541 "When we conquered Khaybar, we gained
neither gold nor silver as booty, but we gained cows, camels, goods and
gardens." Bukhari:V5B59N544 "Abu Huraira came to the Prophet and asked
him for a share from the Khaybar booty. 'O Allah's Apostle! Do not give it
to him. He is a strange guinea pig from Qadum Ad-Dan!' On that the Prophet
said, 'O sit down!' and did not give him a share." Bukhari:V5B59N547 "When
Khaybar was conquered, we said, 'Now we will eat our fill of dates!'" There
are many more, but you get the picture. Islam was a "religion" only in the
sense that it became one man's license to steal from many.
Swimming in the blood and plunder of Khaybar didn't satisfy the sharks.
Instead, Muhammad's militants went off on a feeding frenzy. Tabari VIII:131
"Allah's Apostle sent Umar with thirty men against the rear of Hawazin. They
traveled by night and hid by day. However, word reached Hawazin and they
fled." Tabari VIII:132 "According to Waqidi, a thirty-man raiding party led
by Bahir went to the Banu Murrah. His companions were killed and he was
carried away wounded with the dead. They returned to Medina." So. "The
Messenger sent Abdallah al-Kalbi to the land of the Murrah. During the raid,
Usamah and one of the Ansar killed Mirdas. When they overcame him, Usamah
said, 'I testify that there is no god but Allah,' but we killed him anyway."
Tabari VIII:133 "The raiding party led by Ghalib went to Abd Tha'labah.
One of Muhammad's slaves, said, 'Prophet, I know where the Abd can be taken
by surprise.' So Muhammad sent him with Ghalib and 130 men. They raided Abd,
and drove off camels and sheep, bringing them back to Medina." Stealing
sheep does not make one a shepherd.
Then: Tabari VIII:133 "A raiding party led by Bahir went to Yumn. What
prompted this raiding party was that Hussayl had been the guide of Muhammad
at Khaybar, and he came before the Prophet. He claimed that the Ghatafan had
been summoned to march against him. The Muslims went out and captured camels
and sheep. A slave belonging to Uyaynah met them, and they killed him. Then
they encountered Uyaynah's army which retreated."
So Muhammad returned to Mecca. Tabari VIII:135/Ishaq:530 "When the
Apostle returned from Khaybar he sent out raiding parties and expeditions
before he made the hajj. When the Meccans heard of it they got out of the
Muslims' way. Gathering at the door of the assembly house to look at them,
they said, 'Muhammad and his Companions are in poverty and misery; they are
covetous and miserly.'" From the very beginning the Meccans understood
Muhammad and Islam.
The warlord made a beeline for Allah's House. Ishaq:530 "The Prophet
stroked and kissed the Black Stone. Then he went out trotting around the Ka'
aba as did his Companions. When the Temple concealed Muhammad from the
Meccans and he had "istalama" (which means to embrace, stroke, and kiss) the
southern corner of the Ka'aba, he walked to "istalama" the Black Stone a
second time. Then he "harwala" (which means to trot or prance swinging the
shoulders side to side in a gloating manner) similarly for three
circumambulations. He walked the remainder of them. The Apostle only did
this to show off in front of the Quraysh." It was so pagan and childish of
Muhammad not only kissed, fondled, and trotted around a Black Stone
wedged into the wall of a pagan rock shrine replete with 360 other idols, he
claimed this exhibition was Islamic "Sunnah." As such, the practice became
obligatory Islamic ritual with the binding power of law. Ishaq:531 "When the
Prophet made his farewell pilgrimage he adhered to the practice making it
required Sunnah to be carried out forever." While Muhammad had not yet
stolen their town, he had usurped their idol and their religion.
A poem from that black day says: Ishaq:530 "Get out of his way you
infidel unbelievers. Every good thing goes with His Apostle. O Lord I
believe in his word. We will fight you about its interpretations as we have
fought you about its revelation with strokes that will remove heads from
shoulders. And we will make enemies of friends." The Meccans were being told
to get out of Muhammad's way and yet it was their town, their god, their
shrine, and their religious scam. Muhammad's example, as communicated
through the Hadith, is being called "good." That means terrorist raids,
piracy, the slave trade, torture, assassinations, mass murder, deception,
bribery and rape are all "good things" in Islam.
The line, "I believe in his word" can only be interpreted two ways, and
both are bad. Either the Qur'an was comprised of Muhammad's words, as "his"
isn't capitalized and follows a reference to the Apostle, or these Hadiths
are being acknowledged as "scripture"-words to be "believed."
The means Muslims said they would use to win the debate over Muhammad's
interpretation of Qusayy's scam and his claim to have received Allah's
revelations would be swords, not words. The religion was too foolish, and
the first Muslims were too ruthless, to impose the doctrine any other way.
Islam, properly deployed, severs heads and turns friends into enemies.
Tabari VIII:138 "According to Waqidi, Muhammad carried arms, helmets,
and spears. He led a hundred horses, appointing Bahir to be in charge of the
weapons and Maslamah to be in charge of the horses. When the Quraysh
received word of this, it frightened them. The Prophet said, 'Young or old,
I have never been known but for keeping a promise. I do not want to bring in
weapons against you, but the weapons will be close to me.'" So, which story
is untrue? This Hadith says Muhammad never went back on a promise, but the
Qur'an says: 009.003 "And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to
the people on the day of the Great Pilgrimage is that Allah and His
Messenger dissolve treaty obligations with the Pagans." So who was lying,
prophet, god, or both?
When a sufficient number of Americans can answer the following question, we
will be on the road to protecting ourselves from Islam: What kind of
religion causes people to think that terrorizing, mutilating, and murdering
is a good thing to do?
Ya'kub T
2004-10-25 18:42:33 UTC
A poster using the name "Dana" is forging moderation approvals on
obscene and abusive posts. These posts were not approved by the
moderators of soc.religion.islam. If you look at the headers,
you will notice that the posts have Approved: lines with an
address other than sri-***@hrweb.org, and lack PGP Moose
signatures. In addition, they were not posted from the normal
moderation server at stump.algebra.com.

PGP Moose should be cancelling these posts, and i believe is doing
so (although I've checked with the administrator about that).
Unfortunately, many Usenet servers no longer accept any third-party
cancellations of articles, even authorized cancellations on moderated
newsgroups. :/

I've sent a complaint/inquiry to the administrator of the news
server used by the forger. Hopefully he'll close the forger's
account quickly. Meanwhile, I suggest that you killfile this
individual's posts.

In order to prevent this individual from starting flamewars on
soc.religion.islam, any posts responding to him/her/it on the
newsgroup will be filtered out. Since the poster used an
obviously forged email address in the From: line, email responses
will bounce, as well. I suggest that you not waste your time
responding to these posts. :)

Thank you!

Catherine Hampton <***@devsite.org>
Interim Moderator, soc.religion.islam
2004-10-25 19:09:06 UTC

If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.
Post by Ya'kub T
A poster using the name "Dana" is forging moderation approvals on
obscene and abusive posts. These posts were not approved by the
moderators of soc.religion.islam. If you look at the headers,
you will notice that the posts have Approved: lines with an
signatures. In addition, they were not posted from the normal
moderation server at stump.algebra.com.
PGP Moose should be cancelling these posts, and i believe is doing
so (although I've checked with the administrator about that).
Unfortunately, many Usenet servers no longer accept any third-party
cancellations of articles, even authorized cancellations on moderated
newsgroups. :/
I've sent a complaint/inquiry to the administrator of the news
server used by the forger. Hopefully he'll close the forger's
account quickly. Meanwhile, I suggest that you killfile this
individual's posts.
In order to prevent this individual from starting flamewars on
soc.religion.islam, any posts responding to him/her/it on the
newsgroup will be filtered out. Since the poster used an
obviously forged email address in the From: line, email responses
will bounce, as well. I suggest that you not waste your time
responding to these posts. :)
Thank you!
Interim Moderator, soc.religion.islam