US blackmails Iraq to get permanent occupation! TVNL
(too old to reply)
2008-06-06 04:41:58 UTC

US issues threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal
Friday, 06 June 2008 00:30

The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq's money in the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into
signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation
indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.

US negotiators are using the existence of $20bn in outstanding court
judgments against Iraq in the US, to pressure their Iraqi counterparts
into accepting the terms of the military deal, details of which were
reported for the first time in this newspaper yesterday.

2010-04-12 05:11:53 UTC
Post by Reggie
US issues threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal
Friday, 06 June 2008 00:30
The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq's money in the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into
signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation
indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.
US negotiators are using the existence of $20bn in outstanding court
judgments against Iraq in the US, to pressure their Iraqi counterparts
into accepting the terms of the military deal, details of which were
reported for the first time in this newspaper yesterday.
Israel Oil Pipeline. The reason for the war in Iraq
The minute Bush invaded Iraq, the Turks realized that the pipeline to
Haifa would be opened back up.
Why Iraq? Oil bonus² for Israel
The first proposed oil pipeline to be opened in Iraq was set to go to
Tel Aviv Israel....a "simcha" -- a happy occasion; celebration.
Yes, the Haifa pipeline was a major reason why Bush invaded
Iraq...."It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to
Haifa," the port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of
British investors, declining to give a timetable.
"It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and
Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."
Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of
looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during
the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.
"It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.
I do not know who is building the Haifa pipeline. The logical choice
is Bechtel Inc., but Bechtel has never been fond of working with
israelis. Therefore it is probably Dick Chney's Halliburton, or
perhaps an israeli company.
Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the US guaranteed all
Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis. This MoU is quietly
renewed every five years. It commits US taxpayers to maintain a
strategic US reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002
dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from
restrictions on oil exports from the US. Moreover, the US government
agreed to divert oil from the US, even in case of oil shortages in the
US. The US government also guaranteed delivery of oil in US tankers if
commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the
US to Israel.
Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding
(September 1, 1975)
The Kirkuk-to-Haifa pipeline will have to cross Jordan, which won¹t be
a problem, since Jordan has long cooperated with Israel, and will get
hefty transit fees, and I noted above. Amman, the capitol, is already
a second Tel Aviv. Mossad has a huge office at the Amman airport. When
NGOs and humanitarian organizations want to send aid to Iraq, most
aircraft must go through Amman. This allows Israel Mossad to log
everything. After Israel finished raping Lebanon in 2006, all aircraft
to Beirut had to detour to Amman for a Mossad inspection. This is
still largely the case.
The Kirkuk oil fields contain perhaps 40 percent of Iraq¹s oil. This
will quadruple israel¹s power in the region. The israelis will become
completely self-sufficient for oil supplies, and will have enough
excess to sell to Europe. They will buy oil cheap from the Kurds, and
sell it high to Europe. This will increase israel¹s power over
At first, Israel will offer Kurdish oil at a discount, in order to
help Europe adjust to its new master. Then Israel will start to
squeeze Europe, wringing more and more concessions from them.
Thus, Americans are killing and dying to expand Israeli hegemony, and
to make Bush¹s cronies richer. .... Todah Rabah -- thank you.
It¹s all part of the plan.
The Truth will prevail, But only if we Demand it from Congress!
Come Home Ameica
Shavuah Tov -- [have a] good week.
Aleikhem shalom
ya mean they told us a little "story" to get us into a war for Israel?
Enjoy this moment ! Thanks. g.
2010-08-25 16:16:38 UTC
Post by VFW
Post by Reggie
US issues threat to Iraq's $50bn foreign reserves in military deal
Friday, 06 June 2008 00:30
The US is holding hostage some $50bn (£25bn) of Iraq's money in the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York to pressure the Iraqi government into
signing an agreement seen by many Iraqis as prolonging the US occupation
indefinitely, according to information leaked to The Independent.
US negotiators are using the existence of $20bn in outstanding court
judgments against Iraq in the US, to pressure their Iraqi counterparts
into accepting the terms of the military deal, details of which were
reported for the first time in this newspaper yesterday.
Israel Oil Pipeline. The reason for the war in Iraq
The minute Bush invaded Iraq, the Turks realized that the pipeline to
Haifa would be opened back up.
Why Iraq? Oil bonus² for Israel
The first proposed oil pipeline to be opened in Iraq was set to go to
Tel Aviv Israel....a "simcha" -- a happy occasion; celebration.
Yes, the Haifa pipeline was a major reason why Bush invaded
Iraq...."It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to
Haifa," the port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of
British investors, declining to give a timetable.
"It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and
Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."
Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of
looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during
the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.
"It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.
I do not know who is building the Haifa pipeline. The logical choice
is Bechtel Inc., but Bechtel has never been fond of working with
israelis. Therefore it is probably Dick Chney's Halliburton, or
perhaps an israeli company.
Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the US guaranteed all
Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis. This MoU is quietly
renewed every five years. It commits US taxpayers to maintain a
strategic US reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002
dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from
restrictions on oil exports from the US. Moreover, the US government
agreed to divert oil from the US, even in case of oil shortages in the
US. The US government also guaranteed delivery of oil in US tankers if
commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the
US to Israel.
Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding
(September 1, 1975)
The Kirkuk-to-Haifa pipeline will have to cross Jordan, which won¹t be
a problem, since Jordan has long cooperated with Israel, and will get
hefty transit fees, and I noted above. Amman, the capitol, is already
a second Tel Aviv. Mossad has a huge office at the Amman airport. When
NGOs and humanitarian organizations want to send aid to Iraq, most
aircraft must go through Amman. This allows Israel Mossad to log
everything. After Israel finished raping Lebanon in 2006, all aircraft
to Beirut had to detour to Amman for a Mossad inspection. This is
still largely the case.
The Kirkuk oil fields contain perhaps 40 percent of Iraq¹s oil. This
will quadruple israel¹s power in the region. The israelis will become
completely self-sufficient for oil supplies, and will have enough
excess to sell to Europe. They will buy oil cheap from the Kurds, and
sell it high to Europe. This will increase israel¹s power over
At first, Israel will offer Kurdish oil at a discount, in order to
help Europe adjust to its new master. Then Israel will start to
squeeze Europe, wringing more and more concessions from them.
Thus, Americans are killing and dying to expand Israeli hegemony, and
to make Bush¹s cronies richer. .... Todah Rabah -- thank you.
It¹s all part of the plan.
The Truth will prevail, But only if we Demand it from Congress!
Come Home Ameica
Shavuah Tov -- [have a] good week.
Aleikhem shalom
ya mean they told us a little "story" to get us into a war for Israel?

From British Times
Iraqi oil production could rival that of Saudi Arabia by 2020,
according to the
chief executive of BP.

Tony Hayward told an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos
that within a
decade Iraqi oil production could
quadruple to 10 million barrels a day from 2.5
million barrels at present.
³The resources there are relatively easy to bring onstream and there
is no
reason to believe that Iraq can¹t be producing 10 million
barrels per day by
2020 or so.²
In 2008, Saudi Arabia was producing about 10 million barrels a day but
reduced that output.
BP is engaged in a partnership with CNPC, of China , to co-develop the
oilfield near
Basra , one of the biggest in the world.
Mr Hayward said that BP planned to boost production from Rumaila from
1 million
to 3 million barrels a day.
However, he cautioned that there were significant obstacles to
overcome in the
development of the Iraqi oil industry,
Money! What a concept.