Now apologise to George W Bush
(too old to reply)
Bill O'Reilly
2006-06-22 11:39:26 UTC
The left & the traitorous, terrorist appeasing media, such as CBS, CNN, The
BBC, The Independent, The New York Times & the Boston Globe have all been
enjoying a lengthy period of Bush/Blair bashing since the Iraq war. Where's
the WMD they cry.....Bush is a liar they yelled....Bush is a war criminal
they crowed.....Bush is a child murdering chimpanzee they chuckled.....Well
ladies and gentlemen the time has come when all the above, The ACLU, the
anti-war coalition, the (shrill) Cindy Sheehans, The (coward) John Murtha's
of this world will now concede that George W Bush was right all along.

WMD's have now been found in Iraq
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html , Iraq has a new
democratically elected government and the terrorists and Saddam Hussein
have, and are being hunted down and punished thanks to Dubya's stalwart
determination to get the job done and avenge those who perished on 9/11.

Apologies will now be expected, and I trust all the usual suspects on this
very NG (you know who you are) to crawl back from whence you came & don't
come back. You have all been humiliated and I for one will never forget or
forgive your treasonous bile & shrill cowardice in the face of a barbaric
enemy, i hold you in contempt. You are all a bunch of spineless weaklings
who will never live down the utter humiliation of choosing the wrong side on
this crucial global war on terror..

Hang your heads in shame you pathetic bunch of morons.
The Rifleman
2006-06-22 13:08:27 UTC
There are indeed WMD in the middle east, in the hands of a terrorist
supporting state, they are nuclear weapons and owned by the israelis.
Post by Bill O'Reilly
The left & the traitorous, terrorist appeasing media, such as CBS, CNN,
The BBC, The Independent, The New York Times & the Boston Globe have all
been enjoying a lengthy period of Bush/Blair bashing since the Iraq war.
Where's the WMD they cry.....Bush is a liar they yelled....Bush is a war
criminal they crowed.....Bush is a child murdering chimpanzee they
chuckled.....Well ladies and gentlemen the time has come when all the
above, The ACLU, the anti-war coalition, the (shrill) Cindy Sheehans, The
(coward) John Murtha's of this world will now concede that George W Bush
was right all along.
WMD's have now been found in Iraq
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,200499,00.html , Iraq has a new
democratically elected government and the terrorists and Saddam Hussein
have, and are being hunted down and punished thanks to Dubya's stalwart
determination to get the job done and avenge those who perished on 9/11.
Apologies will now be expected, and I trust all the usual suspects on this
very NG (you know who you are) to crawl back from whence you came & don't
come back. You have all been humiliated and I for one will never forget or
forgive your treasonous bile & shrill cowardice in the face of a barbaric
enemy, i hold you in contempt. You are all a bunch of spineless weaklings
who will never live down the utter humiliation of choosing the wrong side
on this crucial global war on terror..
Hang your heads in shame you pathetic bunch of morons.
Bill O'Reilly
2006-06-22 13:33:00 UTC
Post by The Rifleman
There are indeed WMD in the middle east
Your apology is noted Rifleman. Now fuck off & don't come back.
Chris X
2006-06-22 13:38:08 UTC
There are indeed WMD in the middle east in the hands of a terrorist
supporting state, they are nuclear weapons and owned by the israelis.
Your apology is noted, "Oreilly". Now fuck off and don't come back ! :))
The Rifleman
2006-06-22 17:32:44 UTC
Post by Bill O'Reilly
Post by The Rifleman
There are indeed WMD in the middle east
Your apology is noted Rifleman. Now fuck off & don't come back.
I would never apologise to the Israelis murderers of innocent people.
Harry The Horse
2006-06-22 20:30:53 UTC
Post by Bill O'Reilly
WMD's have now been found in Iraq
Lie. Now why haven't you volunteered for service in Iraq, Billy boy?