The United States won't win the war in Iraq.
(too old to reply)
pedro martori
2005-01-23 20:28:40 UTC
ja, ja, hate them ?

but not their dollars and humanitarian assistance ?????

if somebody tells me I hate you...or show it in some ways,
or indirectly ,hypocritacally
says or show so...what should I do ?

My answer wouldn*t be very much liked by people like you...


So if I were in power I would retire all troops from that fucking country...
and let all hell get lose and when they start killing each other to get the place the mother fucker Husssein left vacant...I will not send any troops to pacify it.

Rageous dogs bite the hand that feed them...
so one should not help rageous dogs ever...!
It is very difficult to win a guerrilla war. Napoleon could not in Spain,
Hitler could not in Yugoslavia, Nixon could not in Indochina and Bush may
not in the Middle East. Ideological wars can only be won in ideological
terms and guerrillas usually are very strong ideologically.
Today only one half of the Americans like themselves. Every where else in
the World 85% of the people hate them. That should be something to get
through your thick head.
P.S. Love is a reciprocal emotion, the same as hate; and is more rewarding.
Get rid of Bush.
Analysis: Iraqi insurgency growing larger, more effective
By Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The United States is steadily losing ground to the Iraqi
insurgency, according to every key military yardstick.
Heard that before.
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2005-01-23 21:35:12 UTC
I don't think I understood this post. Without
further information it may be that it just doesn't
make sense.
For one thing, Knight Ridder is just this side of
anti-american propoganda, I don't recognize them
as news.
That's pretty sad for a group that works in the
USA in my opinion.

Quoted from "T.Schmidt" <***@sprint.ca>
"guerrillas usually are very strong ideologically"

That is a very broad and confused statement....
There are at any moment past, present and I am
sure future, hundreds of guerrilla groups in any
number of
countries. The understanding is that "guerrilla"
work with the aid of the local population. It has
nothing to do with a
belief or ideal. It is only a method of insurgent
or rebel warfare.

Quoted from "T.Schmidt" <***@sprint.ca>
"Today only one half of the Americans like
themselves. Every where else in
the World 85% of the people hate them. That should
be something to get
through your thick head."

This is nonsense, most Americans like them selves
just fine. 85% of the world is a lot of people.
If you can find out where or who did this study.
Let me know, they must be gods or something.
Most of the world is too busy trying to make a
living to study the US or any other nation for
that matter.
In reality a large portion of the world, like your
selves. Depend on second or third party
information to decide
if you like or dis-like anything. So it makes
perfect sense that the media of the world is who
dislikes the USA.
But just for arguments sake, lets just say that
15% of the worlds population 800 million people
liked the US.
If I don't like a country. I don't buy things made
in that country. I don't use their currency and I
don't go there to
work or vacation. Since we don't have that many
people who travel here, and more than that who
trade and buy
US dollars and other goods. Someone must be
mis-informed. As matter of fact, how many Chinese
people are
working to make items to be shipped to the US? Now
add Korea, Tiawan, the rest of the world? Actions
louder than words don't they?

"pedro martori" <***@progression.net> wrote
in message news:H9SdnW5W8JVolWncRVn-***@look.ca...

ja, ja, hate them ?

but not their dollars and humanitarian assistance

if somebody tells me I hate you...or show it in
some ways,
or indirectly ,hypocritacally
says or show so...what should I do ?

My answer wouldn*t be very much liked by people
like you...


So if I were in power I would retire all troops
from that fucking country...
and let all hell get lose and when they start
killing each other to get the place the mother
fucker Husssein left vacant...I will not send
any troops to pacify it.

Rageous dogs bite the hand that feed them...
so one should not help rageous dogs ever...!
It is very difficult to win a guerrilla war.
Napoleon could not in Spain,
Hitler could not in Yugoslavia, Nixon could not
in Indochina and Bush may
not in the Middle East. Ideological wars can
only be won in ideological
terms and guerrillas usually are very strong
Today only one half of the Americans like
themselves. Every where else in
the World 85% of the people hate them. That
should be something to get
through your thick head.
P.S. Love is a reciprocal emotion, the same as
hate; and is more rewarding.
Get rid of Bush.
Analysis: Iraqi insurgency growing larger,
more effective
By Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The United States is
steadily losing ground to the Iraqi
insurgency, according to every key military
Heard that before.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system
Version: 6.0.840 / Virus Database: 571 - Release
Date: 1/19/2005
2005-01-24 06:35:45 UTC
Post by pedro martori
ja, ja, hate them ?
but not their dollars and humanitarian assistance ?????
if somebody tells me I hate you...or show it in some ways,=20
or indirectly ,hypocritacally
says or show so...what should I do ?
My answer wouldn*t be very much liked by people like you...
So if I were in power I would retire all troops from that fucking =
and let all hell get lose and when they start killing each other to =
get the place the mother fucker Husssein left vacant...I will not =
send any troops to pacify it.
Rageous dogs bite the hand that feed them...
so one should not help rageous dogs ever...!
The Dogs Went Wild on the night the Gaia Messiah
The Dogs Went Crazy
When he saw himself as lazy
And the life he lived as hazy -

On the street.
- Off his feet.

SO the wife came screaming weirdly
AND the door slammed shut behind her
And the barking in the background
And her barking out the queries
And the obvious explanation
And the useless explanation
And the horrified realization

"They've NOT BEEN FED!"
- she said...

SO the glowing mood was broken
AND the growing incredulity
And the disbelieving questioning
And the vampire accusation
And the vehement refutation
And the dawning superstition
And the irresistable shrill insistence
And the where's-the-gun paranoia
And the weakening of resistance
And the cautious quiet reconnaisance

..And the arrival of the gardener
And the obvious explanation
And the useless explanation
And the horrified realization
"Yes they were fed."
He said.


The dogs were quiet
When I checked..

"And then I raised my arms to the sky and I laughed out Rageously:":


I transcend it all!

He said.


"Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."
(J.R. "Bob" Dobbs)
