Sick Dreams of a Fanatic Islamist
(too old to reply)
2004-10-24 23:57:51 UTC
Sick Dreams of a Fanatic Islamist
by Azam Kamguian

Instead of putting chastity belts on women or burning them, contemporary
Christians merely pressurise girls and young women into wearing virginity
rings on their wedding fingers. This may be progress of a kind, but as some
American commentators have already pointed out, when wearers of the rings do
have sex it is more likely to be unprotected, and rather than reducing
unwanted pregnancies the rate is actually higher among these self-declared
"virgins". We live in the 21st century and thanks to powerful secularist and
liberationist women's movements, Christian nonsense of this kind had been
forced onto the defensive - but it is fighting back. We need to push it back
to where it belongs - to history.

Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed envies American Christians and sees the Afghan-style
oppression of women as the solution to teenage pregnancy: he proposes burkas
and sexual apartheid in British schools. He suggests that if we segregate
girls, we would have no sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), no teenage
pregnancies and stable families.

Like all other religionists and fanatics, Mr. Ahmed either himself lacks
intelligence or refuses to use it. Do we have regular and systematic surveys
and statistics on STD, teenage pregnancy and divorce rate in Afghanistan,
Iran and other Islam stricken societies? No, of course not. Instead, how
many times have we heard about depression, self immolation, suicides and
honour killings, and of young women and girls escaping from home and the
brutal violence used against them?

Mr. Ahmed intends to sell the products of a closed, corrupt Islamic society
such as Afghanistan to the people - and particularly the youth - in the
West. You want to get rid of STDs and teenage pregnancy? Lock up your girls,
wear burka, hijab and jilbab! Let women suffer lifelong sexual oppression
while the men follow the example of the Prophet Mohammed and the army of
ayatollahs: innumerable sexual relationships, as many as they wish! This is
Islamic morality.

But what about the real problems of teenage pregnancies and STDs? We should
educate youth. We must provide proper sex education and provide free, safe
and reliable contraceptives. We should give young girls more control over
their lives and more choices. As experience from Holland has shown, this is
the only humane and effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies, abortions
and sexually transmitted diseases.

Islam and Christianity with their chastity rings and burkas belong to the
dark past, and in the name of human dignity and women's autonomy must be

Burka, Hijab and Jilbab are nothing but the sick dreams of a fanatic
Iftikhar Ahmad of the so-called "London School of Islamics" widely
circulates e-mails advocating the establishment in Britain of Muslim schools
of the most undesirable kind - the sort that devote most of the day to
teaching "traditional" Islam in Asian languages. His latest opus praises the
Silver Ring Thing evangelists and makes the case for enforcing Islamic ideas
of "chastity" on women. He writes: "In Afghanistan 99.9% of teenagers are
virgin. The reason is that all teenager girls leave homes wearing Afghani
Burkhas. There is no mix gathering. They attend single sex schools. They
marry as early as possible. If the teenager girls start wearing Afghani
Burkhas or Jilbab, I am sure that they are not going to lose their virginity
before marriage. The other alternative is the wearing of Jilbab. The success
of chastity crusade will depend on the number of teenagers leaving homes for
schools with Jilbab or Afghani Burkhas."
2007-01-11 01:29:08 UTC
Post by Dana
Sick Dreams of a Fanatic Islamist
by Azam Kamguian
Instead of putting chastity belts on women or burning them,
contemporary Christians merely pressurise girls and young women into
wearing virginity rings on their wedding fingers. This may be progress
of a kind, but as some American commentators have already pointed out,
when wearers of the rings do have sex it is more likely to be
unprotected, and rather than reducing unwanted pregnancies the rate is
actually higher among these self-declared "virgins". We live in the
21st century and thanks to powerful secularist and liberationist
women's movements, Christian nonsense of this kind had been forced
onto the defensive - but it is fighting back. We need to push it back
to where it belongs - to history.
Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed envies American Christians and sees the
he proposes burkas and sexual apartheid in British schools. He
suggests that if we segregate girls, we would have no sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs), no teenage pregnancies and stable
Like all other religionists and fanatics, Mr. Ahmed either himself
lacks intelligence or refuses to use it. Do we have regular and
systematic surveys and statistics on STD, teenage pregnancy and
divorce rate in Afghanistan, Iran and other Islam stricken societies?
No, of course not. Instead, how many times have we heard about
depression, self immolation, suicides and honour killings, and of
young women and girls escaping from home and the brutal violence used
against them?
Mr. Ahmed intends to sell the products of a closed, corrupt Islamic
society such as Afghanistan to the people - and particularly the youth
- in the West. You want to get rid of STDs and teenage pregnancy? Lock
up your girls, wear burka, hijab and jilbab! Let women suffer lifelong
sexual oppression while the men follow the example of the Prophet
Mohammed and the army of ayatollahs: innumerable sexual relationships,
as many as they wish! This is Islamic morality.
But what about the real problems of teenage pregnancies and STDs? We
should educate youth. We must provide proper sex education and provide
free, safe and reliable contraceptives. We should give young girls
more control over their lives and more choices. As experience from
Holland has shown, this is the only humane and effective way to reduce
unwanted pregnancies, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases.
Islam and Christianity with their chastity rings and burkas belong to
the dark past, and in the name of human dignity and women's autonomy
must be rejected.
Burka, Hijab and Jilbab are nothing but the sick dreams of a fanatic
Iftikhar Ahmad of the so-called "London School of Islamics" widely
circulates e-mails advocating the establishment in Britain of Muslim
schools of the most undesirable kind - the sort that devote most of
the day to teaching "traditional" Islam in Asian languages. His latest
opus praises the Silver Ring Thing evangelists and makes the case for
enforcing Islamic ideas of "chastity" on women. He writes: "In
Afghanistan 99.9% of teenagers are virgin. The reason is that all
teenager girls leave homes wearing Afghani Burkhas. There is no mix
gathering. They attend single sex schools. They marry as early as
possible. If the teenager girls start wearing Afghani Burkhas or
Jilbab, I am sure that they are not going to lose their virginity
before marriage. The other alternative is the wearing of Jilbab. The
success of chastity crusade will depend on the number of teenagers
leaving homes for schools with Jilbab or Afghani Burkhas."
interesting article
