Time to end it all in Arabia....and I mean it!
(too old to reply)
Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
2004-04-30 06:30:21 UTC

The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!

The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....

A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!

Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
oil-producing lands in quarters:

1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.

If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.

These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.

R.A. Chatterjee
2004-04-30 17:31:58 UTC
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home.
Yes amd the majority of thinking people in the world agree

We liberate these
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
Remove the word Arab and you're on the right lines

Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
are gun crazy morons who

need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
Whoa, a scientific argument
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews!
Like we support our other allies, by blowing them to pieces in friendly
fire incidents

Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
We're losing another war
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq
Are these the same CIA operatives who armed the Iraqi's in the first place?

and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.)
They're all problematic, arsehole.

before the withdrawl is completed.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
Stone Age.
That would only put them about a million years ahead of America then

Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
You'd better leave for Mars then. You'd probably hit the Twin Towers
(Whoops some of your CIA funded friends have already done that haven't
they? How forgetful)
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
Oh, sure you'd share
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
If you aimed for Iraq you'd probably hit Korea
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
I see you mention intelligence in connection with Israel, something
obviously missing in the good ol' US of A
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
R.A. Chatterjee
does the RA stand for righteous Arsehole
2004-05-01 15:15:37 UTC
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites
4-5 days?

I have no problem with the nuke solution, but the half-life
from the fallout of any nuclear detonation would be much longer
that that.
2004-05-02 10:50:26 UTC
Now let me get this straight.

A thickhead of obvious hindu extraction is is bad mouthing the moslems and
calling himself american?.
Beam me up Scottie
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
Mike B
2004-05-12 10:21:33 UTC
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".

Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.

Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
Decker Eastman
2004-05-12 11:29:26 UTC
Kill them all and let God sort it out. (sort the good from the bad)

Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
2004-05-12 17:21:15 UTC
Nothing down for the yanks then
Post by Decker Eastman
Kill them all and let God sort it out. (sort the good from the bad)
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
2004-05-12 17:20:41 UTC
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
Decker Eastman
2004-05-16 05:37:18 UTC
Well, despite "Hod's" anti-American comments, I still maintain that Britain
is our staunchest ally.
I hope the good people in this newsgroup won't let one moron's stupid
comments affect America's opinion of Great Britain.

"Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves."
(But the Yanks rule the world.)

-Decker, American

Post by Hod
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
2004-05-16 06:34:05 UTC
No Decker, you and the rest of the morons keep posting absolute crap and
the more intelligent among us will keep taking the piss (ever noticed
how alike the words Yanks and wanks are?)
Post by Decker Eastman
Well, despite "Hod's" anti-American comments, I still maintain that Britain
is our staunchest ally.
I hope the good people in this newsgroup won't let one moron's stupid
comments affect America's opinion of Great Britain.
"Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves."
(But the Yanks rule the world.)
-Decker, American
Post by Hod
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
Decker Eastman
2004-05-17 12:57:45 UTC
You obviously have a lot of hate in you toward Americans and probably
yourself, too. You should seek professional help to try to discover where
all this hate comes from. Lack of self-esteem? Feelings of inadequacy?
Impotence? Disappointment over the fact that you are not a native-born
British citizen? Longing for the Arab country of your birth? Guilt over
the fact that a fellow Arab was involved in Princess Diana's death?
Post by Hod
No Decker, you and the rest of the morons keep posting absolute crap and
the more intelligent among us will keep taking the piss (ever noticed
how alike the words Yanks and wanks are?)
Post by Decker Eastman
Well, despite "Hod's" anti-American comments, I still maintain that Britain
is our staunchest ally.
I hope the good people in this newsgroup won't let one moron's stupid
comments affect America's opinion of Great Britain.
"Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves."
(But the Yanks rule the world.)
-Decker, American
Post by Hod
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as fictional
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
2004-05-17 15:21:45 UTC
I have no hatred towards real Americans, it's the scum who invaded the
land of the native American and all the other trash who do not have a
country to call their own and insist on invading everyone else, petty
jealousy perhaps, who knows how the feeble mind of a social outcast works?
Post by Decker Eastman
You obviously have a lot of hate in you toward Americans and probably
yourself, too. You should seek professional help to try to discover where
all this hate comes from. Lack of self-esteem? Feelings of inadequacy?
Impotence? Disappointment over the fact that you are not a native-born
British citizen? Longing for the Arab country of your birth? Guilt over
the fact that a fellow Arab was involved in Princess Diana's death?
Post by Hod
No Decker, you and the rest of the morons keep posting absolute crap and
the more intelligent among us will keep taking the piss (ever noticed
how alike the words Yanks and wanks are?)
Post by Decker Eastman
Well, despite "Hod's" anti-American comments, I still maintain that
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
is our staunchest ally.
I hope the good people in this newsgroup won't let one moron's stupid
comments affect America's opinion of Great Britain.
"Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves."
(But the Yanks rule the world.)
-Decker, American
Post by Hod
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
Post by Hod
Post by Mike B
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken immediately.
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee
Decker Eastman
2004-05-17 23:18:21 UTC
I agree. The Spanish wiped out the Mayans and the Aztecs, the
English/American colonists wiped out the Native American Indians, and
American businessmen overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy to suit their business
interests. It is disgusting. It is the way the world was then and it
doesn't seem to have changed a whole lot.
Post by Hod
I have no hatred towards real Americans, it's the scum who invaded the
land of the native American and all the other trash who do not have a
country to call their own and insist on invading everyone else, petty
jealousy perhaps, who knows how the feeble mind of a social outcast works?
Post by Decker Eastman
You obviously have a lot of hate in you toward Americans and probably
yourself, too. You should seek professional help to try to discover where
all this hate comes from. Lack of self-esteem? Feelings of inadequacy?
Impotence? Disappointment over the fact that you are not a native-born
British citizen? Longing for the Arab country of your birth? Guilt over
the fact that a fellow Arab was involved in Princess Diana's death?
Post by Hod
No Decker, you and the rest of the morons keep posting absolute crap and
the more intelligent among us will keep taking the piss (ever noticed
how alike the words Yanks and wanks are?)
Post by Decker Eastman
Well, despite "Hod's" anti-American comments, I still maintain that
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
is our staunchest ally.
I hope the good people in this newsgroup won't let one moron's stupid
comments affect America's opinion of Great Britain.
"Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves."
(But the Yanks rule the world.)
-Decker, American
Post by Hod
Assuming that Allah is male and Mohamed is male, does this make you a
puppy fucking, homosexual?
Post by Mike B
Nicely put, I commend your proposition. My simple solution (as
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
Post by Hod
Post by Mike B
Col. Kurtz once stated): "Drop the bomb, incinerate them all".
Fuck Allah.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Mohammad
Fuck all mongrel Arabs.
Fucking Die.
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
The majority of Iraqis want the US GIs to go home. We liberate these
scum from Saddam, and now have to tolerate the fact that they are
ingracious bastards who hate us like the rest of the Arab world hates
us. Why did we go into Iraq in the first place? Because we
Americans need to lose countless young boys and girls in a thankless
PC war in order to have the American people learn the hard way and
finally understand that Iraqis and most other Muslims are not worth
the protoplasm their cells are made of!!!
The United States gave birth to the State of Israel with the help of
the UN. The Arab world wants to see Palestinians drive the Israelis
into the Dead Sea. (fat chance). Muslim Arabia will never "forgive"
us for this action...and they shouldn't...we should be proud of
supporting the Jews! Yes, we need to retreat from Iraq before we lose
one more GI, and here's why....Mr. Rumsfeld...read this and you might
learn something....
A rapid withdrawl to European bases should be undertaken
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
Post by Hod
Post by Decker Eastman
Post by Hod
Post by Mike B
Post by Ramachandran Anjit Chatterjee
All dissembled neutron bombs, deactivated by Reagan in the early 80's,
must be reactivated at once. Special forces, in concert with CIA
operatives in Iraq and other anti-American Islamic nations, should
position these devices in Iraq, particularly in problematic Iraqi
cities (Falluja, al Najaf, etc.) before the withdrawl is completed.
Once completed, detonation should be by remote satellite-mediated
control. Once our troops are at a safe distance from Afghanistan,
Iraq, Iran, Rihjad, Syria, Khartoum, and similarly anti-American
locales like the offices of el Arabiya, and once neutron devices are
in place in the vicinity of all madrassas in Pakistan, Saudi, and
other similar locations, a geosynchronous detonation should take
place, disposing of a considerable amount of current and potential
radical Islamic life, pushing this scourge back into the friggin'
AMERICAN BLOOD in this process!
Why do I advocaten neutron bomb destruction of this thankless race of
scum? For the PC types amongst us...this will preserve the minarets,
mosques, and other similar ammunition-containing places of worship.
This will result in three days of intense neutron irradiation followed
my immediate and massive Islamic death. On day four or five, the GIs
may safely return to these sites to thoroughly (and appropriately)
commandeer the oil fields at which time the US will divide these
1/4 for the US, Australia, and Britain and their territories.
1/4 for Russia and former Eastern block nations,
1/4 for all remaining Western Europe on the Eurodollar
1/4 for China, Japan, the Koreas, the Phillipines, and Indonesia.
If you want to give these Muslim bastards the Allah that they seek
if you want to insure Israel the peace they finally deserve,
if you want to send American dads back to the arms of American moms
and their sons and daughters,
if you want to win this FOURTH CRUSADE against ISLAM once and for
all...the answer is in our faces....
WARHEADS AND DELIVERY SYSTEMS, and take N. Korea down in the process.
These actions should all have been undertaken long ago. If we don't
do it, I hope that Israel and their intelligence forces do it...you
see...the loss of every last Muslim in the world would still not repay
the lost lives of the twin tower's collapse on 9/11.
R.A. Chatterjee