The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
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2004-10-25 06:21:32 UTC
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam

Fellow readers, the time has come again to further explore the most
beneficient, most gracious and the most merciful faith on this earth. What
could I be talking about? Islam of course.
In this article I shall write about how the Muslims have blessed the whole
world with their loot, raid, brutal torture, plunderings, inhuman rapes,
etc. I will also cite from the Holy Quran and the hadiths which have
supported these messengers of the all "merciful" Allah.
As long as the muslims loot and raid the kafirs(non believers of Islam), it
is completely justified. Ghazzua is an Arabic word for raid as well as
killing and enslaving the kafirs. From this word the term Ghazi is derived
which means honourable warrior of Islam who has killed many kafirs.
The distribution of the loot or booty, which includes the men, women and
children, is done as prescribed by the well defined regulations stated in
the Quran and the hadiths. Four fifths of the loot is to be shared by the
barbaric, lecherous invaders who took part in the heinous plunderings while
one fifth is reserved for the great Prophet or the Caliph and in their
absence to the mullah who is in charge.
Such loots and raids were considered shameful acts in Pre-Islamic Arabia.
But Mohammed revealed to his followers that since he was the last prophet
for all time to come such raids were now sanctioned by Allah. Thus he
legalised these inhuman acts of raid, plunder, loot and rape.
Let us closely examine the pattern that these barbaric invaders followed all
over the world. This pattern is written down in the Quran; practised,
perfected and prescribed by the prophet in his own life time and closely
followed by the Caliphs later. Even in present time, this pattern is
followed by all Muslim leaders who aspire for name and fame in this life and
houris (beautiful virgin women) hereafter.
The pattern is:

Invade the lands of the infidels.

Massacre as many infidel men, women and children as they like after winning
a victory

Capture the survivors as slaves and confine the women in their harems as
slave girls

Plunder every place and person for war, booty, a fifth of which (including
the slaves) went to the Caliph or some other religious heads.

Demolish the places of worship of the infidels and build mosques in their

Defile and desecrate the deities and other symbols of the infidels' religion
by throwing them into public squares or making into steps leading to the
prayer area of the Muslims.
Let us again start with His Holiness Mohammed himself. In 627 A.D he raided
the Jewish tribe of Qurayza. The Jews were defeated in the fight and many
prisoners were taken. They were either sold or assassinated in the name of
merciful Allah. In one place alone, approximately 800 Jews were beheaded in
cold blood. In 629 A.D after the battle of Khaybar, and the defeat of the
Jews, the same play was enacted. All the Jews were put to the sword. The
raids undertaken by the prophet and methods followed became the guidelines
for the Caliphs and other leaders who followed him.
Caliph Umar I
The reign of terror by caliph Umar still horrifies the present day Iranians.
They dress themselves up in festive clothing on the death anniversary of
this caliph, even to this day. Caliph Umar who was also one of the many
father-in-laws of Mohammed, attained leadership of Islam two years after
Mohammed's death. His reign of terror rocked Iran, Irag, Egypt and Syria.
His most dastardly deed was the destruction of the great library in
Alexandria. His order to Amir Amron ibn al-Ass (rightly named) is preserved
as follows:
"As for the books you mentioned here is my reply. If their content is in
accordance with the book of Allah, we may do without them, for in that case
the book of Allah more than sufficies. If on the other hand, they contain
matter not in accordance with the book of Allah, there can be no need to
preserve them. Proceed then and destroy them."
Such brilliance and such logic can only be found in the followers of all
merciful Allah.
The 700,000 scrolls, some of them works a thousand or more years old, many
on Mathematics, science and philosophy were destroyed. Ibn al-Kifti wrote
that, "it took 6 months to burn all that mass of material."
Where Alexandria lost only one of its precious libraries, India lost
millions of books on Mathematics, Astronomy, Philosophy and other Sciences
of the Vedic and Buddhist periods. For example, the famous Sanskrit college
of Vishaldev in the capital of Gujrat was destroyed by the eunuch Qutubuddin
Aibak in the year 1196 A.D. The famous Buddist university of Nalanda had the
same fate in the year 1200 A.D. when Mohammed Bakhtiyar Khilji attacked the
township and massacared the harmless Buddist monks and violated the nuns. In
recent years, the Pakistani Muslim army attacked the then East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh). 3,000,000 Bengali Hindus were brutally murdered.The first
attack was on Dhaka University. The women students were not spared. They
were raped and murdered mercilessly.
Khair Ed-Din
In 1516, the Emir of Algiers, Selim Bin Teumin, weary of Spanish
interference sought the aid of Khair Ed-din, a Turkish sea robber and one of
the Barbarossa brothers. Another brother, Arouj had the Emir assassinated.
Khair Ed-Din was named as Viceroy by Selim I, Sultan of Turkey.
Khair laid siege to the spanish fortress on the island of Penon and wrested
it from Christian hands. Martin Vagas, the Spanish commander was given the
choice between death or conversion to Islam. He chose the former, whereupon
he was flogged to death, his deadbody dragged through the street, cut into
pieces and thrown into the sea. With the help of Khair Ed-Din the muslim
pirates were secure in Algiers for three centuries. Ten percent of the booty
went to the Bey of the day. The captives of the Barbary corsairs were able
to ransom themselves if they had money and many were freed on accepting
Islam. The others were sold like cattle at an auction and many died from
fever, starvation or the lash. Women, however were taken into harems as
concubines of their captors.
One story recorded by a Spanish monk, Haedo, of the sixteenth century
concerns a young Arab. He had been captured by the Spanish, had embaraced
Christianty and been baptized as Geronimo. He was recaptured in 1569 by the
Barbary pirates and taken to Algiers. When threats and pleadings failed to
make him apostate back to Islam, Geronimo was condemned to death. Bound hand
and foot, he was thrown into a mould in which a block of concrete was about
to be made and the liquid concrete poured in upon him. The block containing
his body was built into the FORT OF THE TWENTY FOUR HOURS in Algiers.
Bricking up human beings is a common punishment as prescribed by the Quran.
In India, the children of the Sikh Gurus were bricked up because they did
not accept Islam. Akbar, the Moughal emperor jealous of his son's affair
with Anarkali had her bricked up as well.
Piali Pasha
In 1560 a Turkish squadron under Piali Pasha and the corsair Dargut
annihilated the Spanish fleet at Tunisia and took the Spanish fort of
Djerba. All 5000 prisoners were massacred and a huge mound of bones six
meters high was formed. The mound was called Skull Fort and was in existence
for nearly 3 centuries.
Abdul Hamid II
In 1894, the sultan of the Ottoman empire Abdul Hamid reacted violently
against the Armenian Nationalists living in Eastern Turkey. In Sasun, the
Armenians refused to accept a 100 percent increase in rents. 3000 rebels
were killed, women raped and mutilated and babies bashed against rocks. The
pogrom spread: in Trebizond a 1000 odd Armenians were killed, in Arabkir
2800, in Urfa 8000, plus 3000 burnt alive in a Cathedral where they hoped
they would be safe. In August 1896, bands of Turks patrolled the streets of
Constantinople killing over 5000 Armenians. In All, the total toll from 1894
to 1896 is estimated at 100,000 non combatants killed, 50,000 dead from
starvation, 40,000 forcibly converted to Islam and 100,000 driven into
Fahri Koroturk
Fahri Koroturk was the right wing Muslim President of Turkey and commander
of the armed forces when the decision was made to invade Cyprus. The number
of Turks on the Island was about 150,000 while 503,000 were Greek. At 5 A.M,
Saturday 20th July 1974 The Turkish army, Navy and airforce attacked Cyprus.
Turkey used weapons given to it by the United States and NATO, employing the
Quranic injunctions to accept help from the infidels but to remember that
Jihad is the ultimate aim.
" Let Not the believers take for...helpers unbelievers... Except by way of
precaution...But remember the final goal is to Allah " (III/28)
Prior to the invasion the percentage of the Turks was 18 percent but they
demanded an area of northern Cyprus equal to 38 percent of the whole Island
and that the region be vacated within 24 hours. On the same day, the second
and the more terrifying phase of the Turkish invasion began. Greek houses
and businesses were handed over to the Turkish Cypriots. Greek villages and
towns were bombed and napalmed indiscriminately. But in cities with mixed
populations, targets were selected; for example Chrisitan churches,
hospitals and schools. The final toll was 4000 men, women and children dead,
1619 missing. 40 percent of the island, correspoding to 65 percent of the
arable land, 60 percent of all its water resources, 70 percent of its
minreal wealth, 70 percent of its industries and 80 percent of tourist
installation came under the Muslim rule. The Turks brought in new settlers
while 220,000 Greeks had to flee to the south. In all, one third of the
Greek population of Cyprus became refugees in their own country.
Idi Amin
Idi Amin, a ruthless dictator of Uganda now has asylum in Saudi Arabia. As a
true muslim he hates the Jews. His support is for his muslim brothers--the
Palestinian terrorists. In 1972 he sent a cable to the United Nations
congratulting the Black September terrorists for the murder of Israeli
sportsmen at the Olympic games in Munich. In the same cable he praised
Hitler for destroying over six million Jews. On 3rd of July 1976 the
hijacked Flight 139 was diverted to Entebbe airport just out of Kampala.
Amin was sympathetic with the hijackers and he permitted additional
terrorists to reinforce them--another sign of a true muslim. His own 80-100
troops at the scene had their guns trained on the 103 Jewish passengers in
support of the 10 terrorists who threatened to execute the Jews from dawn,
Sunday 4th of July.
He used cunning as well as ruthlessness. Rather than take on the power of
the Roman Catholic Church, he had Archbishop Luwum killed in a "traffic
accident." Apart from the army, his main organ of suppression was based at
Nakasero which was innocuously named the State Research Bureau. At Nakasero,
some of the tortures were mind-boggling. People had nails hammered into
their skulls, limbs were broken, flames played onto the skin, broken soft
drink bottles rammed into elbows and knees, sisal ropes used for slow
strangulation, whips, knives, etc. All these tortures no doubt were derived
from the Quran by this truly devout muslim.
In October 1978 Amin invaded Tanzania. At first his forces did well,
looting, raping and killing as they went. By January 1979 however the
Tanzanian troops, backed by 2000 anti-Amin Ugandans, crossed the Ugandan
border and all resistance crumbled. After Idi's exit, the count of the dead
and missing people was put at 280,000!
Yasser Arafat
Yasser Arafat is another muslim "saint" who has committed and is committing
horrific crimes as the leader of the PLO in the name of the all "merciful"
Allah. I shall list down below only a few of the saintly deeds of Yasser and
his PLO troops. But the alert reader should be able to estimate the extent
of their other noble and saintly deeds.
During World War II some leading Muslims including Haji Amin al-Husseini
worked for the Nazis in Germany, calling for a Jihad against Britain. Amin
was the grand mufti of Jerusalem and Arafat's uncle. Hitler wanted to barter
some Jews for the return of German nationals but the muslims convinced him
to send 8000 Jewish children to the death camps instead of to Palestine.
On May 15, 1948 the British withdrew from Palestine and the state of Israel
was declared. Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria sent troops in but were
unable to dislodge the Israelis.
With the aid of other Palestinians Yasser Arafat set up a Fatah, which is
Koranic for opening the gates of glory. Fatah was independent of the Arab
states and of ideology. Its sole aim was to liberate Palestine by armed
struggle. Fatah's first targets were the water projects of Israel. One bomb
exploded killing seven Israelis. By 1966 attacks had moved to homes and
On March 18, 1968 a busload of children hit a mine near Eliat. Two children
were killed and twenty seven injured. When the Israelis retaliated the
Palestinians received help from Jordan and the Israelis had to retreat. Even
though more muslim lives were lost than Jewish, Yasser claimed it as a
victory, the first ever over Israel. Thousands of new recruits were added to
Fatah's fighting forces. Terror escalated; more bombings took place. 13
people, including some Arabs, were killed when an old refrigerator exploded
in Jerusalem. Another 15 were killed when an old car exploded in the market
place of Jerusalem.
PLO's and Yasser's saintly deeds continue on to this day.
I can go on and on about the brave deeds of these truly devout muslims. And
I promise to write more on this matter in my weekly posts. I have not
mentioned of the tortures done in the Islamic Republic of Mauritiana, the
persecution of the Bahais by Iran's Nasiri-Din-Shah, the well known sickly
pig Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, the atrocities done in Sudan by Sayyid
Muhammad Ahmad Ibn Abdullah, persecution of religious minorities
(particularly Christians) in Egypt by Umar II and Husan Al Banna,
persecution of Assyrian Christians, the plight of Hindus in Kashmir, India,
etc., etc., etc.
Hundreds of books can be written on the atrocities committed by the Muslims
in India on Hindus and Buddhists--thousands of temples, books, and other
scriptures destroyed, women raped, tortured and murdered, men boiled,
burned, skinned and sawed alive, children cut into pieces, etc. Yes, these
muslims are the proud doers of these utterly inhuman acts in the name of
Allah and for the 72 houris and 28 young boys they shall receive in Paradise
according to the Quran. In my future postings, I shall elaborate on these
Islamic brutalities committed in India.
Let us take a look at the few verses from the Quran which directly support
these saintly deeds of the Muslims detailed above.
Verses from the Koran:

LIX/5-6: "Whatsoever palm trees ye cut down or left standing on their roots,
it was by by Allah's leave, in order that He might confound the evil-livers.
And that which Allah gave as spoil unto His messenger from them, ye urged
not any horse or riding-camel for the sake thereof, but Allah giveth His
messenger lordship over whom He will. Allah is Able to do all things."
The above verse clearly states that the followers of Allah should cut down
the palm trees as they provide shelter and food to the kafirs. In these
verses, note the insidious way in which Mohammed has hidden the real meaning
of the words. First Allah says that don't take away the camels and horses of
the conquered, but the sentence that follows immediately after this
contradicts Allah's "mercy". Because Allah gives the Muslim Invader complete
rights over the conquered, so he is free to kill, eat, abuse and maim the
animals or the people who have been made captive.
XLVIII/20-21: "Allah promiseth you much booty that ye will capture, and hath
given you this in advance, and hath withheld men's hands from you, that it
may be a token for the believers, and that He may guide you on a right path.
And other (gain), which ye have not been able to achieve, Allah will compass
it. Allah is able to do all things."
In the above verse, Allah is bribing the believers to make wars with the
Kafirs. He promises them a lot of booty which they will gain from these
wars. He has also said that He will magically stop the kafirs from striking
back and He will guide the believers on the right path (the path of killing,
plundering, looting and raping).
VIII/41: "And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! a fifth
thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger and for the kinsman (who hath
need) and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if ye believe in Allah and
that which we revealed unto Our slave on the Day of Discrimination, the day
when the two armies met. And Allah is able to do all things."
Here we see another case of bribery by Allah. Four fifths of the loot goes
to invaders and the remaining one fifth goes to Mohammed or the Caliphs or
any other Muslim leaders in their absence. Here Allah tries to bring out His
kindness again by telling the Muslims to give to the poor. And how much do
the poor get? They get from the one fifth of the loot and only after
Mohammed and other religious leaders have taken their share. And don't
forget where this loot is coming from--Killing and murdering the kafirs.
What a genuine Robin Hood Allah is!!!
VIII/65: "O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you
twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a
hundred stedfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve,
because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence."
The above verse is self explanatory. It clearly orders the Muslim to kill
the non believers. It also clearly says that anyone who doesn't believe in
Islam has no intelligence!
VIII/67-69: "It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made
slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth
(for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise. Had it not been for the
ordinance of Allah which had gone before, an awful doom had come upon you on
account of what ye took. Now enjoy what ye have won, as lawful and good, and
keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Here Allah is clearly instructing the Prophet that hold no prisoners, kill
them all as they are criminals for not believing in Allah. The Prophet must
do these deeds because Allah desires that the muslims enjoy the Houris and
young boys in Jannat (Heaven). The above verses were revealed when the
prophet had decided to spare the lives of the prisoners taken at Badr and
hold them to ransom, against the wish of Umar who would have executed them
for their past crime. The prophet took the verses as a reproof, and they are
generally understood to mean that no mercy ought to have been given in that
first battle. Such is the nature of the all merciful Allah !!
VIII/73: And those who disbelieve are protectors one of another. -If ye do
not so, there will be confusion in the land, and great corruption."
VIII/12: "When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying:) I am with you. So
make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of
those who disbelieve. Then maim them in every limb and smite of them each
The above verse clearly depicts how Allah prescribes the Muslims to torture
and kill.
IX/5: "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever
ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for
them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the
poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
This verse clealry says that Muslims should try to convert non-muslims
forcibly. If they are unable to do so, then they should either kill the
kafirs or make their lives miserable.
IX/73: "Oh Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be
harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end."
LXIX/30-37: "(It will be said): Take him and fetter him and then expose him
to hell-fire And then insert him in a chain whereof the length is 70 cubits.
Lo! he used not to believe in allah the Tremendous, And urged not on the
feeding of the wretched, Therefore hath he no lover here this day, Nor any
food save filth Which none but sinners eat."
This verse describes the recipe for torture as revealed by Allah. This
recipe was applied in India when the Sikh Gurus were murdered. It was also
applied elsewhere in the world as I have mentioned above in this article.
V/33-34: "The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger
and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or
crucified, or have their hands and feet and alternate sides cut off, or will
be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world,
and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Save those who repent
before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is Forgiving, merciful."
This verse gives Muslims another recipe for torture. Here Allah has taken
care of the details in the procedure.
XXII/19-22: "These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two
opponents who contend concering their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve,
garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling fluid will be poured down
their heads. Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too,
will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron. Whenever, in their
anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and
(it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning."
Yet another recipe for torture !! Need I say more ?
LXXVI/4: "Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers manacles and carcans and a
raging fire."
Quotes From The Hadiths:
Sahih Al Bukhari, 216:"I have been ordered to fight against people until
they testify that there is no God but Allah & that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah & until he performs the prayers & pays the Zakat."
The quote above clearly states that Allah has ordered the Prophet to torture
the Kafirs until they submit to Islam. And by ordering Muhammad he is
ordering each and every muslim to do so as Mohammed is the true model which
every muslim must strive for.
Sahih Muslim, 217: "Verily Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things.
Thus if you kill, KILL WELL, & if you slaughter, SLAUGHTER WELL. Let each
one of you sharpen his blade."
Need I explain the above quote??
The above Quranic verses and quotes from Hadiths have clearly shown us once
again that Islam is a religion for mindless, empty headed barbarians who are
interested in nothing but money,power,sex & destruction. What I am trying to
get across here is that the foundation of Islam (Quran itself) was deviously
brought into existence by Mohammed and company, so that heinous acts like
rape, plunder, loot, toruture, and murder are justifiable. One sees evidence
of this not only in History, but in present time as well.
Note: Works of Robert E. Burns and A. Ghosh have been used in this article.
Atheism teaches that there is no God, hence no God-given rights. That
ideology coupled with a system that believed in the superiority of the state
at the expense of the individual was murderously synergistic.
2004-10-25 10:16:38 UTC
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA

Good Morning Dana,

Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".

My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and

"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.

So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course

By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.


@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn

and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem

or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".

Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and

Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!

btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL

Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!

cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL

Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)

and U r???
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence."
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is why two
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should not
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean that
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To him
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from head
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have them
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts for
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment. Nowhere
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his private
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke from
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself that
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In Islam
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband beat
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or pray
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of beating
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself this
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of this
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of circumcision
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved away,
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and her
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at the
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before marrying a
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would say,
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's not
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that you
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts lawful."
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman before he
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to treat his
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for having
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to provide a
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of course,
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless it is
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are non-muslims),...
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the Koran.
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry and
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a handful of
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to men.
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband. She has
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched away
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has no
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes they
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with these
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for only
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made lawful
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as attested
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war, etc.
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all the
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a Jewish
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not want to
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying the
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly was
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the blood
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and inhuman
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the Apostle
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter in
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The list
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right to
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times, whereas a
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such "privilege"
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it is
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in Islam.
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be roasted
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah did
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well, it's
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his mating
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be intelligent,
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform any
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's it! She
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72 Houris and
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women may
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they treat
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much from a
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the Prophet of
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where shall I
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other wives
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha) until
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his seventeen
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives to
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
2004-10-25 19:46:01 UTC
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and moral
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short intelligence."
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is why two
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should not
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean that
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To him
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from head
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have them
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts for
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment. Nowhere
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his private
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke from
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself that
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In Islam
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband beat
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or pray
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of beating
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself this
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of this
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of circumcision
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved away,
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and her
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at the
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before marrying a
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would say,
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's not
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that you
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts lawful."
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman before he
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to treat his
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for having
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to provide a
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of course,
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless it is
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are non-muslims),...
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the Koran.
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry and
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a handful of
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to men.
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband. She has
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched away
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has no
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes they
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with these
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for only
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made lawful
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as attested
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war, etc.
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all the
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a Jewish
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not want to
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying the
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly was
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the blood
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and inhuman
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the Apostle
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter in
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The list
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right to
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times, whereas a
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such "privilege"
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it is
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in Islam.
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be roasted
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah did
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well, it's
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his mating
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be intelligent,
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform any
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's it! She
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72 Houris and
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women may
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they treat
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much from a
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the Prophet of
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where shall I
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other wives
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha) until
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his seventeen
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives to
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
2004-10-25 19:28:56 UTC
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and moral
But this part of the rant I copied below was the best part.
I could see the guy popping a gasket over my posts.
But lets hear it for free speech, something the Muslem males and Mullahs do
not like.
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed was
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of you
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded, "You
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them they
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?" Mohammed
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women only
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is why two
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should not
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean that
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of Allah
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes out
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To him
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from head
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have them
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts for
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment. Nowhere
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his private
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke from
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine them
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable by
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself that
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In Islam
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who said, "No
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband beat
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or pray
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of beating
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself this
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of this
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of circumcision
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved away,
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and her
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at the
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before marrying a
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would say,
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's not
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that you
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts lawful."
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman before he
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to treat his
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for having
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to provide a
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of course,
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless it is
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the Koran.
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry and
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a handful of
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to men.
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband. She has
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched away
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has no
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with the
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the Messenger
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us from
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all married
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes they
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with these
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for only
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made lawful
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as attested
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war, etc.
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all the
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a Jewish
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not want to
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying the
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly was
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the blood
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and inhuman
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the Apostle
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter in
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The list
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right to
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times, whereas a
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such "privilege"
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it is
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in Islam.
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be roasted
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah did
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well, it's
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his mating
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be intelligent,
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform any
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's it! She
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72 Houris and
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger of
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband was
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger of
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her come
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women may
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they treat
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much from a
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the Prophet of
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where shall I
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other wives
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha) until
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his seventeen
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives to
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
2004-10-26 04:42:48 UTC
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Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and
Post by Soldier
But this part of the rant I copied below was the best part.
I could see the guy popping a gasket over my posts.
But lets hear it for free speech, something the Muslem males and Mullahs do
not like.
An ~!*Iranian King*!~ Graced by The Far'r of Ahura_Mazda has no gasket
nor would he pop it for Leviathan himself, much less a flee of a flee
of a flee breeding on the feeding lot of the shite that oozes out of
the zionist ass (read: "mind").
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?"
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is
why two
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment.
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who
said, "No
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before
marrying a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman
before he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to
treat his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to
provide a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless
it is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a
handful of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband.
She has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not
want to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times,
whereas a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's
it! She
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72
Houris and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a
beauty, he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much
from a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the
Prophet of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where
shall I
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha)
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
2004-10-26 06:23:54 UTC
How old you, son? Does your mummy know
you're wasting your time behind computer?
Post by Joubin
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Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and
Post by Soldier
But this part of the rant I copied below was the best part.
I could see the guy popping a gasket over my posts.
But lets hear it for free speech, something the Muslem males and Mullahs do
not like.
An ~!*Iranian King*!~ Graced by The Far'r of Ahura_Mazda has no gasket
nor would he pop it for Leviathan himself, much less a flee of a flee
of a flee breeding on the feeding lot of the shite that oozes out of
the zionist ass (read: "mind").
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?"
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is
why two
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual
Post by Joubin
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who
said, "No
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before
marrying a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman
before he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to
treat his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to
provide a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless
it is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a
handful of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband.
She has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath mad
Post by Joubin
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not
want to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times,
whereas a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's
it! She
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72
Houris and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a
beauty, he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much
from a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the
Prophet of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where
shall I
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha)
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
2004-10-26 04:59:27 UTC
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Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and
Post by Soldier
But this part of the rant I copied below was the best part.
I could see the guy popping a gasket over my posts.
But lets hear it for free speech, something the Muslem males and Mullahs do
not like.
An ~!*Iranian King*!~ Graced by The Far'r of Ahura_Mazda has no gasket
nor would he pop it for Leviathan himself, much less a flee of a flee
of a flee breeding on the feeding lot of the shite that oozes out of
the zionist ass (read: "mind").
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?"
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is
why two
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual fulfillment.
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who
said, "No
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before
marrying a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman
before he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to
treat his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to
provide a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless
it is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a
handful of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband.
She has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not
want to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times,
whereas a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's
it! She
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72
Houris and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a
beauty, he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much
from a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the
Prophet of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where
shall I
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha)
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana

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2004-10-26 06:24:12 UTC
How old you, son? Does your mummy know
you're wasting your time behind computer?
Post by Joubin
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Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Mohammed - "A True Saint"
B(e)nAme XodA
Good Morning Dana,
Hope U had a nice Weekend "flooding" the Internet, with Ur "thoughts".
My Weekend, has been a "fruitfull" one, and I had a chance to take
Sunday OFF and visited The Cemetry and pay hommage to the dead and
"men" have done U wrong! It is written on every atom of ur
"manifestation". Mental Patients, always must find "one" outlet for
all the Anger, Resentment, Hatred.
So U picked on a "dead man". Not at all unusual for the "girls"
scorned by nast men in their lives. Father, Brother and of course
By demoting Mohammadan Rassoul o 'LLAH (SAWS) to a "mere" Saint, U
have not taken away from HIS and *OUR*GOD.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
and B(e)ssmellAho alRahmAn o Al Raheem
or just Continue Spamming "men" whom U "hate".
Maybe "one" of them would feel "sorry" for U and Fuck U "4sympathy"
and saving Internet BANDWITH......Where AlllAho Very Optical Fiber and
Please Visit "PC WORLD" for an ISLAMIC UPGARDE to UR CUNT!
btw, did U know that Uncircumcized Pricks Give U bitches VAGINAL
Be CHOOSY and Charge for "sex"! if U can, and have not passt it. Which
by the Sound of things, in the last few days.....u need a sympathy
fuck and internet is the best place for UR TYPE!
cc: soc.Culture.Isareli MOSSAD ASININE CHATTERBOT from "hell";-))LOL
Saeid....(The NEW KING "elect" of IRANIANS)
and U r???
And with that rant, another typical mozlum reveals his own spiritual and
Post by Soldier
But this part of the rant I copied below was the best part.
I could see the guy popping a gasket over my posts.
But lets hear it for free speech, something the Muslem males and Mullahs do
not like.
An ~!*Iranian King*!~ Graced by The Far'r of Ahura_Mazda has no gasket
nor would he pop it for Leviathan himself, much less a flee of a flee
of a flee breeding on the feeding lot of the shite that oozes out of
the zionist ass (read: "mind").
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
@shHado anna lAIlAha IlALLAH
@shHado anna MohaHammadan Rassoul O'lllAH
@shHado anna Saeid en Al ZamAn
Post by Dana
A fter posting last week's article Mohammed's High Regard For Women, I
realized that I did not do justice to the "Great" Mohammed and his
personality. So, here,I will extrapolate my previous week's article and
bring forth his glamorous life and views once again for you.
Lets start with quotes from the "heavenly" Hadiths and the "ocean of
knowledge", Koran.
(Al-Hadis, Vol. 3, p. 137) Abu Sayeed al-Khodri reported that Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
talking to a group of women when he said, "... I see the majority of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
will go to Hell." The women asked why, to which Mohammed responded,
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
often curse and are ungrateful to your companions." He then told them
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
had a basic defect in their nature, to which they responded, "How?"
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
answered, "Is not the attestation (knowledge and witness) of a women
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
worth half of a man's? And that is on account of her short
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This quote really brings out Mohammed's "shining" views on women. He
automatically condemns the majority of them to hell. According to him a
woman's intellectual capacity is only half that of a man and that is
why two
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women are required as witnesses as compared to one man.
He was so scared of women's intelligence that he said, "a man should
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
walk between two women" (Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 586) as that would mean
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the man was taking a risk of being on equal turf according to Mohammed.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 692) Ibn Ma`sud reported from the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
who said, "A woman is like a private part (sex organ). When she goes
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(walking) the devil casts a glance at her (in lust)."
Well, this clearly gives us an insight into Mohammed's "pure" mind. To
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
women were nothing but walking vaginas to be used as objects for sexual
fulfillment. No wonder he required women to be completely covered from
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
to toe. He had to have some way to control his lust!
(Koran, 4:34) ...Guard in (the husband's)absence what Allah would have
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
This verse is demanding that the women should guard their private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
the sake of their husbands. Again, this tells us the low opinion that
Mohammed held for women-- objects to be used for sexual
Post by Joubin
Post by Dana
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
in the Koran or the Hadiths does it say that a man should guard his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
parts or abstain from sex in the absence of their wives. A man can even
engage in sexual intercourse with young boys/men without much rebuke
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Koran 4:15) If two men among you commit indecency (sodomy) punish them
both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
and merciful.
(Koran 4:16) If any one of your women is guilty of lewdness ...confine
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
until death claims them.
As you can see, for women any sort of sexual exploration is punishable
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
death. Whereas for a man, any form of perversion is pardoned by the all
merciful Allah. Such fairness can only be found in the "holiest of the
holiest books", the Koran.
(Koran 4:34) ...As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and
ill-conduct, admonish them, refuse to share their beds and BEAT THEM...
Mohammed was an old perverted nutcase. He was so insecure about himself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
he thought that showing physical prowess over women would serve as a
reminder to him of his manliness. Thus, he encouraged wife beating! In
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
equality between a man and a woman is a far cry. A man needs only to be
suspicious to justify the bestial act of beating his wife.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 215) Omar reported from the Holy Prophet who
said, "No
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man shall be questioned for beating his wife."
In the very next Hadith a woman complained to Mohammed that her husband
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her while she prayed. Mohammed told her to change her time of prayer or
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
shorter prayers so that her husband could get on with the joy of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
her. (Reported by Abu Sayeed al-Kodri, Attest by Abu Daud)
Could Mohammed degrade women any further? If you are asking yourself
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
question then surprisingly you have not yet grasped the true nature of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
"great Prophet" . He allowed the utterly inhuman practice of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
for females. In this type of circumcision a girl's clitoris is carved
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
so that she may never experience climax during sexual intercourse and
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
vulva is sewn shut until it is cut open at the time of marriage! Such
"great" practices can only be sactioned by Islam-- the religion for all
women to embrace!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 738) Abul Malih reported that the Messenger of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
said, "Circumcision is Sunnat (required by Islamic law) for males and
optional for females."
OK, enough of looking at the negative side of Islam. Now lets look at
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
positive side of this religion. Mohammed said that a man before
marrying a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
woman has to pay her a dowry. Surely, as the many devout muslims would
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
you can't criticize that. Ah, but they are mistaken, then again, that's
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
anything new. Read the quote below from Al Hadis.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 657) Oqbah-b- A`mer reported that the Messenger
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Allah said, "The most equitable of the conditions of marriage is that
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
should fulfil that (dowry) with which you have made private parts
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
So, according to Mohammed and his Allah a man has to pay the woman
before he
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
can use her private parts. Which means that the man is supposed to
treat his
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
wife as a prostitute by paying her before he gets a legal permit for
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
sex. This implies that the foundation for marriage in Islam is to
provide a
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
man with legal sexual gratification and nothing else matters.
Now, hold on! Doesn't Islam say that prostitution is not allowed? Of
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Sahih Muslim Hadith Chapter 619) Selling a cat, selling a dog (unless
it is
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
a working dog), and earning of prostitutes(unless they are
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
are all forbidden.
Here we have a contradiction! But, again, that is nothing new for the
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
It is full of contradictions. But I digress, a separate article will be
devoted to this in the coming weeks.
Back to the dowry issue. Mohammed was not a man who would have people
speculate on what he has said. He had to specify what he meant by dowry
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
specify he did in Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 659 (57). He said that, "a
handful of
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Post by Dana
barley or dates is enough."
Not only are the wives supposed to be treated as prostitutes, but as
prostitutes who only deserve "a handful of barley or dates".
Another quote from the Hadith gives total control of women's lives to
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
(Al Hadis, Vol 2, p. 651) Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of
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Post by Dana
said, "No woman shall give a woman in marriage, nor shall a woman give
herself in marriage. Verily, the fornicatress is she that marries by
Here Mohammed takes away the right of a woman to choose her husband.
She has
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Post by Dana
no right to decide how to live her life. This basic right is snatched
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Post by Dana
from her and given to a man. Furthermore, this implies that a widow has
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Post by Dana
final authority over her daughter in Islam.
As if men didn't already have the legal freedom to control and degrade
women's lives that they were granted further control to degrade women.
During a Jihad expedition (holy war) Mohammed's men came to him very
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 686) Ibn Masud reported, "We were fighting with
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Post by Dana
Messenger of Allah, and our wives were not with us. We asked the
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Post by Dana
of Allah, 'Should we castrate ourselves?' The Holy Prophet forbade us
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Post by Dana
that, and then he allowed us Muta (temporary) marriage. So, we all
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Post by Dana
wives for a fixed time (usually three days) for the dowry of a piece of
Here Mohammed clearly tells the muslims to forget about the prostitutes
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Post by Dana
had purchased for a handful of dates back home and to have fun with
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Post by Dana
new victims who come even cheaper. They can be bought and violated for
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Post by Dana
a piece of cloth. Allah is truly merciful! Praise be to Allah!
In other civilized countries this is called rape--plain and simple. The
mullahs happily approve this dastardly deed by quoting from the Koran.
(Koran, 5:87): "...Make not unlawful the good things Allah hath made
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Post by Dana
for you." Thus this heinous crime is still committed by muslims as
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Post by Dana
by the Indo-Pak war, Arab-Israeli war, Iraq- Iran war, Iraq-Kuwait war,
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Post by Dana
Sometimes Mohammed's lust was so great that he conveniently forgot all
Post by Soldier
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Post by Dana
Koranic verses invented by him and did not have time to come up with an
ammendment. One instance of this is noted when he married Safiya, a
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Post by Dana
girl, after killing her father and her betrothed husband. He did not
want to
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Post by Dana
go through the long laborious procedure of finding a sponsor, paying
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Post by Dana
dowry, sending out invitations, or preparing a wedding feast. In fact,
Mohammed skipped over the usual law of waiting until her next monthly
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Post by Dana
passed. He consummated his "marriage" to her on a sand dune with the
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Post by Dana
and gore of Jihad still covering him, even Safiya's father's blood, no
doubt. This is another case of rape, but for Mohammed it was just a
beautiful marriage sanctioned by the All Perverted Allah!
It is sickening to read the Koran and the Hadiths and the low and
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Post by Dana
opinion that this so called despicable Mohammed has on women.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2. p. 638) Abdur Rahman- b-Salem reported that the
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Post by Dana
of Allah said, "You should marry virgins, and verily they are sweeter
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Post by Dana
tongue, more prolific in wombs, and easily satisfied with little."
I don't think I need to explain the quote above. It is quite clear. The
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Post by Dana
of legalized inhuman acts continues on. For example, a man has a right
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Post by Dana
divorce his wife by uttering the word, "Talaq" only three times,
whereas a
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Post by Dana
woman has no such right, a man can have upto four wives. No such
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Post by Dana
exists for a woman in Islam. A man may practise sodomy and in fact, it
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Post by Dana
even encouraged as it is legal in the muslim Paradise. But any sort of
lewdness for women is punishable by death.
Some would now think that there is absolutely no hope for women in
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Post by Dana
How dare you let such a thought enter your filthy mind! May you be
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Post by Dana
in hellfire for thinking this way. Actually, the "all merciful" Allah
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Post by Dana
tell Mohammed that a woman can enter paradise! How, you may ask? Well,
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Post by Dana
quite simple. All she has to do is please her husband--answer to his
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Post by Dana
call wherever or whenever he wants and Bingo!, she's got a free one-way
ticket to paradise! See how easy it is. She doesn't have to be
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Post by Dana
she doesn't have to have a good personality and she need not perform
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Post by Dana
good deeds. All she has to do is obey and please her husband. That's
it! She
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Post by Dana
gets to go to paradise and watch her husband make out with the 72
Houris and
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Post by Dana
28 young boys-- every woman's dream come true. Is it any wonder that
Mohammed's wives fought over him every night? Again, I have listed the
quotes below which support my point.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p. 211 (60)) Omme Salmah reported that the messenger
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Post by Dana
Allah said, "Any female (wife or concubine) who dies while her husband
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Post by Dana
pleased with her will enter Paradise."
This is clarified in the very next Hadith.
(Al Hadis, Vol. 1, p.211 (61)) Tal qe-b-Ali reported that the Messenger
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Post by Dana
Allah said, "When a man calls his wife to satisfy his desire, let her
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Post by Dana
to him though she is occupied at the oven."
(Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34) Ali reported that the Apostle of
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Post by Dana
said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or
selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a
beauty, he
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Post by Dana
will have intercourse with them."
Notice that all the privileges are granted to men and even though women
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Post by Dana
enter paradise they do not get 72 male sex bombs and 28 young girls.
Shouldn't it be the same for them as well?
One can imagine how Muslims must treat women of other faiths if they
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Post by Dana
Muslim women in such a degrading manner. One should not accept much
from a
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Post by Dana
religion which dictates how one should piss, fart, and shit!
(Al Hadis, Vol. 2, p. 682-683, No. 106) Ayesha reported that the
Prophet of
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Post by Dana
Allah enquired as he was dying, "Where shall I pass tomorrow, where
shall I
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Post by Dana
pass tomorrow?" He was hoping it would be me (Ayesha), so his other
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Post by Dana
gave him permission to use their turns so he could be with me (Ayesha)
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Post by Dana
he died.
Picture this, here is a "saintly" old man dying in the arms of his
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Post by Dana
year old child bride and still fantasizing about which one of his wives
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Post by Dana
have sex with the next day. How truly divine the Prophet Mohammed
Post by Soldier
Post by XyZmass::.
Post by Dana
Post by Joubin
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I Report, You Decide
2004-10-26 06:24:13 UTC
Excellent post! Please continue.
The Best in Message Board Discussions
Post by Dana
The Excessive Kindness Of Islam
Fellow readers, the time has come again to further explore the most
beneficient, most gracious and the most merciful faith on this earth. What
could I be talking about? Islam of course.
In this article I shall write about how the Muslims have blessed the whole
world with their loot, raid, brutal torture, plunderings, inhuman rapes,
etc. I will also cite from the Holy Quran and the hadiths which have
supported these messengers of the all "merciful" Allah.
As long as the muslims loot and raid the kafirs(non believers of Islam), it
is completely justified. Ghazzua is an Arabic word for raid as well as
killing and enslaving the kafirs. From this word the term Ghazi is derived
which means honourable warrior of Islam who has killed many kafirs.
The distribution of the loot or booty, which includes the men, women and
children, is done as prescribed by the well defined regulations stated in
the Quran and the hadiths. Four fifths of the loot is to be shared by the
barbaric, lecherous invaders who took part in the heinous plunderings while
one fifth is reserved for the great Prophet or the Caliph and in their
absence to the mullah who is in charge.
Such loots and raids were considered shameful acts in Pre-Islamic Arabia.
But Mohammed revealed to his followers that since he was the last prophet
for all time to come such raids were now sanctioned by Allah. Thus he
legalised these inhuman acts of raid, plunder, loot and rape.
Let us closely examine the pattern that these barbaric invaders followed all
over the world. This pattern is written down in the Quran; practised,
perfected and prescribed by the prophet in his own life time and closely
followed by the Caliphs later. Even in present time, this pattern is
followed by all Muslim leaders who aspire for name and fame in this life and
houris (beautiful virgin women) hereafter.
Invade the lands of the infidels.
Massacre as many infidel men, women and children as they like after winning
a victory
Capture the survivors as slaves and confine the women in their harems as
slave girls
Plunder every place and person for war, booty, a fifth of which (including
the slaves) went to the Caliph or some other religious heads.
Demolish the places of worship of the infidels and build mosques in their
Defile and desecrate the deities and other symbols of the infidels' religion
by throwing them into public squares or making into steps leading to the
prayer area of the Muslims.
Let us again start with His Holiness Mohammed himself. In 627 A.D he raided
the Jewish tribe of Qurayza. The Jews were defeated in the fight and many
prisoners were taken. They were either sold or assassinated in the name of
merciful Allah. In one place alone, approximately 800 Jews were beheaded in
cold blood. In 629 A.D after the battle of Khaybar, and the defeat of the
Jews, the same play was enacted. All the Jews were put to the sword. The
raids undertaken by the prophet and methods followed became the guidelines
for the Caliphs and other leaders who followed him.
Caliph Umar I
The reign of terror by caliph Umar still horrifies the present day Iranians.
They dress themselves up in festive clothing on the death anniversary of
this caliph, even to this day. Caliph Umar who was also one of the many
father-in-laws of Mohammed, attained leadership of Islam two years after
Mohammed's death. His reign of terror rocked Iran, Irag, Egypt and Syria.
His most dastardly deed was the destruction of the great library in
Alexandria. His order to Amir Amron ibn al-Ass (rightly named) is preserved
"As for the books you mentioned here is my reply. If their content is in
accordance with the book of Allah, we may do without them, for in that case
the book of Allah more than sufficies. If on the other hand, they contain
matter not in accordance with the book of Allah, there can be no need to
preserve them. Proceed then and destroy them."
Such brilliance and such logic can only be found in the followers of all
merciful Allah.
The 700,000 scrolls, some of them works a thousand or more years old, many
that, "it took 6 months to burn all that mass of material."
Where Alexandria lost only one of its precious libraries, India lost
millions of books on Mathematics, Astronomy, Philosophy and other Sciences
of the Vedic and Buddhist periods. For example, the famous Sanskrit college
of Vishaldev in the capital of Gujrat was destroyed by the eunuch Qutubuddin
Aibak in the year 1196 A.D. The famous Buddist university of Nalanda had the
same fate in the year 1200 A.D. when Mohammed Bakhtiyar Khilji attacked the
township and massacared the harmless Buddist monks and violated the nuns. In
recent years, the Pakistani Muslim army attacked the then East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh). 3,000,000 Bengali Hindus were brutally murdered.The first
attack was on Dhaka University. The women students were not spared. They
were raped and murdered mercilessly.
Khair Ed-Din
In 1516, the Emir of Algiers, Selim Bin Teumin, weary of Spanish
interference sought the aid of Khair Ed-din, a Turkish sea robber and one of
the Barbarossa brothers. Another brother, Arouj had the Emir assassinated.
Khair Ed-Din was named as Viceroy by Selim I, Sultan of Turkey.
Khair laid siege to the spanish fortress on the island of Penon and wrested
it from Christian hands. Martin Vagas, the Spanish commander was given the
choice between death or conversion to Islam. He chose the former, whereupon
he was flogged to death, his deadbody dragged through the street, cut into
pieces and thrown into the sea. With the help of Khair Ed-Din the muslim
pirates were secure in Algiers for three centuries. Ten percent of the booty
went to the Bey of the day. The captives of the Barbary corsairs were able
to ransom themselves if they had money and many were freed on accepting
Islam. The others were sold like cattle at an auction and many died from
fever, starvation or the lash. Women, however were taken into harems as
concubines of their captors.
One story recorded by a Spanish monk, Haedo, of the sixteenth century
concerns a young Arab. He had been captured by the Spanish, had embaraced
Christianty and been baptized as Geronimo. He was recaptured in 1569 by the
Barbary pirates and taken to Algiers. When threats and pleadings failed to
make him apostate back to Islam, Geronimo was condemned to death. Bound hand
and foot, he was thrown into a mould in which a block of concrete was about
to be made and the liquid concrete poured in upon him. The block containing
his body was built into the FORT OF THE TWENTY FOUR HOURS in Algiers.
Bricking up human beings is a common punishment as prescribed by the Quran.
In India, the children of the Sikh Gurus were bricked up because they did
not accept Islam. Akbar, the Moughal emperor jealous of his son's affair
with Anarkali had her bricked up as well.
Piali Pasha
In 1560 a Turkish squadron under Piali Pasha and the corsair Dargut
annihilated the Spanish fleet at Tunisia and took the Spanish fort of
Djerba. All 5000 prisoners were massacred and a huge mound of bones six
meters high was formed. The mound was called Skull Fort and was in existence
for nearly 3 centuries.
Abdul Hamid II
In 1894, the sultan of the Ottoman empire Abdul Hamid reacted violently
against the Armenian Nationalists living in Eastern Turkey. In Sasun, the
Armenians refused to accept a 100 percent increase in rents. 3000 rebels
were killed, women raped and mutilated and babies bashed against rocks. The
pogrom spread: in Trebizond a 1000 odd Armenians were killed, in Arabkir
2800, in Urfa 8000, plus 3000 burnt alive in a Cathedral where they hoped
they would be safe. In August 1896, bands of Turks patrolled the streets of
Constantinople killing over 5000 Armenians. In All, the total toll from 1894
to 1896 is estimated at 100,000 non combatants killed, 50,000 dead from
starvation, 40,000 forcibly converted to Islam and 100,000 driven into
Fahri Koroturk
Fahri Koroturk was the right wing Muslim President of Turkey and commander
of the armed forces when the decision was made to invade Cyprus. The number
of Turks on the Island was about 150,000 while 503,000 were Greek. At 5 A.M,
Saturday 20th July 1974 The Turkish army, Navy and airforce attacked Cyprus.
Turkey used weapons given to it by the United States and NATO, employing the
Quranic injunctions to accept help from the infidels but to remember that
Jihad is the ultimate aim.
" Let Not the believers take for...helpers unbelievers... Except by way of
precaution...But remember the final goal is to Allah " (III/28)
Prior to the invasion the percentage of the Turks was 18 percent but they
demanded an area of northern Cyprus equal to 38 percent of the whole Island
and that the region be vacated within 24 hours. On the same day, the second
and the more terrifying phase of the Turkish invasion began. Greek houses
and businesses were handed over to the Turkish Cypriots. Greek villages and
towns were bombed and napalmed indiscriminately. But in cities with mixed
populations, targets were selected; for example Chrisitan churches,
hospitals and schools. The final toll was 4000 men, women and children dead,
1619 missing. 40 percent of the island, correspoding to 65 percent of the
arable land, 60 percent of all its water resources, 70 percent of its
minreal wealth, 70 percent of its industries and 80 percent of tourist
installation came under the Muslim rule. The Turks brought in new settlers
while 220,000 Greeks had to flee to the south. In all, one third of the
Greek population of Cyprus became refugees in their own country.
Idi Amin
Idi Amin, a ruthless dictator of Uganda now has asylum in Saudi Arabia. As a
true muslim he hates the Jews. His support is for his muslim brothers--the
Palestinian terrorists. In 1972 he sent a cable to the United Nations
congratulting the Black September terrorists for the murder of Israeli
sportsmen at the Olympic games in Munich. In the same cable he praised
Hitler for destroying over six million Jews. On 3rd of July 1976 the
hijacked Flight 139 was diverted to Entebbe airport just out of Kampala.
Amin was sympathetic with the hijackers and he permitted additional
terrorists to reinforce them--another sign of a true muslim. His own 80-100
troops at the scene had their guns trained on the 103 Jewish passengers in
support of the 10 terrorists who threatened to execute the Jews from dawn,
Sunday 4th of July.
He used cunning as well as ruthlessness. Rather than take on the power of
the Roman Catholic Church, he had Archbishop Luwum killed in a "traffic
accident." Apart from the army, his main organ of suppression was based at
Nakasero which was innocuously named the State Research Bureau. At Nakasero,
some of the tortures were mind-boggling. People had nails hammered into
their skulls, limbs were broken, flames played onto the skin, broken soft
drink bottles rammed into elbows and knees, sisal ropes used for slow
strangulation, whips, knives, etc. All these tortures no doubt were derived
from the Quran by this truly devout muslim.
In October 1978 Amin invaded Tanzania. At first his forces did well,
looting, raping and killing as they went. By January 1979 however the
Tanzanian troops, backed by 2000 anti-Amin Ugandans, crossed the Ugandan
border and all resistance crumbled. After Idi's exit, the count of the dead
and missing people was put at 280,000!
Yasser Arafat
Yasser Arafat is another muslim "saint" who has committed and is committing
horrific crimes as the leader of the PLO in the name of the all "merciful"
Allah. I shall list down below only a few of the saintly deeds of Yasser and
his PLO troops. But the alert reader should be able to estimate the extent
of their other noble and saintly deeds.
During World War II some leading Muslims including Haji Amin al-Husseini
worked for the Nazis in Germany, calling for a Jihad against Britain. Amin
was the grand mufti of Jerusalem and Arafat's uncle. Hitler wanted to barter
some Jews for the return of German nationals but the muslims convinced him
to send 8000 Jewish children to the death camps instead of to Palestine.
On May 15, 1948 the British withdrew from Palestine and the state of Israel
was declared. Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria sent troops in but were
unable to dislodge the Israelis.
With the aid of other Palestinians Yasser Arafat set up a Fatah, which is
Koranic for opening the gates of glory. Fatah was independent of the Arab
states and of ideology. Its sole aim was to liberate Palestine by armed
struggle. Fatah's first targets were the water projects of Israel. One bomb
exploded killing seven Israelis. By 1966 attacks had moved to homes and
On March 18, 1968 a busload of children hit a mine near Eliat. Two children
were killed and twenty seven injured. When the Israelis retaliated the
Palestinians received help from Jordan and the Israelis had to retreat. Even
though more muslim lives were lost than Jewish, Yasser claimed it as a
victory, the first ever over Israel. Thousands of new recruits were added to
Fatah's fighting forces. Terror escalated; more bombings took place. 13
people, including some Arabs, were killed when an old refrigerator exploded
in Jerusalem. Another 15 were killed when an old car exploded in the market
place of Jerusalem.
PLO's and Yasser's saintly deeds continue on to this day.
I can go on and on about the brave deeds of these truly devout muslims. And
I promise to write more on this matter in my weekly posts. I have not
mentioned of the tortures done in the Islamic Republic of Mauritiana, the
persecution of the Bahais by Iran's Nasiri-Din-Shah, the well known sickly
pig Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, the atrocities done in Sudan by Sayyid
Muhammad Ahmad Ibn Abdullah, persecution of religious minorities
(particularly Christians) in Egypt by Umar II and Husan Al Banna,
persecution of Assyrian Christians, the plight of Hindus in Kashmir, India,
etc., etc., etc.
Hundreds of books can be written on the atrocities committed by the Muslims
in India on Hindus and Buddhists--thousands of temples, books, and other
scriptures destroyed, women raped, tortured and murdered, men boiled,
burned, skinned and sawed alive, children cut into pieces, etc. Yes, these
muslims are the proud doers of these utterly inhuman acts in the name of
Allah and for the 72 houris and 28 young boys they shall receive in Paradise
according to the Quran. In my future postings, I shall elaborate on these
Islamic brutalities committed in India.
Let us take a look at the few verses from the Quran which directly support
these saintly deeds of the Muslims detailed above.
LIX/5-6: "Whatsoever palm trees ye cut down or left standing on their roots,
it was by by Allah's leave, in order that He might confound the evil-livers.
And that which Allah gave as spoil unto His messenger from them, ye urged
not any horse or riding-camel for the sake thereof, but Allah giveth His
messenger lordship over whom He will. Allah is Able to do all things."
The above verse clearly states that the followers of Allah should cut down
the palm trees as they provide shelter and food to the kafirs. In these
verses, note the insidious way in which Mohammed has hidden the real meaning
of the words. First Allah says that don't take away the camels and horses of
the conquered, but the sentence that follows immediately after this
contradicts Allah's "mercy". Because Allah gives the Muslim Invader complete
rights over the conquered, so he is free to kill, eat, abuse and maim the
animals or the people who have been made captive.
XLVIII/20-21: "Allah promiseth you much booty that ye will capture, and hath
given you this in advance, and hath withheld men's hands from you, that it
may be a token for the believers, and that He may guide you on a right path.
And other (gain), which ye have not been able to achieve, Allah will compass
it. Allah is able to do all things."
In the above verse, Allah is bribing the believers to make wars with the
Kafirs. He promises them a lot of booty which they will gain from these
wars. He has also said that He will magically stop the kafirs from striking
back and He will guide the believers on the right path (the path of killing,
plundering, looting and raping).
VIII/41: "And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! a fifth
thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger and for the kinsman (who hath
need) and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if ye believe in Allah and
that which we revealed unto Our slave on the Day of Discrimination, the day
when the two armies met. And Allah is able to do all things."
Here we see another case of bribery by Allah. Four fifths of the loot goes
to invaders and the remaining one fifth goes to Mohammed or the Caliphs or
any other Muslim leaders in their absence. Here Allah tries to bring out His
kindness again by telling the Muslims to give to the poor. And how much do
the poor get? They get from the one fifth of the loot and only after
Mohammed and other religious leaders have taken their share. And don't
forget where this loot is coming from--Killing and murdering the kafirs.
What a genuine Robin Hood Allah is!!!
VIII/65: "O Prophet! Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you
twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred, and if there be of you a
hundred stedfast they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve,
because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence."
The above verse is self explanatory. It clearly orders the Muslim to kill
the non believers. It also clearly says that anyone who doesn't believe in
Islam has no intelligence!
VIII/67-69: "It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he hath made
slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth
(for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise. Had it not been for the
ordinance of Allah which had gone before, an awful doom had come upon you on
account of what ye took. Now enjoy what ye have won, as lawful and good, and
keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
Here Allah is clearly instructing the Prophet that hold no prisoners, kill
them all as they are criminals for not believing in Allah. The Prophet must
do these deeds because Allah desires that the muslims enjoy the Houris and
young boys in Jannat (Heaven). The above verses were revealed when the
prophet had decided to spare the lives of the prisoners taken at Badr and
hold them to ransom, against the wish of Umar who would have executed them
for their past crime. The prophet took the verses as a reproof, and they are
generally understood to mean that no mercy ought to have been given in that
first battle. Such is the nature of the all merciful Allah !!
VIII/73: And those who disbelieve are protectors one of another. -If ye do
not so, there will be confusion in the land, and great corruption."
VIII/12: "When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying:) I am with you. So
make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of
those who disbelieve. Then maim them in every limb and smite of them each
The above verse clearly depicts how Allah prescribes the Muslims to torture
and kill.
IX/5: "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolators wherever
ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for
them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the
poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
This verse clealry says that Muslims should try to convert non-muslims
forcibly. If they are unable to do so, then they should either kill the
kafirs or make their lives miserable.
IX/73: "Oh Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be
harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end."
LXIX/30-37: "(It will be said): Take him and fetter him and then expose him
to hell-fire And then insert him in a chain whereof the length is 70 cubits.
Lo! he used not to believe in allah the Tremendous, And urged not on the
feeding of the wretched, Therefore hath he no lover here this day, Nor any
food save filth Which none but sinners eat."
This verse describes the recipe for torture as revealed by Allah. This
recipe was applied in India when the Sikh Gurus were murdered. It was also
applied elsewhere in the world as I have mentioned above in this article.
V/33-34: "The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger
and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or
crucified, or have their hands and feet and alternate sides cut off, or will
be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world,
and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Save those who repent
before ye overpower them. For know that Allah is Forgiving, merciful."
This verse gives Muslims another recipe for torture. Here Allah has taken
care of the details in the procedure.
XXII/19-22: "These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two
opponents who contend concering their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve,
garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling fluid will be poured down
their heads. Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too,
will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron. Whenever, in their
anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and
(it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning."
Yet another recipe for torture !! Need I say more ?
LXXVI/4: "Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers manacles and carcans and a
raging fire."
Sahih Al Bukhari, 216:"I have been ordered to fight against people until
they testify that there is no God but Allah & that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah & until he performs the prayers & pays the Zakat."
The quote above clearly states that Allah has ordered the Prophet to torture
the Kafirs until they submit to Islam. And by ordering Muhammad he is
ordering each and every muslim to do so as Mohammed is the true model which
every muslim must strive for.
Sahih Muslim, 217: "Verily Allah has prescribed proficiency in all things.
Thus if you kill, KILL WELL, & if you slaughter, SLAUGHTER WELL. Let each
one of you sharpen his blade."
Need I explain the above quote??
The above Quranic verses and quotes from Hadiths have clearly shown us once
again that Islam is a religion for mindless, empty headed barbarians who are
interested in nothing but money,power,sex & destruction. What I am trying to
get across here is that the foundation of Islam (Quran itself) was deviously
brought into existence by Mohammed and company, so that heinous acts like
rape, plunder, loot, toruture, and murder are justifiable. One sees evidence
of this not only in History, but in present time as well.
Note: Works of Robert E. Burns and A. Ghosh have been used in this article.
Atheism teaches that there is no God, hence no God-given rights. That
ideology coupled with a system that believed in the superiority of the state
at the expense of the individual was murderously synergistic.