Best 9/11 DVD resource.....
(too old to reply)
2007-08-14 20:52:28 UTC
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Kurt Brown
2007-08-14 21:52:26 UTC
Does that mean that people applaud when the enemies to mankind are killed?
We know the regime does not care for us. They inject and torture us. I
hope Hamas reclaims Israel for the rightful owners of Palestine and that the
regime that injects us and tortures us in the United States is held down and
shot in the head.

Take a look at the real America. I was injected and tortured after working
for the Federal government as a bank examiner at the FDIC. I was tortured
in LA and later in Flagstaff. See "continuing problems" on this link.


Mobile Audit Club wishes to thank the suicide bombers of Iraq for their
diligent efforts to remove the beasts who are warmongers from the USA and
Israel from their doorsteps. I applaud when our enemies bleed as they have
made us bleed. They steal everything, including safety. They are not

your welcome, Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone of Mobile Audit Club

Post by Reggie
These are among the hundreds of premium gifts you can select for a
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