To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG! America IS Bigoted Against ISLAM! **Very** MUCH so!!
(too old to reply)
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-03 16:13:10 UTC
To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!

America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!

Publicly or privately, about HALF of Americans
AGREE with the Koran-burning!

If you are a MUSLIM, and live OVERSEAS -- do NOT listen to the
LIES being spewed by General Petraeus, who *claims* that the Koran-
burning by Pastor Terry Jones, in Gainesville, Florida was NOT repre-
sentative of the sentiments of the American people. It WAS!!

Pastor Jack Van Impe, who keeps his facts straight, pointed out
this morning that HALF of Americans do NOT believe that President
Barack Obama is a Christian. **HALF** of us!! That's more than
150 MILLION people. (Actually closer to 135 million, if you factor out
those under the age of five.) And MOST of those people believe
that he is a MUSLIM.

GUESS **how many** of those people are DELIGHTED that he
could be a Muslim -- or even find that acceptable.

If you guessed "practically NONE of them, you'd be spot on!

America is *so* INFESTED with bigotry against Islam, nearly HALF
of them are thus afflicted with hatefulness toward you!!

So DON'T believe a word that Petraeus says. He is LYING through
his teeth, and that Koran-burning by Terry Jones IS representative
of the feelings of around HALF of Americans toward Islam.

Would you drink a glass of water in which 5% of it were arsenic?

Would you want *anything* to do with a nation consisting FIFTY
percent of hateful and ignorant BIGOTS who DISPARGE you, on
the specious and irrational basis of your being ISLAMIC? *Half* of
Americans are DOLTS!

If you live in **Afghanistan**, this is ALL the reason you need to
KICK OUT *all* of the American troops that have invaded your land!

President Obama has PROMISED Afghanistan that IF we are formally
*asked* by Afghanistan to LEAVE Afghanistan -- we WOULD leave.

Put that to the test!! OUST *all* American troops from your country!


And PAKISTAN -- tell America that they can go fly a kite! And have
NOTHING more to do with us!

As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!

Bigots and bigotry are WITHOUT excuse!

REPUDIATE General Petraeus and OUST all American troops from
Afghanistan -- which they NEVER should have invaded in the FIRST
place! Do it NOW-- **before** sentiments toward us cool down!

Do it NOW -- while the TRUTH of America's bigotry is still so highly

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
Ruth Chilton
2011-04-04 01:14:04 UTC
On Sun, 03 Apr 2011 11:13:10 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!
America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!
About TheReligionofPeace

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with
Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts.
We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and
document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this
religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any
religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of
atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone
else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in
the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be
treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds.
(see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property,
including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran.
(The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it
actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another
religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not
to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting
people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe
united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by
pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders',
and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring
themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror
organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with
wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of
apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears,
and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to
help them?

What other religion actually celebrated the 9/11 attacks, described the
carnage as "one of the miracles of the Quran" and proclaimed it to be
"God's work against oppressors"?

What other religion childishly brags about its growth while at the same
time openly denies other religions equal opportunity to evangelize and even
endorses killing those who leave?

What other religion has prominent PR organizations and charities so closely
tied to terrorism - organizations like CAIR, which whine about dress codes
and rubber ducks in the West while ignoring the Jihad genocide of thousands
in Darfur?

What other religion has verses in its holy book that remind men of their
divine permission to beat their wives and rape their slaves?

The list could go on (and does - each day on TheReligionof-Peace.com).
Islam so routinely produces horrible atrocities in the name of Allah that
no one is all that surprised when...

Adults are tied to a tree or planted in the ground and bludgeoned to death
by fundamentalists for engaging in consensual sex...
A New York woman trying to file for divorce is beheaded by her husband, who
also happens to be the founder of a Muslim-American TV channel dedicated to
combating "misconceptions" and "stereotypes" about Islam...

Religious leaders are charged by authorities with plotting spectacular acts
of mass murder in the name of their god...

Clerics advocate raping virgins prior to executing them for verbal crimes
such as political dissent...

Pollsters admit that about 1 out of 3 Muslims worldwide (450 million) view
the terrorism of 9/11 as justified...

A Christian is murdered in front of his own family for leaving Islam, and
his children then kidnapped and 'conscripted' by his killers...

80% of all federal terror prosecutions involve a religion that is practiced
by only 1% of all Americans...

How shocking all of this would be if it didn't involve devout Muslims. As
it is, most of it barely registers in the media. The very fact that the
bar of expectation is set so low for "the Religion of Peace" underscores
just how different it really is from others.

In fact, Islam is more than a religion. It is a rigid political and
cultural system with a mandate to conquer and govern the lives of others
via necessary force "until religion is only for Allah." As the Ayatollah
Khomeini once put it, "people cannot be made obedient except with the

Thus, the enemy of this orthodoxy is not just intellectual dissent and free
speech, but human freedom. The divine charter of Islam is to impose itself
and thus prevent the individual from discovering a different meaning for
their own lives.

Islam breeds arrogance and self-absorption. The Quran and Islamic law
glaringly define a supremacist ideology which draws the sharpest
distinction between those within the group of believers and those without -
towards whom arbitrary denigration is cast and hatred, harsh treatment and
eternal punishment is prescribed.

As a consequence, not a day goes by that someone, somewhere in the world,
is horribly murdered by devout Muslims in the name of this religion - over
ten thousand persons each year. More innocent lives were taken in two
hours by devoted Muslims on 9/11 than by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire
140-year history.

Where Islam dominates, there is systematic discrimination and oppression of
those of other faiths. Where Muslims are a minority, there is peevish
self-interest, disloyalty and eventual rebellion and terror when special
demands are not met - all part of the eternal jihad to bring about the rule
of Islam as Muhammad ordered of true believers.

It isn't the victims who need lessons in tolerance and understanding - it
is the Islamic world.

Those willing to open their minds will find that, regardless of the
excuse-du-jour, the remarkable level of narcissism, repression and violence
is deeply ingrained in the teachings, double standards and early history of
the Islamic religion. While there is not a single verse in the Quran that
commands love for those outside Islam, there are over 493 that either
promote violence or speak of Allah's hatred for unbelievers - in a book
that is largely about how to think of and deal harshly with those outside
the "true" faith.

Why rely on rosy platitudes and carefully-edited fragments of Quran verses
from apologists when Islam speaks so well for itself? Beyond the
whitewashing are obvious reasons why so many devotees do horrible things in
the name of Allah, while most of the rest never seem to get terribly upset
by it - busy as they are demanding for themselves what they deny others.

How much favor are we really doing Muslims by not challenging them to the
sort of self-critique necessary for moral progress? How much favor are we
doing ourselves by desperately trying to accommodate that which has no
intention of accommodating us, or by continuing to sacrifice blood and
budgets for those who hate us in return? Is it really in our best
interests to assist the expansion within our own borders of a religion that
is consistently incapable of building countries in which even Muslims
themselves want to live?

Tolerance is a good thing, but not when we allow it to be used cynically
against us by those who have no use for it once they obtain power. We need
to back away from the altar of political correctness and abandon our
preconceptions. We need to rediscover critical thinking.

The truth is that Islam is not a religion of peace and it is not like other
religion. Sometimes the truth isn't comfortable. Sometimes the truth
offends. But it is far better that we offend others than lose our own
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-04 09:49:31 UTC
On Sun, 3 Apr 2011 21:14:04 -0400,
Ruth Chilton <***@home.net> wrote:

...NOTHING relevant to this thread.

(1) The above LAME attempt to make an association with me is
NO person who is known to me.

(2) OFF-topic garbage was moronically posted in response to
my post, so it has been flushed.

Previous post follows:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!

America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!

Publicly or privately, about HALF of Americans
AGREE with the Koran-burning!

If you are a MUSLIM, and live OVERSEAS -- do NOT listen to the
LIES being spewed by General Petraeus, who *claims* that the Koran-
burning by Pastor Terry Jones, in Gainesville, Florida was NOT repre-
sentative of the sentiments of the American people. It WAS!!

Pastor Jack Van Impe, who keeps his facts straight, pointed out
this morning that HALF of Americans do NOT believe that President
Barack Obama is a Christian. **HALF** of us!! That's more than
150 MILLION people. (Actually closer to 135 million, if you factor out
those under the age of five.) And MOST of those people believe
that he is a MUSLIM.

GUESS **how many** of those people are DELIGHTED that he
could be a Muslim -- or even find that acceptable.

If you guessed "practically NONE of them, you'd be spot on!

America is *so* INFESTED with bigotry against Islam, nearly HALF
of them are thus afflicted with hatefulness toward you!!

So DON'T believe a word that Petraeus says. He is LYING through
his teeth, and that Koran-burning by Terry Jones IS representative
of the feelings of around HALF of Americans toward Islam.

Would you drink a glass of water in which 5% of it were arsenic?

Would you want *anything* to do with a nation consisting FIFTY
percent of hateful and ignorant BIGOTS who DISPARGE you, on
the specious and irrational basis of your being ISLAMIC? *Half* of
Americans are DOLTS!

If you live in **Afghanistan**, this is ALL the reason you need to
KICK OUT *all* of the American troops that have invaded your land!

President Obama has PROMISED Afghanistan that IF we are formally
*asked* by Afghanistan to LEAVE Afghanistan -- we WOULD leave.

Put that to the test!! OUST *all* American troops from your country!


And PAKISTAN -- tell America that they can go fly a kite! And have
NOTHING more to do with us!

As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!

Bigots and bigotry are WITHOUT excuse!

REPUDIATE General Petraeus and OUST all American troops from
Afghanistan -- which they NEVER should have invaded in the FIRST
place! Do it NOW-- **before** sentiments toward us cool down!

Do it NOW -- while the TRUTH of America's bigotry is still so highly

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
Ruth Chilton
2011-04-04 11:31:54 UTC
On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 04:49:31 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
If you are a MUSLIM,
This is ingrained in your "culture":

2011.04.03 (Sakhi Sarwar, Pakistan) - Forty-two Sufi worshippers are sent
to Allah by two Sunni suicide bombers at their temple.
2011.04.03 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - One person is killed in an arson
attack by a mob protesting a Quran desecration.
2011.04.02 (Kubisa, Iraq) - Terrorists shoot six security guards to death.
2011.04.01 (Khyber, Pakistan) - Three night watchmen are beheaded by
religious extremists.
2011.04.01 (Fallujah, Iraq) - Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid
suicide bomber.
2011.04.01 (Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan) - Eight UN workers are among a
dozen people beheaded or shot to death by a mob enraged over a Quran
burning in Florida.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-04 13:14:17 UTC
On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 07:31:54 -0400,
Ruth Chilton <***@home.net> wrote:

...NOTHING relevant to this thread.

(1) The above LAME attempt to make an association with me is
NO person who is known to me.

(2) OFF-topic garbage was moronically posted in response to
my post, so it has been flushed.

Previous post follows:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!

America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!

Publicly or privately, about HALF of Americans
AGREE with the Koran-burning!

If you are a MUSLIM, and live OVERSEAS -- do NOT listen to the
LIES being spewed by General Petraeus, who *claims* that the Koran-
burning by Pastor Terry Jones, in Gainesville, Florida was NOT repre-
sentative of the sentiments of the American people. It WAS!!

Pastor Jack Van Impe, who keeps his facts straight, pointed out
this morning that HALF of Americans do NOT believe that President
Barack Obama is a Christian. **HALF** of us!! That's more than
150 MILLION people. (Actually closer to 135 million, if you factor out
those under the age of five.) And MOST of those people believe
that he is a MUSLIM.

GUESS **how many** of those people are DELIGHTED that he
could be a Muslim -- or even find that acceptable.

If you guessed "practically NONE of them, you'd be spot on!

America is *so* INFESTED with bigotry against Islam, nearly HALF
of them are thus afflicted with hatefulness toward you!!

So DON'T believe a word that Petraeus says. He is LYING through
his teeth, and that Koran-burning by Terry Jones IS representative
of the feelings of around HALF of Americans toward Islam.

Would you drink a glass of water in which 5% of it were arsenic?

Would you want *anything* to do with a nation consisting FIFTY
percent of hateful and ignorant BIGOTS who DISPARGE you, on
the specious and irrational basis of your being ISLAMIC? *Half* of
Americans are DOLTS!

If you live in **Afghanistan**, this is ALL the reason you need to
KICK OUT *all* of the American troops that have invaded your land!

President Obama has PROMISED Afghanistan that IF we are formally
*asked* by Afghanistan to LEAVE Afghanistan -- we WOULD leave.

Put that to the test!! OUST *all* American troops from your country!


And PAKISTAN -- tell America that they can go fly a kite! And have
NOTHING more to do with us!

As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!

Bigots and bigotry are WITHOUT excuse!

REPUDIATE General Petraeus and OUST all American troops from
Afghanistan -- which they NEVER should have invaded in the FIRST
place! Do it NOW-- **before** sentiments toward us cool down!

Do it NOW -- while the TRUTH of America's bigotry is still so highly

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
Ruth Chilton
2011-04-04 13:57:29 UTC
On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:14:17 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
If you are a MUSLIM, teenaged girl
and your daddy catches you holding a boy's hand, you have your choice of
being stoned to death or having your throat sliced.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 01:28:13 UTC
On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 07:31:54 -0400,
Ruth Chilton <***@home.net> wrote:

...NOTHING relevant to this thread.

(1) The above LAME attempt to make an association with me is
NO person who is known to me.

(2) OFF-topic garbage was moronically posted in response to
my post, so it has been flushed.

Previous post follows:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!

America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!

Publicly or privately, about HALF of Americans
AGREE with the Koran-burning!

If you are a MUSLIM, and live OVERSEAS -- do NOT listen to the
LIES being spewed by General Petraeus, who *claims* that the Koran-
burning by Pastor Terry Jones, in Gainesville, Florida was NOT repre-
sentative of the sentiments of the American people. It WAS!!

Pastor Jack Van Impe, who keeps his facts straight, pointed out
this morning that HALF of Americans do NOT believe that President
Barack Obama is a Christian. **HALF** of us!! That's more than
150 MILLION people. (Actually closer to 135 million, if you factor out
those under the age of five.) And MOST of those people believe
that he is a MUSLIM.

GUESS **how many** of those people are DELIGHTED that he
could be a Muslim -- or even find that acceptable.

If you guessed "practically NONE of them, you'd be spot on!

America is *so* INFESTED with bigotry against Islam, nearly HALF
of them are thus afflicted with hatefulness toward you!!

So DON'T believe a word that Petraeus says. He is LYING through
his teeth, and that Koran-burning by Terry Jones IS representative
of the feelings of around HALF of Americans toward Islam.

Would you drink a glass of water in which 5% of it were arsenic?

Would you want *anything* to do with a nation consisting FIFTY
percent of hateful and ignorant BIGOTS who DISPARGE you, on
the specious and irrational basis of your being ISLAMIC? *Half* of
Americans are DOLTS!

If you live in **Afghanistan**, this is ALL the reason you need to
KICK OUT *all* of the American troops that have invaded your land!

President Obama has PROMISED Afghanistan that IF we are formally
*asked* by Afghanistan to LEAVE Afghanistan -- we WOULD leave.

Put that to the test!! OUST *all* American troops from your country!


And PAKISTAN -- tell America that they can go fly a kite! And have
NOTHING more to do with us!

As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!

Bigots and bigotry are WITHOUT excuse!

REPUDIATE General Petraeus and OUST all American troops from
Afghanistan -- which they NEVER should have invaded in the FIRST
place! Do it NOW-- **before** sentiments toward us cool down!

Do it NOW -- while the TRUTH of America's bigotry is still so highly

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 01:30:13 UTC
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:55:18 -0700 (PDT),
According to the United Nations, more than 5000 women and children are
killed every year under the name of honor killing. Where are voices of
Muslim "feminists" and Muslim "liberals" condemning this barbarity?
In the United Arab Emirates, husbands have the right to beat their
wives in order to discipline them—“provided that the beating is not so
severe as to damage her bones or deform her body,” in the words of the
Gulf News. In Saudi Arabia, women cannot vote, drive, or show their
faces or talk with male non-relatives in public.
In 2003 in Mecca the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue
(mutaween) , pushed fleeing girl students back into their burning
school because they were not properly covered in abaya. Fifteen girls
Reuters reported the story of an Iranian man, “defending my honor,
family, and dignity,” who cut off his seven-year-old daughter’s head
after suspecting she had been raped by her uncle.
A Yemeni man shot his daughter to death on her wedding night when her
husband claimed she was not a virgin.
In Nigeria a Muslim court sentenced a woman to death by stoning for
having a child outside of marriage.
In Egypt a woman named Nora Marzouk Ahmed fell in love and run away
from home. When she went to make amends with her father, he cut off
her head and paraded it down the street.
Several years back, according to the Washington Post, the husband of
Zahida Perveen, a 32-year-old pregnant Pakistani woman , gouged out
her eyes and sliced off her earlobe and nose because he suspected her
of having an affair.
According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, every day two
women are slain by male relatives seeking to avenge the family honor.
So, as news of the appalling miseries of women in the Islamic world
has piled up,where are the "Muslim feminists" and " Muslim liberals"?
Where are western feminists and liberals after all? Where’s the
outrage? Where are the demonstrations, the articles, the petitions,
the resolutions, the vindications of the rights of Islamic women by
all Muslim and western feminists and liberals. Who hear their voices?
There is none. Zip. Zilch . Zero. All feminists and liberals refuse
to "judge" Islamic gender apartheid. Worse, all these hypocritical
phony frauds are apologists for Islamic barbarity . To avoid the
charge of "racism," these disgusting , perfidious frauds simply
have sacrificed all the victims of Islamic brutality on their
"multicultural" altars. Sickening.
This article deals with one of the world's most heinous and MORONIC
crimes. Hopefully, MOST Islamic believers want no part of it, and that
this is done by a sociopathic sect. Many religions have sociopathic cults.
Such as the RRR Cult that infests the USA. (5% of Americans.) (At
least here, our murderous ones (killers of abortion clinic personnel) are
VERY few in numbers. The RRR Cult is dedicated to killing personal
liberties, and people's dreams, more than physically people, themselves.)

Republicans : Democrats :: Heartless : Spineless
Teabaggers = Clueless
RRR and LDS Cultists = Cretinous & Loathsome

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-04 14:11:18 UTC
On Sun, 03 Apr 2011 11:13:10 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!
America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!
Americans burn prayer books.

Muslime burn churches.

Media Cover Up? Tunisian Refugees Torch Church on Italian ‘Refugee Island’
April 4th, 2011 | Author: Un:dhimmi

Migrants near a burning caravan on Lampedusa Island, Italy (file)
So let’s get this straight, Tunisian refugees were taken in by (presumably)
a Christian minister, who was then repayed by having his church set on

Sounds like systems normal to us:

Tunisian refugees have set on fire a church at Lampedusa Island, Italy. No
details of this incident have yet been revealed.

For some days, the situation on the island has been very tense. Local
residents were unsatisfied by the torrent of Tunisian refugees, while the
latter complained of poor accommodation conditions.

The church was set on fire after the priest had accommodated 36 teenage
refugees in the parish.

Amid all the romantic, hand-wringing tales of those brave ‘migrants’ (a
good number of whom are, in fact, criminals, racketeers and Islamists)
traversing the Mediterranean to find safe harbour in stable, proseperous
Europe™ on the newswires this morning; there was this lonely little ‘gem’ –
untouched by the mainstream media.

It has also been picked up by an Eastern European TV station – where the
the widespread mainstream media protocol of the suppression of potentially
incendiary stories regarding Muslim behaviour clearly hasn’t been
implemented yet. Better send them for ‘sensitivity training’.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 01:40:41 UTC
On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 10:11:18 -0400,
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!
America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!
Americans burn prayer books...
...and MOSQUES. Have you been living in a cave?
Muslime burn churches.
Those who do are every but as hateful and ignorant as the
Americans who have burned mosques.

TO those in the Islamic/Muslim groups that are receiving this
post -- you didn't hear General Petraeus telling you about our
MOSQUE-burnings, did you? ---




Yet ANOTER good reason to OUST **ALL** American and
Coalition troops from Afghanistan, NOW!!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-04 14:19:16 UTC
On Sun, 03 Apr 2011 11:13:10 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
However, you cheek-spreading pansies sweep under the rug the 180 reversal
despite 50 years of Civil Rights and racial preferences such as quotas and
set asides:

In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90 percent
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 01:45:04 UTC
On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 10:19:16 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90 percent
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!

RETURNING to this thread's TOPIC, here is the previous post:

= = = = = = = = = = =

To GENERAL PETRAEUS -- Tuff Luck, but you are dead WRONG!
AND You are a LIAR!!

America *IS* Bigoted Against ISLAM and MUSLIMS!
**Very** MUCH so!!

Publicly or privately, about HALF of Americans
AGREE with the Koran-burning!

If you are a MUSLIM, and live OVERSEAS -- do NOT listen to the
LIES being spewed by General Petraeus, who *claims* that the Koran-
burning by Pastor Terry Jones, in Gainesville, Florida was NOT repre-
sentative of the sentiments of the American people. It WAS!!

Pastor Jack Van Impe, who keeps his facts straight, pointed out
this morning that HALF of Americans do NOT believe that President
Barack Obama is a Christian. **HALF** of us!! That's more than
150 MILLION people. (Actually closer to 135 million, if you factor out
those under the age of five.) And MOST of those people believe
that he is a MUSLIM.

GUESS **how many** of those people are DELIGHTED that he
could be a Muslim -- or even find that acceptable.

If you guessed "practically NONE of them, you'd be spot on!

America is *so* INFESTED with bigotry against Islam, nearly HALF
of them are thus afflicted with hatefulness toward you!!

So DON'T believe a word that Petraeus says. He is LYING through
his teeth, and that Koran-burning by Terry Jones IS representative
of the feelings of around HALF of Americans toward Islam.

Would you drink a glass of water in which 5% of it were arsenic?

Would you want *anything* to do with a nation consisting FIFTY
percent of hateful and ignorant BIGOTS who DISPARGE you, on
the specious and irrational basis of your being ISLAMIC? *Half* of
Americans are DOLTS!

If you live in **Afghanistan**, this is ALL the reason you need to
KICK OUT *all* of the American troops that have invaded your land!

President Obama has PROMISED Afghanistan that IF we are formally
*asked* by Afghanistan to LEAVE Afghanistan -- we WOULD leave.

Put that to the test!! OUST *all* American troops from your country!


And PAKISTAN -- tell America that they can go fly a kite! And have
NOTHING more to do with us!

As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!

Bigots and bigotry are WITHOUT excuse!

REPUDIATE General Petraeus and OUST all American troops from
Afghanistan -- which they NEVER should have invaded in the FIRST
place! Do it NOW-- **before** sentiments toward us cool down!

Do it NOW -- while the TRUTH of America's bigotry is still so highly

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-05 11:53:03 UTC
On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 20:45:04 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 10:19:16 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90 percent
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime, STD,
and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than
during Jim Crow?

Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89 years of
slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is that whitey's fault

Whatsa matta whigger, cat got yer tongue?
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 15:34:26 UTC
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 07:53:03 -0400,
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90 percent
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89 years of
slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is that whitey's fault
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.

Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It is EASY to understand why almost ALL hateful and ignorant
bigots cravenly cower behind aliases and phony names, while MANY
intelligent egalitarians proudly and without hesitation post under
their full REAL names (as I have *always* done, in ALL of my posts).
It's for the same reason that KKK members cowered under hoods.
Because they supported SHAMEFUL agendas, and didn't want to
have such abject stupidity EXPOSED to their friends and neighbors,
and thus be subjected to well-deserved ridicule. While on the other
hand, egalitarians who support and defend personal LIBERTIES
have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Republicans : Democrats :: Heartless : Spineless
Teabaggers = Clueless
RRR and LDS Cultists = Cretinous & Loathsome

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-05 17:05:13 UTC
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 10:34:26 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 07:53:03 -0400,
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90 percent
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
It was coined by blacks to describe white liberals who fawn over blacks and
wear baggy pants, backwards baseball caps, etc. and speak hip black
English. Refer to urbandictionary.com.

I expand the definition to include whites who keep blacks on the victim
plantation by making excuses for their anti-socila behavior.

Like y'self for instance.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Why is it that whiggers cannot grasp the concepts of percentage and
percapita? E.g., black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89 years of
slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is that whitey's fault
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.
Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?
And the questions I asked remain unanswered.

The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime, STD,
and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than
during Jim Crow?

Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89 years of
slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is that whitey's fault
too? And their out of wedlock rates?
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 19:23:59 UTC
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 13:05:13 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
It was coined by blacks to describe white liberals who fawn over blacks
and wear baggy pants, backwards baseball caps, etc. and speak hip black
English. Refer to urbandictionary.com.
I expand the definition to include whites who keep blacks on the victim
plantation by making excuses for their anti-socila behavior.
Then you're responding to the wrong audience. I deplore STUPID-
ITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people, and race is a
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Why is it that whiggers cannot grasp the concepts of percentage and
percapita? E.g., black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89
years of slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is
that whitey's fault too?
Slavery predates 1776 by around 100 years or more. It was
present in North America in Colonial times. Those of the founding
fathers who owned them didn't suddenly run out and obtain them
right after signing the Declaration of independence.
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.
Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?
And the questions I asked remain unanswered.
No any more. And you continue to be off the deep end over
TRIVIAL matters that aren't even any of your business.
Post by Paris
The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime,
STD,and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treat-
ment than during Jim Crow?
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.

<already-addressed redundancies snipped>

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It is EASY to understand why almost ALL hateful and ignorant
bigots cravenly cower behind aliases and phony names, while MANY
intelligent egalitarians proudly and without hesitation post under
their full REAL names (as I have *always* done, in ALL of my posts).
It's for the same reason that KKK members cowered under hoods.
Because they supported SHAMEFUL agendas, and didn't want to
have such abject stupidity EXPOSED to their friends and neighbors,
and thus be subjected to well-deserved ridicule. While on the other
hand, egalitarians who support and defend personal LIBERTIES
have absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Republicans : Democrats :: Heartless : Spineless
Teabaggers = Clueless
RRR and LDS Cultists = Cretinous & Loathsome

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-05 20:01:56 UTC
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 14:23:59 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 13:05:13 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
It was coined by blacks to describe white liberals who fawn over blacks
and wear baggy pants, backwards baseball caps, etc. and speak hip black
English. Refer to urbandictionary.com.
I expand the definition to include whites who keep blacks on the victim
plantation by making excuses for their anti-socila behavior.
Then you're responding to the wrong audience. I deplore STUPID-
ITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people, and race is a
That stupidity is evinced by folks like you who keep patronizing and making
excuses such as Retaliation, such as: "After all, they have about 300
years' worth of irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!"
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Why is it that whiggers cannot grasp the concepts of percentage and
percapita? E.g., black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Requirement? This is the reason the sociologists and black leaders give
for the black juvie crime growing & the black-white academic gap. How can
you expect lille Du'Quan and Moesha to stay home and study when there's no
pappy figure in 70% of the homes? In many cases, pappy is out spreading
his seed all over town and engaging in monkeyshines instead providing the
support the kiddos need. Yeah, that's the way to set an example for the
junior crips.

Man, you gotta be arguably the daffiest moonbat I've run across.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89
years of slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is
that whitey's fault too?
Slavery predates 1776 by around 100 years or more. It was
present in North America in Colonial times. Those of the founding
fathers who owned them didn't suddenly run out and obtain them
right after signing the Declaration of independence.
America was founded in 1776 and the Constitution in 1789. As early as
1800, there were anti-slavery movements. Blacks and Arabs were involved in
the slave trade, and, guess what, they still are. Whitey ceased.

Furthermore, if you're saying that those slaves are still alive and
justifiably angry, man, they sure do look good for their age.

The fact is that the bulk of black anti-social behavior is perpetrated by
people under 40 who have not only never felt the sting of Jim Crow, but
have enjoyed preferential treatment per the so-called affirmative action
policies, set asides, and racial quotas.

Keep them excuses coming, whigger.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.
Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?
And the questions I asked remain unanswered.
No any more. And you continue to be off the deep end over
TRIVIAL matters that aren't even any of your business.
Post by Paris
The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime,
STD,and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treat-
ment than during Jim Crow?
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.
<already-addressed redundancies snipped>
The only institutional racism today is directed against whites in the form
of govt.-mandated racial preference programs.

Yet despite this reverse racism that favors blacks, their crime, STD, and
OOWs are worse than ever.

How come, whigger?
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-05 20:32:22 UTC
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 16:01:56 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
It was coined by blacks to describe white liberals who fawn over blacks
and wear baggy pants, backwards baseball caps, etc. and speak hip black
English. Refer to urbandictionary.com.
I expand the definition to include whites who keep blacks on the victim
plantation by making excuses for their anti-socila behavior.
Then you're responding to the wrong audience. I deplore STUPID-
ITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people, and race is a
That stupidity is evinced by folks like you who keep patronizing and making
excuses such as Retaliation, such as: "After all, they have about 300
years' worth of irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!"
They DO!! You can't even BEGIN to comprehend what the hateful
and ignorant whites put the blacks' ancestors through for centuries!
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Why is it that whiggers cannot grasp the concepts of percentage and
percapita? E.g., black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Requirement? This is the reason the sociologists and black leaders give
for the black juvie crime growing & the black-white academic gap. How can
you expect lille Du'Quan and Moesha to stay home and study when there's no
pappy figure in 70% of the homes? In many cases, pappy is out spreading
his seed all over town and engaging in monkeyshines instead providing the
support the kiddos need. Yeah, that's the way to set an example for the
junior crips.
And any of that would be any of YOUR business WHY, busybody?
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89
years of slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is
that whitey's fault too?
Slavery predates 1776 by around 100 years or more. It was
present in North America in Colonial times. Those of the founding
fathers who owned them didn't suddenly run out and obtain them
right after signing the Declaration of independence.
America was founded in 1776 and the Constitution in 1789. As
early as 1800, there were anti-slavery movements. Blacks and Arabs
were involved in the slave trade, and, guess what, they still are.
Whitey ceased.
Your point?
Post by Paris
Furthermore, if you're saying that those slaves are still alive and
justifiably angry, man, they sure do look good for their age.
If MY ancestors had been enslaved and tortured, I would still
resent that it had happened to them.
Post by Paris
The fact is that the bulk of black anti-social behavior is perpetrated by
people under 40 who have not only never felt the sting of Jim Crow, but
have enjoyed preferential treatment per the so-called affirmative action
policies, set asides, and racial quotas.
And you think that they don't KNOW what had happened in decades
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.
Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?
And the questions I asked remain unanswered.
No any more. And you continue to be off the deep end over
TRIVIAL matters that aren't even any of your business.
Post by Paris
The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime,
STD,and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treat-
ment than during Jim Crow?
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.
<already-addressed redundancies snipped>
The only institutional racism today is directed against whites in the form
of govt.-mandated racial preference programs.
MOST of today's racism is case-by-case, not institutional, and
can seem subtle or absent to all but the TARGET of it.
Post by Paris
Yet despite this reverse racism that favors blacks, their crime, STD,
and OOWs are worse than ever.
Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND -- white
or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
2011-04-05 22:12:49 UTC
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:32:22 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 16:01:56 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
Retaliation? After all, they have about 300 years' worth of
irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!
The one question that whiggers...
What the hell is a "whigger?" Some brain-dead term that RETARDS
conjured up to remind people of what IDIOTS they are, when using it?
It was coined by blacks to describe white liberals who fawn over blacks
and wear baggy pants, backwards baseball caps, etc. and speak hip black
English. Refer to urbandictionary.com.
I expand the definition to include whites who keep blacks on the victim
plantation by making excuses for their anti-socila behavior.
Then you're responding to the wrong audience. I deplore STUPID-
ITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people, and race is a
That stupidity is evinced by folks like you who keep patronizing and making
excuses such as Retaliation, such as: "After all, they have about 300
years' worth of irrational hate and mistreatment to make up for!"
They DO!! You can't even BEGIN to comprehend what the hateful
and ignorant whites put the blacks' ancestors through for centuries!
They look marvelous for their age.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
...cannot answer is why is black crime, STD, and out of wedlocks
worse now after 50 years of preferential treatment than during Jim
Because there are TWICE as many people in the country than there
were back then.
Why is it that whiggers cannot grasp the concepts of percentage and
percapita? E.g., black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Requirement? This is the reason the sociologists and black leaders give
for the black juvie crime growing & the black-white academic gap. How can
you expect lille Du'Quan and Moesha to stay home and study when there's no
pappy figure in 70% of the homes? In many cases, pappy is out spreading
his seed all over town and engaging in monkeyshines instead providing the
support the kiddos need. Yeah, that's the way to set an example for the
junior crips.
And any of that would be any of YOUR business WHY, busybody?
Because I want a society that is not anti-social and is educated.

Don't you?
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Is their current black-on-black savagery also the result of 89
years of slavery (1776-1865)? What about their STD rate? Is
that whitey's fault too?
Slavery predates 1776 by around 100 years or more. It was
present in North America in Colonial times. Those of the founding
fathers who owned them didn't suddenly run out and obtain them
right after signing the Declaration of independence.
America was founded in 1776 and the Constitution in 1789. As
early as 1800, there were anti-slavery movements. Blacks and Arabs
were involved in the slave trade, and, guess what, they still are.
Whitey ceased.
Your point?
Right from the git-go, the prevailing philosophy was FREEDOM for all.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Furthermore, if you're saying that those slaves are still alive and
justifiably angry, man, they sure do look good for their age.
If MY ancestors had been enslaved and tortured, I would still
resent that it had happened to them.
Oh yeah, that's a real productive attitude. Whine about what happened to
your distant ancestors.

Well, my ancestors were severely oppressed by the czar and when they got
off the boat here 50 yrs. after slavery ended, they were told "go live
among your own kind, don't apply for our jobs, and learn to speak English,
you stupid Polacks."

They were treated about the same as blacks were in 1915.

Whine? Fuck no, they literally kissed the sidewalks, so thankful that they
had escaped the czar. They slowly "moved on up."

And I don't feel the least bit resentful about the way they were treated
either here or even in the old country. Shit has happened to everyone's
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
The fact is that the bulk of black anti-social behavior is perpetrated by
people under 40 who have not only never felt the sting of Jim Crow, but
have enjoyed preferential treatment per the so-called affirmative action
policies, set asides, and racial quotas.
And you think that they don't KNOW what had happened in decades
They SHOULD know that they're treated preferentially now, and kick open the
doors of opportunity that this country provides.

Furthermore, what happened in the past does not explain the black-on-black
savagery that is epidemic.

How 'bout that, whigger?
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
No one's perfect, and that includes blacks.
Have you ever given consideration to getting a life, bigot?
And the questions I asked remain unanswered.
No any more. And you continue to be off the deep end over
TRIVIAL matters that aren't even any of your business.
Post by Paris
The one question that whiggers cannot answer is why is black crime,
STD,and out of wedlocks worse now after 50 years of preferential treat-
ment than during Jim Crow?
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.
<already-addressed redundancies snipped>
The only institutional racism today is directed against whites in the form
of govt.-mandated racial preference programs.
MOST of today's racism is case-by-case, not institutional, and
can seem subtle or absent to all but the TARGET of it.
Of course there are left over Jim Bob Rednecks, but institutional racism
during the past 50 years has been against whites, and now we have the top
law dog in the US, Eric Holder, blatantly practicing racism.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Yet despite this reverse racism that favors blacks, their crime, STD,
and OOWs are worse than ever.
Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND -- white
or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
Given preferential treatment, they have regressed.

If they choose to be single mothers, it's because your left wing govt,
started by LBJ's Great Society, told the mammies in effect, "Don't worry
about chasing that man down for support, the gubmint will support y'all."
Thus began our Welfare State."

Then LBJ told his biographer, "We'll have them niggers voting Democrat for
300 years,"
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
2011-04-06 01:11:29 UTC
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 18:12:49 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
I deplore STUPIDITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people,
and race is a triviality.
[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
...black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Requirement? This is the reason the sociologists and black leaders give
for the black juvie crime growing & the black-white academic gap. How can
you expect lille Du'Quan and Moesha to stay home and study when there's no
pappy figure in 70% of the homes? In many cases, pappy is out spreading
his seed all over town and engaging in monkeyshines instead providing the
support the kiddos need. Yeah, that's the way to set an example for the
junior crips.
And any of that would be any of YOUR business WHY, busybody?
Because I want a society that is not anti-social and is educated.
Then so your part to help that along. Move to another country.
Post by Paris
Don't you?
Yes. See above?

[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
If MY ancestors had been enslaved and tortured, I would still
resent that it had happened to them.
Oh yeah, that's a real productive attitude. Whine about what
happened to your distant ancestors.
People should be able to RESPECT the achievements of their
ancestors. I love the commercial where a guy says, "My great-
grandfather was born a slave and dies a businessman."
Post by Paris
Well, my ancestors were severely oppressed by the czar and when
they got off the boat here 50 yrs. after slavery ended, they were told
"go live among your own kind, don't apply for our jobs, and learn to
speak English, you stupid Polacks."
And that is NO LONGER the case. It's a shame that it EVER was.
Except for that "learning English" part. Our homogeneity of language
is one of the things that has made America productive and great.
Post by Paris
They were treated about the same as blacks were in 1915.
Whine? Fuck no, they literally kissed the sidewalks, so thankful that
they had escaped the czar. They slowly "moved on up."
Good for them. (BTW, I didn't know Poland had czars. Was it
controlled by Russia *that* long ago?
Post by Paris
And I don't feel the least bit resentful about the way they were
treated either here or even in the old country. Shit has happened
to everyone's ancestors.
So you should be sorry that they had to go through that, just as
I wish my parents hadn't had to go through the Great Depression.
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
The fact is that the bulk of black anti-social behavior is perpetrated by
people under 40 who have not only never felt the sting of Jim Crow, but
have enjoyed preferential treatment per the so-called affirmative action
policies, set asides, and racial quotas.
And you think that they don't KNOW what had happened in decades
They SHOULD know that they're treated preferentially now, and kick
open the doors of opportunity that this country provides.
The more intelligent an resourceful they are, the better they have
done that. George Washington Carver... MLK, Jr. ... Colin Powell.
Post by Paris
Furthermore, what happened in the past does not explain the
black-on-black savagery that is epidemic.
"Epidemic" to what extent? Large inner cities have had problems
for longer than we've been alive.

[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.
The only institutional racism today is directed against whites in
the form of govt.-mandated racial preference programs.
MOST of today's racism is case-by-case, not institutional, and
can seem subtle or absent to all but the TARGET of it.
Of course there are left over Jim Bob Rednecks, but institutional racism
during the past 50 years has been against whites, and now we have the
top law dog in the US, Eric Holder, blatantly practicing racism.
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Yet despite this reverse racism that favors blacks, their crime, STD,
and OOWs are worse than ever.
Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND -- white
or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
Given preferential treatment, they have regressed.
REPEAT: Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND --
white or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
Post by Paris
If they choose to be single mothers, it's because your left wing govt,
started by LBJ's Great Society, told the mammies in effect, "Don't worry
about chasing that man down for support, the gubmint will support y'all."
Thus began our Welfare State."
Big whoop! Nice TRY! FDR started it with a whole HOST of programs,
including Social Security. How would you like it if the ReTHUGlicans
managed to get THAT cancelled out for your age group before you could
collect a penny of it?

Republicans : Democrats :: Heartless : Spineless
Teabaggers = Clueless
RRR and LDS Cultists = Cretinous & Loathsome

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

••• Rest in Peace •••
••• George Richard Tiller, MD •••
••• A True American HERO! •••
••• August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009 •••
••• Visit -- http://iamdrtiller.com •••

"He saved the lives of thousands of women who would've
died otherwise, thousands who would've been made sterile
or gravely injured by childbirth. He knew his life was at grave
risk. Dr. Tiller was a true Saint."

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- Learn how to get PAID to TRAVEL!
2011-04-06 03:34:02 UTC
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 20:11:29 -0500, (¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 18:12:49 -0400,
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
As an American, I **deplore** the bigotry that has infested our
land. The WORST such infestation that has afflicted this nation since
the segregationists in our Southern states, 65+ years ago!
In its last complete National Criminal Victimization Survey , the Justice
Department revealed blacks to have committed 1,600,951 violent crimes
against whites. Only 15 percent of these had robbery as a motive. We can
safely infer that most of the rest had race as at least a partial motive.
Eighty-five percent of the attacks were assaults and rapes. While blacks
were committing these 1.6 million crimes against whites, whites were
reciprocating with 165,345 violent offenses against blacks. Blacks,
representing thirteen percent of the nation, committed more than 90%
of the violent interracial crime. Fifty-seven percent of the violent crime
committed by blacks had white victims. Less than 3 percent of violence
committed by whites had black victims. A black was 64 times more likely to
attack a white than vice versa. This is the real story of hate in America.
It is the media's well-kept secret.
[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
I deplore STUPIDITY no matter WHO is guilty of it. People are people,
and race is a triviality.
[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
...black out of wedlock rate 25% in 1960; 70% today.
NO big deal, for *either* race. There is NO requirement for children
to be born to married parents. For anyone. White, black, whatever.
Requirement? This is the reason the sociologists and black leaders give
for the black juvie crime growing & the black-white academic gap. How can
you expect lille Du'Quan and Moesha to stay home and study when there's no
pappy figure in 70% of the homes? In many cases, pappy is out spreading
his seed all over town and engaging in monkeyshines instead providing the
support the kiddos need. Yeah, that's the way to set an example for the
junior crips.
And any of that would be any of YOUR business WHY, busybody?
Because I want a society that is not anti-social and is educated.
Then so your part to help that along. Move to another country.
So you prefer a minority group that is anti-social and uneducated.

Keep 'em dumb, dependent, and angry, eh, whigger. Good for votes.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Don't you?
Yes. See above?
So you prefer a minority group that is anti-social and uneducated.

Keep 'em dumb, dependent, and angry, eh, whigger. Good for votes.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
[ ... ]
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
If MY ancestors had been enslaved and tortured, I would still
resent that it had happened to them.
Oh yeah, that's a real productive attitude. Whine about what
happened to your distant ancestors.
People should be able to RESPECT the achievements of their
ancestors. I love the commercial where a guy says, "My great-
grandfather was born a slave and dies a businessman."
People should be able to RESPECT their own acomplishments and not worry
about their ancestors.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Well, my ancestors were severely oppressed by the czar and when
they got off the boat here 50 yrs. after slavery ended, they were told
"go live among your own kind, don't apply for our jobs, and learn to
speak English, you stupid Polacks."
And that is NO LONGER the case. It's a shame that it EVER was.
Except for that "learning English" part. Our homogeneity of language
is one of the things that has made America productive and great.
Yeah, it was a shame but they moved on up, rejected welfare, or "relief" as
it was called, and ol' widowed granny supported 5 sprogs by scrubbing
floors, 4 of whom achieved college degrees, including one with honors from
West Point, and none of whom had a rap sheet.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
They were treated about the same as blacks were in 1915.
Whine? Fuck no, they literally kissed the sidewalks, so thankful that
they had escaped the czar. They slowly "moved on up."
Good for them. (BTW, I didn't know Poland had czars. Was it
controlled by Russia *that* long ago?
The czar and his cronies ruled Eastern Europe until your people took it
over in 1917 and made things even worse.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
And I don't feel the least bit resentful about the way they were
treated either here or even in the old country. Shit has happened
to everyone's ancestors.
So you should be sorry that they had to go through that, just as
I wish my parents hadn't had to go through the Great Depression.
Yeah, the greatest generation, including mom and dad, who copped a Bronze
Star and two Purple Hearts fighting Adolf, endured not only the Depression
but also Hitler and Tojo, and came out smiling and hopeful.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
The fact is that the bulk of black anti-social behavior is perpetrated by
people under 40 who have not only never felt the sting of Jim Crow, but
have enjoyed preferential treatment per the so-called affirmative action
policies, set asides, and racial quotas.
And you think that they don't KNOW what had happened in decades
They SHOULD know that they're treated preferentially now, and kick
open the doors of opportunity that this country provides.
The more intelligent an resourceful they are, the better they have
done that. George Washington Carver... MLK, Jr. ... Colin Powell.
But you want to keep them uneducated and dependent.

I want them to prosper because, frankly, I'm tired of supporting them.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Furthermore, what happened in the past does not explain the
black-on-black savagery that is epidemic.
"Epidemic" to what extent? Large inner cities have had problems
for longer than we've been alive.
[ ... ]
Don't the current crime data reach the moon, or wherever you camp out?
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Jim Crow laws are gone, but racial bigotry and discrimination still
runs rampant by IGNORANT and hateful people. Mostly whites, but
some blacks, too. And that limits opportunity. As for STDs -- ALL
people other than monogamous couples need to learn Safe Sex
methods and practice them WELL. EVERY time.
The only institutional racism today is directed against whites in
the form of govt.-mandated racial preference programs.
MOST of today's racism is case-by-case, not institutional, and
can seem subtle or absent to all but the TARGET of it.
Of course there are left over Jim Bob Rednecks, but institutional racism
during the past 50 years has been against whites, and now we have the
top law dog in the US, Eric Holder, blatantly practicing racism.
Holder? Well, for one, he pronounced that the new Hate Crime law does not
include whites as victims, only as perps. And then he continues to
arrogantly stonewall Congress and EEOC as to why he quietly dismissed
charges against Black Panthers who terrorized white voters at polling
places in 2008, after the career DOJ lawyers had built a solid case.

You really do live on the moon, whigger.
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
Yet despite this reverse racism that favors blacks, their crime, STD,
and OOWs are worse than ever.
Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND -- white
or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
Given preferential treatment, they have regressed.
REPEAT: Given the chance, they'll work those problems out. (AND --
white or black, *many* women CHOOSE to be single mothers.)
REPEAT: Given preferential treatment, their behavior is worse than ever.

They have chosen this route after establishment of our Welfare State,
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.LayoffRemedy.com>
Post by Paris
If they choose to be single mothers, it's because your left wing govt,
started by LBJ's Great Society, told the mammies in effect, "Don't worry
about chasing that man down for support, the gubmint will support y'all."
Thus began our Welfare State."
Big whoop! Nice TRY! FDR started it with a whole HOST of programs,
including Social Security. How would you like it if the ReTHUGlicans
managed to get THAT cancelled out for your age group before you could
collect a penny of it?
FDR did NOT start preferential treatment according to race. FDR said that
Unions have no place in the govt. sector because the taxpayer is their
boss. As for SSA, how would you like it if there is no more money to pay
for social security which, when it began, had someting like 5 people
supporting 1, and now the ratio is someting like 1.2 to 1? And on top of
that, the gov. has been dipping into the title II SSA trust funds for other
purposes since your boy LBJ. Do you think the taxpayer pisses money, or
that it grows on trees?

Geez, most moonbats give me a better argument than you have.
