We are Born into the Assembly of God
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St. Jackanapes
2007-04-02 10:26:01 UTC
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Father Haskell said...
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Father Haskell said...
In alt.flame.jesus.christ, Allan Svensson said...
We are Born into the Assembly of God
Wrong. I was born in a Catholic hospital, not a Pentecostal.
I was born at Cedar's Sinai... gotta go with the Jewish ducKtors.
Ireland Army Hospital, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Secular, unless god's
joined the Army.
He has since him and Dubya teamed up to take over the world.
What's god's rank?
He's just Corporal Jesus H. Christ as of right now. He's some some
learning to do about motivating the troops to go out & kill. But he's
learned plenty from his Daddy's war god days. It was his idea to start a
war to exterminate the Canaananites - whoops, I mean the Iraqis!
St. Jackanapes of Usenet ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
John "Melchizedek & Free Gift" Loiodice: SPNAKED! Wed, 28 Mar 2007
WEBSITE:http://www.jackanapes.ws FORUM:http://www.voy.com/20630/
Alan Conner
2007-04-02 13:36:06 UTC
"St. Jackanapes" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:***@news.alt.net...

He's just Corporal Jesus H. Christ as of right now. He's some some
learning to do about motivating the troops to go out & kill. But he's
learned plenty from his Daddy's war god days. It was his idea to start a
war to exterminate the Canaananites - whoops, I mean the Iraqis!

Pretty good from a god that dosen't exist, huh. But I spend a lot of time
talking bout this non-existent god and his son. You see, I really do believe
they exist, but I don't want to ba accountable to them. Forgive me, please!
St. Jackanapes of Usenet ~ Bearer of The One True Liver ~
Ordained Minister & Holy Saint of The Universal Life Church
John "Melchizedek & Free Gift" Loiodice: SPNAKED! Wed, 28 Mar 2007
WEBSITE:http://www.jackanapes.ws FORUM:http://www.voy.com/20630/

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