Giant online security hole getting fixed, slowly - tvnl news
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2008-08-06 18:15:37 UTC
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Giant online security hole getting fixed, slowly
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 14:06

A giant vulnerability in the Internet's design is allowing criminals to
silently redirect traffic to Web sites under their control. The problem
is being fixed, but its extent remains unknown and many people are still
at risk.

The gaping security hole enables a scam that targets ordinary people
typing in a legitimate Web address. It happens because hackers are now
able to manipulate the machines that help computers find Web sites. If
the trick is done properly, computer users are unlikely to detect
whether they've landed at a legitimate site or an evil double maintained
by someone bent on fraud.

Security experts fear an open season for virus attacks and
identity-fraud scams.

Suskind: Sources of WH forgery claim now under pressure to deny it
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 13:28

Author Ron Suskind says his sources are under "enormous pressure" to
change their stories after revealing to him that the Bush administration
had ordered the CIA to forge a letter from the head of Iraqi
intelligence connecting Iraq to the 9/11 hijackers.

Suskind told NBC's Meredith Vieira on Wednesday morning, "It's
interesting. ... Rob Richer talked to me, and actually other reporters
too, yesterday morning. He was fine, he'd gotten the book Monday night,
read it. And then something happened yesterday afternoon."

"It's one of these instances where you've got a few people whose
testimony could mean the impeachment, ostensibly, of the president,"
Suskind explained. "It's enormous pressure on both men."

US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 496
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 11:57

As of Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008, at least 496 members of the U.S. military
had died in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan as a result of the U.S.
invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, according to the Defense
Department. The department last updated its figures Saturday at 10 a.m. EDT.


TVNL Comment: Are these numbers reported by the TV 'news' networks?
This is the forgotten, never ending war the US government claims to have
won. Watch these numbers grow.....
Kansas politician who crusaded against abortion loses big
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 10:59

For the second time in two years, voters in Kansas have handed a
stinging defeat to Phill Kline, an anti-abortion crusader who's
reputation was made attempting to prosecute the state's abortion
providers, first as state attorney general, and then, after he lost
re-election to that post, as a district attorney in suburban Kansas City.

Abortion played a key role in the race because Kline is the first
prosecutor since Roe v. Wade to file criminal charges against a Planned
Parenthood clinic.

Bin Laden ex-driver found guilty
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 10:52

A US military jury at Guantanamo Bay has found Osama Bin Laden's former
driver guilty of terrorism charges.

The verdict on Salim Hamdan is the first to be delivered in a full war
crimes tribunal at the US prison facility in Cuba.

Unmanned spy planes to police Britain
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 09:56

The Government is drawing up plans to use unmanned "drone" aircraft
currently deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan to counter terrorism and aid
police operations in Britain.

The plans have been backed by the House of Commons Defence Committee but
have attracted criticism from civil liberties campaigners concerned
about the implications of covert surveillance of civilians.

Gareth Crossman, director of policy at the civil rights watchdog
Liberty, said: "The question is not so much about the technology but
what one does with it. We have quite definite laws about where CCTV can
be used but of course with UAVs you have much greater ability to gather
material in private spaces and this would lead to concern."

He added: "If they are used to simply hover to gain random information
then that would obviously be a matter of worry and a civil liberty issue."

Suit brought by 'Savage Nation' radio host tossed
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 09:54

A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit by conservative radio talk
show host Michael Savage against a Muslim rights group that reprinted
his attacks against Islam and called for an advertising boycott.

Savage, who has about 8 million listeners a week on 400 stations for his
syndicated "Savage Nation" program, sued the Council on American-Islamic
Relations in December for copyright infringement.

The organization had posted four minutes of excerpts from an Oct. 29
broadcast in which he called the Quran a "hateful little book" and a
"document of slavery." He said Muslims were "screaming for the blood of
Christians or Jews or anyone they hate."

Texas Executes Mexican Despite Objections
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 09:28

In a case that has drawn international attention, Texas executed José E.
Medellín on Tuesday night in defiance of an international court ruling
and despite pleas from the Bush administration for a new hearing.

The execution came just before 10 p.m. Central time, shortly after the
United States Supreme Court denied a last request for a reprieve.
Protesters for and against the death penalty clamored in the rain
outside the Huntsville Unit, about 70 miles north of Houston, where Mr.
Medellín was executed by lethal injection.

Broccoli may undo diabetes damage
Wednesday, 06 August 2008 09:17

Eating broccoli could reverse the damage caused by diabetes to heart
blood vessels, research suggests.

A University of Warwick team believe the key is a compound found in the
vegetable, called sulforaphane.

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TvnewsLIES.org is a non profit gateway to the real news.
Niels Dettenbach
2008-08-15 16:28:47 UTC
Post by Reggie
A giant vulnerability in the Internet's design is allowing criminals to
silently redirect traffic to Web sites under their control. The problem
is being fixed, but its extent remains unknown and many people are still
at risk.
The gaping security hole enables a scam that targets ordinary people
typing in a legitimate Web address. It happens because hackers are now
able to manipulate the machines that help computers find Web sites. If
the trick is done properly, computer users are unlikely to detect
whether they've landed at a legitimate site or an evil double maintained
by someone bent on fraud.
Security experts fear an open season for virus attacks and
identity-fraud scams.
hey, your new sound "strongly good", but:

It would be more worth to explain the things behind this issue as to bring
out one of these "big internet stories" - like the low level news products
from the US are famous for. This makes your news postings useless for high-
as for low end users too. In case you didn#t explain the problem for the
end user your journalismus is purely worthless...

I assume your posting should be more a commercial ad for your news product
as a useful posting in the manner of the usenet.

The correct point is that there is / was a design "bug" in the DNS (Domain
Name System) - the DNS acts as one of the primary parts of the internet -
the resolution of a hostname (like "yourname.com") to a network address
(IP - like This is a thing whichany internet user would
understand if you explain that in a correct journalistic manner.

All "producers" of the relating software (DNS server software) had released
a security fix. Each ISP has to update the software of his services and
infractructure regularly - this is an important and serious task for each
network admin.

The "hijacking" or "poisoning" of DNS requests was (and is) so easy for
everyone who has access to the corresponding network "path" as reading non
encrypted password for email, websites a.o. internet services.

As the most iraqis get internet over satellite (or by fiber over iran) you
can be shure there are a lot of guys wich let collecting access data to any
kind of services automatically by kiddie-software.

If admins or ISPs didn't follow such a plan they have a mlot of more
security problems and security holes just over some monthes. As i
experienced from such admins results a much bigger problem then the most
internet users aware about. As i experienced too - internet security is ot
a valuable point for the most middle eastern peoples as their ISPs too. So
you can find sometimes the oldest software on the network from the biggest
ISPs in the middle east.

But this seems not in a interest of iraqi press. As a lot of international
journalists are using satellite and network sniffer software to "collect
informations" about the middle east there seems to be no interest in
securing the communication there.

There are a lot of other design problems too in DNS and other famous
internet protocols (like SMTP a.o.) - but no one seems to be aware of that.

best regards,

Niels Dettenbach.
Syndicat IT&Internet
